My first Ellowyne Wilde: a precious birthday gift

May 17, 2011 23:17

A few months ago I joined a website for fashion doll collectors and I met Mark. Through him I got to know Ellowyne Wilde dolls and I wanted one badly, but needless to say I didn't have the funds... and I still don't. But the sweetheart decided that he was getting rid of some of his and he'd rather give them a new home where he knew they'd be badly wanted instead of selling them on eBay... so, a few days before my birthday he sent me a message with pictures of three dolls... all I had to do was choose and he'd send me one. I was - and still am - flabbergasted, for these dolls aren't cheap and he also paid for shipping from the USA all the way to the Netherlands. The Ellowyne of my choice, "Moody Blues", arrived today, and yay, no customs charge (he decorated the package with kitty stickers and wrote 'birthday gift' on it like three times, but you never know right? ;))...

I love her..!! Here's some photos, I couldn't wait till I had made some clothes for her, which I will do soon

So, warning: dollieh nudity below!

P.S.: She still had her original hairdo, but I carefully let down her hair and now I love her even more

Before I let her hair down:

After I let her hair down:

- Ev

moody, ellowyne, wilde, tonner, blues, imagination

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