Here we go! The Exchange imPROMPTu Bingo begins!

May 03, 2012 08:18

Hello there everyone,

It’s time for Exchange imPROMPTu Bingo.

What is Exchange imPROMPTu Bingo, you ask?

The Modly Answer:

A fun way to celebrate the sshg_exchange sign-ups, that’s what!

Every participant will receive ONE card, and has the potential to win ONE of three prizes.

There may be cookies involved.

Sign up here - Closed.

Sign-ups start Thursday, May 3 and end Sunday, May 6 at 11:59 pm EST (East Coast, USA)

You will receive your card by Monday evening, May 7.

How to PLAY Exchange Prompt Bingo
  1. Your card has a prompt in every square. This is the prompt you are looking for in the sign-ups posted to the sshg_exchange.

    When a prompt on your card is posted, you can cut & paste the sign up location into your card.

    Example: iulia_linnea’s sign up includes this prompt:

    ”Severus and Hermione are a happy, and by agreement, childless couple until Severus unexpectedly decides that he does want to become a parent. After some consideration, Hermione agrees to start a family with him if he'll agree to bear their child and become his or her primary caregiver. Severus' acceptance of Hermione's conditions is not without its complications-for both of them.”

    If you have a mpreg square, this prompt counts- even though it doesn’t say “mpreg”, the condition is specifically defined.

    Example: shiv5468’s sign up includes this prompt:

    ”Hermione catches Severus cheating and curses a part of his anatomy to grow.”

    This prompt may NOT be counted for either Infidelity nor well-endowed, because those conditions aren’t specifically defined. Severus could be cheating while playing cards. Hermione may have cursed his tongue.

    Each sign-up may be used only once, so choose carefully.

    You may NOT use your own sign up to fill in a square.

    If we find out you cheated (and we always do), you will be shamed in public. With jazz hands. And spirit fingers.

    Also, as the ever-brilliant mundungus42 pointed out, asking for "MLC/MPREG/Regency/Andrew Lloyd Webber songfic with adowable babies just to win at Bingo" will surely result in you RECEIVING said fic. Infinitely more painful than spirit fingers, no?

  2. How do you find the prompt/sign up/comment location?

    Look at the comment/sign-up box. Directly under the user name is a time stamp.

    example: 2010-04-20 02:05 pm (local) (link) ← see the link? Click on that, and the sign-up’s location will be displayed in your browser’s address bar. Cut and paste that info onto your card.

    As you find matching sign-ups, just cut and paste the links into the square with the prompt (it’s helpful during the prize claiming process if each square holds both the prompt and the precise link to the correct sign-up).

    How to WIN Exchange Bingo
    1. Search the sign-ups until your card looks one of three ways (each card equals one prize - once a prize is claimed, that card cannot be played again).

      1. The green squares represent prompts found in the sign-ups. These squares form a S. The first player to call a S wins a banner.

      2. The green squares represent prompts found in the sign-ups. These squares form an H. The first player to call an H wins a banner.

      3. Every square is filled in on the card. This is called a cover-up or blackout (because black ink is typically used in marking traditional bingo cards). The first Cover-up will wins a banner.

    2. You will note that each card’s middle square is designated a “free snape.” This means that square is a freebie, and does not require a prompt to win.

      ATTENTION: if you use the tracker method properly (prompts, card number, links to the sign-up; all in card template provided) to submit claims, your claim will be processed FASTER. If multiple claims (from multiple players) are submitted simultaneously, the MODS reserve the right to process claims utilizing the tracker method FIRST, regardless of received order (because they are easier to check). Capiche?

    3. To claim your win, post a comment to the prompt bingo entry using the form provided

      Form to call bingo:

      Hot Damn! I Haz A BINGO!

      1. Bingo card number?

      2. Is it an H, a S or a cover-up?

      The mods will respond to your claim with further instructions.

    Thank you for playing and have fun!

    A Fugue for Grape Fans

    We got the prompt right here, where she thinks Sev is queer
    and there's a mod that says if the squicks are clear
    Bing Go. Bing Go.

    This mod says the prompt Bing Goes
    If Mod says the prompt Bing Goes
    Bing Go.
    Bing Go.

    :-) Christev, morethansirius, pokeystar & pyjamapants

impromptu, instructions, timeline, ss/hg exchange, introduction, mod post

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