Warm Fuzzies: Second Set

Apr 23, 2013 09:50

Thank you to Starfire201, rose0mary, and kkcliffy. You guys are awesome! :D

The senders from the fuzzies in the last chapter, in order: Prowl, Huffer, Wheeljack, Tracks, Sideswipe, Smokescreen, and Jazz. :)

Now, onto our regularly scheduled -- ahem, I mean, now, onto the second set of Fuzzies! :D


Notice: Many of you have confronted me about these, their validity, and why, exactly, I chose these. I do belive the "why" was explained in the notice I posted last orn. Their validity has been proven by many human scientists, and proved many times over. I understand that these are human scientists, and we are not human, but I have discussed this matter with all relevent personel, and all agree that the theories are simple enough and easily applied to our species as well.

Therefore, despite your arguments, I will continue to require you to turn in your warm fuzzies.

That covered, here are the fuzzies I recieved this orn:



I'm only doing this because Prowl's a stick-aft, and he thinks this is a good idea. You're a big-mouthed fragger who doesn't know when to shut up, and that drives me insane, but you do have those big-aft guns, and you do watch our backs in battle...



It has come to my attention that you have been overlooked recently. That is not right.
You play just as important part in keeping us intact and functioning as everyone else. Your contributions, both those during battle, and those made on duty, have been noticed and appreciated.

I just want to thank you for not giving up on us, even though we have failed you more on more than one occasion.



I just want you to know that I really appreciate the parties you throw. You know, the ones where you bring your home-brewed high-grade?

Anyway, there is no one else on this planet who knows how to throw a proper Cybertronian party - and you manage to do it in style!

How do you do it? Always providing the best energon available - now and before the war broke out?
Not that the high-grade is the only reason I speak to you, but the intake of high-grade on both our parts makes your presence more enjoyable.



You're a good bot, you know. You were one of the first to treat Mirage like a normal mech, not like a former noble and not like a Special Ops bot. Just a mech. You earned my respect the day you first came up to him with your cube and asked to sit down, and have kept it since. :)



You Ironhide strong warrior. You not weak like other pitiful Autobots. Me a-ninny-mous admire you Ironhide's cannons. You Ironhide blast big holes in Decepticon weapons. Make them wimpy Decepticons run away.


Red Alert,

You do an admirable job protecting us all from would-be intruders. You exceed all expectations I previously held for Security Directors. I enjoy spending quiet time playing strategy games with you while avoiding the more active members of the crew. Thanks to you, I feel quite secure while I am in the base. I'm sure you will continue to impress us all with your ability to detect even the smallest of trespassers.
Thank you.



You're an idiot, Sides. And I mean that in the best way possible. You make a fool of yourself so other people can laugh - they don't realize you're doing it, but... You're our joker, our comedic relief. We'd be lost without you.

(And you know it, too, slagger.)

co-author: kkcliffy, fandom: transformers g1'verse, co-author: starfire201, co-author: rose0mary, story: warm fuzzies, content: fanfic

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