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Comments 947

burntheflaws August 28 2013, 19:42:50 UTC
Name: Lily
Age/Gender: 22
Country: USA
Years active: Oh boy, around seven years on and off? I feel old.

Your Colour: I don't think I have one, but maybe purple?
Your Character: Sun from Lost. I don't icon her as much as I'd like, but she's one character whose caps I've never gotten sick of.
Your Fandom: Either Lost or Nikita.
Your Technique: Hurling textures and text at my PS canvas.
Your Textures: I love using them all, though grungy and weirdly decorative/geometric/compositional ones are my jam right now.
Your Font: That's like asking me to choose a favorite baby, but maybe Elephant at the moment.
Your Weakness: Probably sharpening and trying not to clutter up my icons (I fail most of the time).

Favourite maker(s): I'm pretty old school with my tastes, so I'd say tihana, no_delusion, hellododger, prettybutt and motorized. But I'm also a big fan of calikalie, theotherayn, dancelies, daynawashere, john_scorpy and jokermary. I can already tell that I've left out a bunch of people, but I usually go for specific icons rather than makers anyway.

... )


jsfunction August 28 2013, 20:04:20 UTC
Well now that you went for the awesome 'top 5' option, I'll definitely take this chance to squeeze some more Lost icons out of you by asking you to icon your top 5 Lost characters, if that's ok! :D

I wish I had been around during those 'old school' days! I feel like I've missed some really awesome things when there was more going on and some really great icons around. I'll go and check the makers you recced.


burntheflaws August 29 2013, 17:18:43 UTC
Of course! I get the feeling we won't have many characters in common, but there's always good ol' Sawyer, haha.

They're definitely worth a look. I've finally started putting together an inspiration folder and, no joke, I have more than 70 icons saved from one of those makers.


raiindust August 28 2013, 22:07:18 UTC
Hurling textures and text at my PS canvas.
BEST VISUAL EVER. Seriously. This is how all texture work should be done, lol.

I have such a love for old school makers as well, when I went back and saved heaps of older icons for a t-r round last year, it was like major nostalgia times. IDK why, but their icons seemed braver back then, or there was a lot less unnecessary criticism.

TOP 5 DISNEY FILMS, or sidekicks, or characters? I don't mind. I just love that you have so many fantastic Disney movies listed in your profile.


vintagic August 28 2013, 20:01:09 UTC
Name: Alicia
Age/Gender: 25/Female
Country: Spain
Years active: around... 4?

Your Colour: I'd say blues, and greens mostly, although I try to make different colours.
Your Character: Castiel! If you know me, or at least if you have seen some of my post you'll see he is in most of them. I have some kind of obsession with him, idk, I just love this character so much, and Misha, oh Misha, I better don't start talking about how much I love and admire Misha Collins!
Your Fandom: Supernatura would be my main fandom, but I also love the marvel verse movies a lot, and of course Bryan Fuller shows, because of the scenery and the colours, and of course all Tolkien because of reasons.
Your Technique: I love doing negative spaces, and fake backgrounds. I've spend a lot of time practising to improve and get better at this.
Your Textures: Grunge, ligh, decorative and glowy.
Your Font: I'm a INTRO FONT girl, I also like Fantasy fonts a lot, altought I suck at text.
Your Weakness: Text, as I said. And probably the ( ... )


justmyb0nes August 28 2013, 20:26:46 UTC
what can I say about your LIYM ? It is fracking brilliant as always.
For the problem with oversaturation, try either vibrance either a black/white gradient map and play with the opacity. It saved me some icons :)


vintagic August 28 2013, 20:29:59 UTC
Thank youu Renly always inspires me ~♥
Oh I'll try that because sometimes I get so frustrated that I end up deleting the whole icon, thank you! :D


raiindust August 28 2013, 22:16:30 UTC
I definitely think I should find a Bryan Fuller show to try. All those reasons seem incredibly valid from an icon making pov, and I definitely love watching shows that have stunning scenery and colours.

Top 5 reasons to watch Supernatural if you had to sell it to someone who watches five minutes of the show and freaks out. This is a valid list to ask for, I swear.


ofthesea August 28 2013, 20:10:33 UTC
Name: Emma-Jane
Age/Gender: OLD/F
Country: France
Years active: probably about 7 years

Your Colour: Red/Purple
Your Character: Morgana (Merlin)
Your Fandom: Doctor Who
Your Technique: Lighting
Your Textures: Colour overlays / Light textures
Your Font: Twentieth Century
Your Weakness: Complexity

Favourite maker(s): takethewords, longerthanwedo, likealight, 12feethigh, naginis

... )


justmyb0nes August 28 2013, 20:23:35 UTC
takethewords made the most beautiful icons. (S)he was such a great maker. I miss her!!!

Your icon is gorgeous (as always - and they are for years. You're one of the most constant brilliant maker around)


ofthesea August 29 2013, 12:12:56 UTC
I know, takethewords icons will always be my favourite. They are so brilliant and beautiful! :)

And thank you!! ♥ you're so sweet! :D


raiindust August 28 2013, 22:23:32 UTC
I totally want to say Top 5 Harry Potter moments, or screencaps, or characters, because your HP icons are so gorgeous.


justmyb0nes August 28 2013, 20:11:31 UTC
Name: Sky
Age/Gender: 28/female
Years active: 5 years

Your Colour: green/yellow
Your Character: I don't know.
Your Fandom: when I'm in doubt, I always end up with working with Star Trek (Abrams') But I work with tons of fandoms, shows and movies.
Your Technique: minimalistic and close crop
Your Textures: grunge and light
Your Font: none
Your Weakness: TEXT

Favourite maker(s): urgh so many: emily_reich, calikalie, daynawashere, hopeitallaway, vintagic, vetica, navras_reyha, appleindecay, burymyregret, endearest, motorized, mm3butterfly, theotherayn, elli, oviedo, nottiem, talipuu, absolutelybatty, wickdshy, deny1984, longerthanwedo, fprintmoon, ohfreckle, fulminant, motorized and tons more
Inspiration: see above
... )


nottiem August 28 2013, 23:58:19 UTC
thanks a lot for including me at your faves! :D
i must say, that blad runner icon is breathtaking! i mean, look at that! WOW.

could i ask top5 jake gyllenhaal movies? :D


12feethigh August 29 2013, 00:07:31 UTC


marcasite August 29 2013, 00:09:02 UTC
You know I am a huge fan of yours! I love your top 5 so much. The third one, OMG and the last one! Where does that color come from?

How about your Top 5 male characters?


the_silverdoe August 28 2013, 20:23:01 UTC
Name: Matilda
Age/Gender: 19/F
Country: France
Years active: Nearly two

Your Colour: Blue/cyan at the moment.
Your Character: Ros Myers from Spooks is my favourite character ever and I've made a lot of icons of her. Rumple/Gold and Emma from OUAT are probably my most iconned characters this year, and lately Sarah from Orphan Black and Sawyer from LOST have been my main obsessions.
Your Fandom: Once Upon a Time and Doctor Who.
Your Technique: Lighting, colouring.
Your Textures: Light and grunge.
Your Font: Rockwell.
Your Weakness: Blending and sharpening.

Favourite maker(s): No but I love everyone! talipuu, raiindust, blue_emotion, daynawashere, hauntes and everyone because everyone is in my inspiration folder at least once!
... )


nottiem August 29 2013, 00:01:27 UTC
thank you for including me at your praise icons! :D
the light at that emma icon is pretty! i really like it!


raiindust August 29 2013, 01:02:07 UTC
That last icon you made is absolutely stunning! I LOVE the complexity behind it all, and the texture work is absolutely amazing.

Rockwell is the BEST font ever. Seriously. It's so amazing and works on almost everything.

Okay, how about Top 5 Hair!Porn shots? Because hair is always fun to icon!


library_of_sex August 29 2013, 02:19:44 UTC
I wanna slap that nyaza icon for having such incredible text. Dammit.

As for icons, I shall give you 5 themes/words to interpret however you choose: distortion / fury / blocking / shiny / personal


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