How to Claim Early Bird Bingo & Winner List
What are you playing for?
Here's what you're playing for!
How to Claim Early Bird BINGO!
The first and only time a participant gets Early Bird bingo, they must post a comment to this prize entry.
Their first & only Early Bird bingo earns them a prize: first come, first serve. They may continue playing regular exchange bingo for an addition prize win on their Early Bird winning card.
Things to keep in mind:
A. Each player has a chance to win an Early Bird prize, but supplies are limited - be sure to sign up and review early (Early is the point, get it? :-)
B. Once you have called bingo on this prize post (using the form in the textbox below)
Be sure to peruse the
prize list Looking at the THIRD tab - Early Bird prizes, pick your spoils (please rank your top three choices, in case of closely timed claims)
And email them, and a copy of the winning card (WITH REVIEW LINKS) to BOTH of the following mods:
pokeystar - pokeystar1969 @ (remove spaces)
christev - christev.20 @ (remove spaces)
AND Subject: Bingo win - card # (replace # with your card number)
Form to call Early Bird bingo:
Hot Damn! I Haz An EARLY BIRD BINGO! 1. Is this your first and ONLY Early Bird bingo?
2. Is it a column, a row, a diagonal, or four corners?
kerravonsen dragonsinger954 carley9 madeleone mama_pyjama purple_dolphin9 cybrokat juniperus premierludwig ks516 droxy Congratulations to all the participants. Have fun reading and reviewing!