Aug 10, 2008 15:23
[A loud rumbling can be heard inside #RoleplayX Arena]
EVVIE THE REF: ...god, what now?! This place is always rumbling around for one reason or another. >:O
MAYA THE RECEPTIONIST: Uh, I'm not exactly sure. [files things in a nearby cabinet]
EvtR: You're awfully calm about this.
MAYA: Yeah well, thanks to Miss Rena talking to me about refs and their arenas a bit, I've gotten more used to the weird stuff that's been happening.
EvtR: I..see.
[Rumbling continues]
EvtR: I guess I'll go see what's going on. [gets up and heads into the Arena]
[The arena is gone and is replaced with a large white space with pieces of Arena floating around in it. On the top is a man and a girl.]
EvtR: Hey, you! What the hell did you do to my arena?!
???: Bwahaha! Now AIDA is all mine!
EvtR: ..AIDA, what?
[The man steps into the light and reveals himself to be SAKAKI, the second in command of the Moon Tree guild. The girl is surrounded by a black light and seems to be floating. She groans a little.]
SAKAKI: Now that I have Atoli, her avatar will be under my control. :O
EvtR: ..well, shit. I'll get the heroes. >:O MAYA, CANCEL THE BOSS.
[MAYA pokes her head in]
MAYA: Uh, EvtR, I've already cancelled on this guy twice now. I don't think a 3rd time would be wise-- [MAYA fully takes in the scene playing out in the "Arena"]
MAYA: ..right. Cancel on that guy it is.
So instead of boring old Mom Bomb, I decided to do something more fun: Protect Atoli mini-event.
On the bosses, it'll start out as Sakaki and AIDAtoli. The bosses themselves are a classic tank/mage setup, with Sakaki being a Blademaster bringing the physical hurt (he has Counter, so phys classes, look out) and AIDAtoli with the Black Mage skillset with a secondary in Harvest Cleric. This gives her access to the powerful Cadenza skill, so be wary of that.
FORTUNATELY FOR YOU, THOUGH, after you deal enough damage to AIDAtoli, you'll knock the AIDA right out of her. When this happens, she'll dash away from Sakaki and run over to the heroes. This leaves Sakaki and the AIDA whose name is simply VICTORIAN.
VICTORIAN loses the Black Magic and Harvest Cleric skills that Atoli had, but gains its own skillset as well as some things like Return Magic and Slow.
And yes, for you really smart people, this means that Sakaki has Counter and VICTORIAN has Return Magic. What does that tell you?
Once the changing of sides has finished, Atoli will be on the heroes' side with simply her Harvest Cleric skillset, and VICTORIAN will take her place with the AIDA skillset it has.
Atoli will do her best to keep herself healthy, barring extreme need for hero healing. She also has some fun like Repth(single target healing), La Repth(arena healing), Ol Repth(massive single target healing), Rip Maen(Life), Rip Param(Esuna in a funny hat), RaRip Maen(Phoenix in a funny hat; drains all her MP, will only use in an emergency). She also has Cadenza, a skill that heals half of a unit's HP as well as adds Evade Up. This won't be as useful on hero characters, so you probably won't see this. She also has, for good measure, Holy. :O
Remember that if Atoli is KO'd, you lose. The bonus is that she's quite capable of taking care of not only herself but others too. Take my advice and keep her Hasted, Auto-Lifed, Metalled or Bubbled or anything that keeps her safe.
In Ninja/Fleur news, it's still up in the air if Ninja will be ready by Monday (Fleur definitely won't). It depends on if I find time to do it.
Either way, protecting Atoli begins at 9.