Title: Defection Rating: K Continuity: Any Characters: Optimus Prime, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, ?? Disclaimer: Don't own Prompt: 1. The good man is the friend of all living things. ~Mahatma Gandhi
I confess to being WAY behind on reviews of your lovely stories, so I hope this makes up in some small measure =) You have included parts of my RL name in 2 prompts, which I found tickled my fancy. Esp the beach one since I liked the POV and the 'logical' conclusion as laying on grity sand with someone care about is the best
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Re: Awesome to the Extreme!exactly_whatMay 31 2013, 01:51:02 UTC
Defection: Heh... The bunnies insisted. :)
Powers: AllSpark!Simmons is fun to write. ^.^ And yes, I do like little drabbles. They're easy to write. Not to mention fun. :D
Dimensional Travels: Hahahaha... Indeed! :D I was trying to figure out which movie to use for that prompt, then watched WFRR with my family, and was like, "DANG SIDESWIPE WOULD HAVE A BALL IN THE ACME WAREHOUSE! OOOH! I had a prompt for that!" And the fic was born. ^.^
Dawn: Exactly. Good company makes most boring/tedious/annoying situations tolerable. :)
Already Ended: Yes, I got inspiration from that other fic. Plus, I was in a bad (mostly hormone-induced) mood, so killing off everybody was a good stress reliever. :D
Allowances: Hahaha... Storage Bay B-13... This could fit in with Wise Mechs, but wasn't written specifically for it. And B-13 is just something I use when I have need of a random storage closet. In headcanon, there's lots going on in Storage Bay/Room B-13. ^.^
Comments 4
Powers: AllSpark!Simmons is fun to write. ^.^ And yes, I do like little drabbles. They're easy to write. Not to mention fun. :D
Dimensional Travels: Hahahaha... Indeed! :D I was trying to figure out which movie to use for that prompt, then watched WFRR with my family, and was like, "DANG SIDESWIPE WOULD HAVE A BALL IN THE ACME WAREHOUSE! OOOH! I had a prompt for that!" And the fic was born. ^.^
Dawn: Exactly. Good company makes most boring/tedious/annoying situations tolerable. :)
Already Ended: Yes, I got inspiration from that other fic. Plus, I was in a bad (mostly hormone-induced) mood, so killing off everybody was a good stress reliever. :D
Allowances: Hahaha... Storage Bay B-13... This could fit in with Wise Mechs, but wasn't written specifically for it. And B-13 is just something I use when I have need of a random storage closet. In headcanon, there's lots going on in Storage Bay/Room B-13. ^.^
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