I used a rename token on my old journal and switched the name to this journal. If you are confused, then you are very much like my husband because he doesn't get it either.
Anyway, if you had me added, you'll have to re-add me. Sorry for any confusion, etc.
go here:
Comments 2
I need step-by-step instructions and a certificate once I've completed the course.
I liked the journal no_pearls, because I have so many old entries there that I wanted easier access to. But I really outgrew the name, and I am so nuts about names so! ...
I found out that you can use a rename token and switch the name of one journal to the name of another journal (if they have the same email/password). So I liked the name anteriority and I made no_pearls turn into anteriority. And what used to be called anteriority is now called ex_anteriori421, which is really sexy, actually.
So, in closing, yes you delete this one, and add the other one, and then do two cartwheels and kiss your elbow.
Also, I was going to email you but I have a different email address from the one you know so I didn't want to be confusing. I will make the subject "don't you like my sweater?" and then you'll know it's me.
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