Hesitating to sign up and play?
Perhaps you need some prize ideas to make the sign up process easier.
Here's a list of possibilities, but remember, the sky's the limit! Consider what your strengths and interests are, and play to them!
Please remember that the prize form will ask for a link to a sample of your work.
Something knitted or crocheted (bookmark, scarf, hat)
Pottery or Clay crafts
A Wand
A Death Eater mask
Hand-crafted jewelery
Cookies, cakes, or candies
Story banners
pencil cup
photo manips
Illustrated stories
LJ Makeover
Fic translation (with whatever word count limit the translator feels is appropriate)
Beta or britpicking services (again, with word limit)
PDF version of fic - like the pdf of Black Coffee on a Lonely Night or His Delicate Draught of Poison, approaching Red Hen style
ebook version of fanfic (winners or with another author's permission)
DVD-style commentary to a fic (i.e. Severus's snarky commentary, or Hermione and Severus bantering about it. Or the whole cast of characters. Heck, pretend Luna's the director!)
Pimp agent - will pimp anything the recipient requests for a month
You've got mail - prize is twelve letters/gifts/postcards over a year
Audio recording of story
Soundtrack for fan fic
A regional food product (for example, Belgian chocolates or TIM TAMS)
A photo calendar of pictures from a convention
A photo calendar of pictures from your city/country
Offer to take someone's Severus or Hermione doll/action figure on a photo tour of your city
Offer to design holiday fandom cards for someone
Hard copy of fic, bound and mailed to the winner
LJ Tokens
Amazon or Netflix gift certificates
Keep in mind that small prizes (which give you one card) should be something you can complete in the range of one to two hours and have a low (or non-existent) shipping cost. Large prizes should be more in the range of 8-10 hours or include shipping and materials cost.
Anyone else have any ideas to share?