Well, I thought about it. But I think the one I was mistakenly shipped is a bit too big for the footprint of the other old one. And the cats are being a bit wary of the new one already - I think if I replaced both at once their little heads might explode.
There is also the fact that the other old one - the one that used to be yours! - is not as beat up as the red one, but is not in great shape. I wouldn't want to pass that one along to anyone else, being grotty and full of years' worth of cat fur. The red one just went to the dumpster; by keeping the other old one and getting rid of the inadvertent new one, that means one less thing in the garbage that doesn't need to be. Just yet. =)
So jealous!! I'm still thinking about finding a cat tree that might fit in that space between the lamp and the other tree. Like my room isn't crowded enough. But the cats would have so much fun!!
Comments 3
There is also the fact that the other old one - the one that used to be yours! - is not as beat up as the red one, but is not in great shape. I wouldn't want to pass that one along to anyone else, being grotty and full of years' worth of cat fur. The red one just went to the dumpster; by keeping the other old one and getting rid of the inadvertent new one, that means one less thing in the garbage that doesn't need to be. Just yet. =)
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