I've had some version of Treo for quite some time, going from the 300 to the 650p and now the 700p. In recent months I had pretty much settled on getting an HTC EVO (I live in Sprint 4G territory), the only real question being when I'd get around to it but now they've gone and released a new version with a physical hardware keyboard (it's smaller
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Comments 15
Yep, edited to clarify. Thanks for weighing in. (Speaking of which, how fares the battle of the bulge?)
And I hate the virtual keyboard.
However, my previous phone was a treo, and the iphone was such a huge upgrade in every other way that the much worse keyboard didn't really detract from my enjoyment.
I haven't tried a modern smartphone with a real keyboard, but I imagine it would be an upgrade.
I got the Evo in May, and have no regrets. Swype is a very good soft keyboard, and for short messages, is faster (for me) than a tiny physical keyboard. For ssh usage, it's a pain to switch to a weaker keyboard app that does control and special keys well, but that's well into special-purpose territory.
I have used Swype/Shapewriter, and while it's generally an improvement over the stock virtual keyboard, it still sucks a lot compared to a physical keyboard, especially for numbers and symbols.
One note about the Epic - that 5th row of numbers is actually pretty nice (based on my usage of the G1, which also had 5 rows). But I also used the G1 a lot for recording poker results. It's mildly helpful for things like passwords and the like as well. My internal monologue rails against the lack of the 5th row on the G2 pretty often, but that's probably just because I used the G1 before.
I think my typing speed on a regular keyboard hovers around 90-100 WPM, but I haven't measured recently.
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