Warm Fuzzies: Fourth Set

May 10, 2013 12:17

Last fuzzies: Cosmos, Wheeljack, Ratchet, Cosmos, Blaster, Swoop, Jazz

Thank you to Wildwhisker, Yoru Hana 1, Starfire201, and kkcliffy for these fluffies!



Everyone says you're narcissistic. Everyone says that one day you'll snap and kill us all in your recharge. But they're wrong. They don't know that you're the more stable one. They don’t know that you're the stronger one. Or maybe they know that, but they only think that it means you're physically stronger.

But, see, they don't get it. They should. They really should. You're such a good person when you're given a chance. More people should give you a chance.


Optimus Prime,

You're really tall. Does it make it easier for you to find individuals in a
crowd or do you get worried that you'll step on a minibot? I know I can find
you with great ease because you stick out really well, especially with your
paint job. I like how calming it is to talk to you and be in your presence.
When everyone is busy and I feel alone, I come to you because you have the
best hugs!



I understand that this is supposed to make matters better, but I didn't actually think that you'd go through with this slagging, stupid stunt. It's a fragging waste of my time and yours. I have just as large of a workload as you do and there's no need to make it even larger. You better be getting more sleep or else you're going to pass out again and I'm not going to haul your sorry aft to the medbay in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping. That being said, good job on refueling properly. I greatly appreciate it when you show up on time to your appointments. However, you need to keep in mind that just because you're not dying doesn't mean that you're functioning within acceptable parameters.



You Grimock good strong Dinobot leader. Even when you Grimlock make stupid decisions you Grimlock trying to do what is best for us Dinobots. Me proud me have leader like you Grimlock.


Red Alert,

You do real BAM! good and you shouldn't let the words of others, make you ZOWIE! forget about those that care for you! Just BLAMMO! push on though!



Hey Ratchet, I just wanted to thank you for doing such a good job of repairing us when we need it. I know it's got to be very annoying for you to have to deal with all of it with no thanks from anyone. If it helps, I don't think you're as much of a grouch as Tracks says you are. You have to put up with 'Cons and damage caused by pranks and all that, and I know Sideswipe didn't mean it when he said you're out to kill us all in our recharge. Of course, I think that was only because of your threat to reformat him into a femme for his involvement in the honey incident. He didn't mean for you to get covered in it. He was trying to get Prowl and Chip distracted him from coming in. By the way, what does "chain reaction explosion" mean? I heard Wheeljack saying that his next experiment might cause one...



I just want to tell you how wonderful I thought your latest building was before it got destroyed in the battle. In fact, I was admiring it so much, I didn't see Devastator's foot and ran right into him! Sorry for tripping him and making him fall on the tower, by the way.

Anyway, I really hope your next work manages not to get destroyed!

co-author: yoru hana 1, co-author: kkcliffy, fandom: transformers g1'verse, co-author: starfire201, story: warm fuzzies, content: fanfic, co-author: wildwhisker

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