Monday Madness!

Dec 24, 2012 08:28

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

This week’s secret word is fun

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So, if you see someone use the word FUN, screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam!

(Hee! So much Fun!)

Speaking of FUN - We have a Monday Madness Game Winner!

It’s ks516, who got her Word Search on!

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winners, monday madness, poll

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Comments 3

dragonsinger954 December 24 2012, 18:16:52 UTC
Congratulations KS516!!


kerravonsen December 24 2012, 23:09:42 UTC
You didn't have an option for "already won at Early Bird Bingo" (grin)


christev December 27 2012, 09:01:57 UTC

(oh, sorry, wrong PeeWee word!)


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