What are you playing for?
Here's what you're playing for!
Each time a participant gets bingo, they must post a comment to this prize entry.
Their first bingo earns them a prize: first come, first serve. After all first bingos have been claimed (one per participant); additional prizes will be distributed according to position in comments. So make sure you post each bingo, if you get more than one.
Things to keep in mind:
A. The first H & the first S called, and all cover ups can claim large prizes. Regular H & S calls can claim small prizes. So, if you are gunning for a large prize, call that bingo first, yes?
B. Once you have called bingo on this prize post (using the form in the textbox below), be sure to peruse the
prize list, pick your spoils (please rank your top three choices, in case of closely timed claims) and email them, and a copy of the winning card (WITH REVIEW LINKS) to BOTH of the following mods:
pokeystar - pokeystar1969 @ gmail.com (remove spaces)
christev - christev.20 @ gmail.com (remove spaces)
Form to call bingo:
Hot Damn! I Haz A BINGO! 1. Is this your first bingo?
2. Is it an H, a S or a cover-up?
teddyradiator (First H)
rayvyn2k rayvyn2k (First S)
pern_dragon reynardo (First Cover-up)
apollinav christev reynardo nothingness101 teddyradiator madeleone drinkingcocoa devsgma leandra713 lariopefic linlawless kerravonsen cybrokat leandra713 linlawless linlawless rayvyn2k morethansirius morethansirius reynardo serpentinasnape curi_o linlawless madeleone juniperus madeleone drinkingcocoa mischievous_t lariopefic cybrokat teddyradiator lotrangel17 christev lariopefic devsgma dragonsinger954 sabrebabe morethansirius dragonsinger954 carliesams dragonsinger954 christev dragonsinger954 pennswoods dragonsinger954 curi_o linlawless linlawless darnedchild serpentinasnape reynardo mrs_helenesnape reynardo kerravonsen reynardo gingertart50 pern_dragon tudorpot pern_dragon irishredlass69 juniperus kerravonsen pokeystar kerravonsen juniperus drinkingcocoa pern_dragon sabrebabe citrinestone darnedchild deirdre_aithne lariopefic teddyradiator bambu345 mama_pyjama lariopefic curi_o tudorpot devsgma tudorpot curi_o morethansirius gingertart50 owlbait pern_dragon pern_dragon prolurk klschmidt1309 pokeystar rayvyn2k carliesams darnedchild reynardo rayvyn2k teddyradiator timestep missingkeys darnedchild darnedchild juniperus madeleone rayvyn2k irishredlass69 irishredlass69 Congratulations to all the participants. Have fun reading and reviewing!