Divisions: Chapter 3

Apr 05, 2013 13:43

Just a little something. I've been trying to work on it for the past few days, but the Spark Deep bunny took over. This is just a short chapter to tide all'a y'alls over until the bunny comes back.

Title: Divisions: Chapter 3: After
Rating: T
Continuity: G1/Movieverse

Chapter 3: After

PR0.W13.R watched as J422 collapsed on his berth. He understood, sort of. The drug bust had gone well. Nothing had gone amiss, the dealers were all in custody, and the drugs were currently in the process of being destroyed.

But, as he understood these things, it had been exhausting for the walking-sparks. They had worked hard.

::Enforcer J422?::

::Mm... Yeah, PR?:: the mech asked drowsily, rolling over and glancing up at the camera. The room was dark, the fifteen other mechs who stayed in the same room already recharging.

::I... wish to understand something.::

::Okay,:: Jazz said, well aware by now that the osa needed confirmation that it was fine to speak his mind, just as any new preprogrammed mech did. ::Go ahead.::

::Why do mechs partake of these drugs? It is completely illogical, detrimental to their health and finances, and results in only suffering. Why do people do it?::

::Mm,:: J422 hummed again, rolling over. ::I'm not entirely sure, but... I think it's mainly because they need a way to cope. Well, the people we busted today, at least. They hate their lives, feel like there's no hope, or just feel lost and alone, and they turn to drugs, stimulants, and high-grade to forget for a while. The other reason would be boredom, but that's more of a problem in the upper districts. You won't find that down here.::

::I see,:: PR0.W13.R said, turning a couple thought-threads to examining that answer.

::PR, don't dwell on it too much. Why they do it doesn't matter for us. We just have to stop them and hand them over to the guys who do know that stuff and can fix it.::

::It still seems as though more could be done.::

The urge to help was a strange one. He couldn't explain it. Was this one of those emotions J422 had been talking about?

::I know, PR. But the Enforcers down here don't have the credits or power to do anything more. We just do what we can with what we get, and keep hoping that it's enough.::

::That seems... rather...::

::Hopeless? Yeah. Most things down here are. Now, I’ve gotta recharge... It's been a long orn. Can we talk more tomorrow, when I’m on patrol?::

::Will I not distract you?::

A wry chuckle. ::No, you won't. I may not be as advanced as you, but I can talk and keep an optic open at the same time.::

::Very well. Next orn, then, Enforcer Jazz.::

::Good night, PR.::

character: jazz, fandom: transformers g1'verse, fandom: transformers au'verse, character: prowl, pairing: prowl/jazz, story: divisions, content: fanfic

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