[FIC] Ace Attorney: Promise

Mar 27, 2008 01:34

Court Records: Naked Gavin Day. I'm a few hours late, but hey. =D


Characters/Pairings: Klavier/Kristoph
Rating: NC-17
Words: 3061
Summary: Perhaps they weren’t normal brothers. But neither of them would have it any other way. Pre-GS4

Klavier looked up as the door slammed shut. Kristoph stood in front of it, his lips white and brows tightly creased.

Closing his book and placing it on the table, he stood up and walked over to his older brother, placing a gentle hand on a shoulder.

“Bad trial?” he asked softly.

Kristoph shook his head, his shoulders slumping as he leaned against the door, his perfect posture disappearing in the matter of seconds.

He sighed, “I lost the case. The client lied to me.” He clenched his right hand into a fist, “He humiliated me in front of the whole courtroom because he changed his story midway through the trial. I believed in his innocence, I really did, and yet…” he broke off, turning away. His hand shook as he reached up to brush it out of his eyes.

Klavier took that hand into his, kissing the scar on the back of it tenderly. He then kissed the knuckles, caressing the palm with guitar-calloused fingers.

“It wasn’t your fault, Kris,” he looked up, meeting Kristoph’ eyes with his own, trying to reassure his brother. “You couldn’t have known….”

Kristoph didn’t say a word, still looking. But he seemed to be calming down.

His younger brother leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on his temple.

“Don’t keep brooding over it, Bruder,” he said. “It’s not your fault.” He embraced Kristoph loosely. “Do you want a hot bath? I’ll give you a massage…” He let his voice trail off on that suggestive note.

Kristoph laughed softly, “You spoil me, Klavier.” Leaning into the embrace, he smiled against Klavier’s shoulder. “That sounds absolutely wonderful.”

Klavier ran his hand through his brother’s hair, unravelling it from its customary twist. He massaged the scalp slightly.

The older blond hummed low in his throat, lifting his head up to kiss Klavier on the cheek. “That feels nice,” he smiled, looking noticeably less tense. “And the hot bath sounds really good right now.”

His brother laughed, letting him go grudgingly, “I’ll get ready for you massage.”

Kristoph nodded, brushing his wavy hair away from his eyes. He gave Klavier a small, completely genuine smile.

“Thank you, Brüderlein.”

Klavier grinned, “You’re welcome, Bruder.”


Brushing his hands on his pants, Klavier smiled to himself in satisfaction as he surveyed the scene before him. He had changed their normal cotton sheets to the luxurious Egyptian silk sheets (that would most likely be ruined, but Klavier figured that they could spare this expense). He has also just placed scented jasmine candles around the bed and lit them, so that a soft jasmine scent now filled the room, calming and soothing. The candles casted a soft glow around the bed that was rather… romantic.

Which was the effect that Klavier was going for, really.

He fidgeted with the bottle of jasmine massage oil in his hands as he waited.

The bathroom door opened. Kristoph stepped into the room, naked but for a towel wrapped around his waist and another on his shoulders.

The older blond had heard his younger brother puttering around the room when he was taking his bath, of course. He had expected something extravagant, even though this was just something spontaneous - this was Klavier they were talking about, after all.

But the candles surprised him still.

Klavier grinned at the sight of his speechless brother. He took a moment to admire the sight of Kristoph naked, still slightly wet from the bath with beads of water making his skin glisten and his eyes gleam in the candlelight.

He walked forward, stopping right in front of his brother. Leaning in, he pressed a chaste kiss on Kristoph’s lips.

“Do you like it?” his smile widened. He was so pleased to have been able to surprise his brother.

Kristoph couldn’t help but smile back gently, “Yes, yes I do.” He took a long, deep breath. “Mmm… Jasmine?”

“Yep!” Klavier gave him a much more exuberant smile in return. “Your favourite, Bruder.”

He closed his hand over Kristoph’s wrist, tugging him towards the bed. “I promised a massage, didn’t I?”

Kristoph nodded, laughing. “Yes. You had also promised something else, if I had interpreted you correctly.”

He sat down on the bed, his wrist still captured in Klavier’s hand.

Klavier nodded, completely unembarrassed, “I did,” he winked. But that’s for later... for now, lie down on your stomach, please?”

Kristoph smiled, obeying him good-naturedly. He laid down on the silk sheets, relishing the feel of them on his skin, and let his chin drop onto the sole pillow on the bed.

His brother smiled in anticipation. He poured a small amount of the oil onto his palms, rubbing them together to warm up the oil. He made sure that Kristoph was comfortable on the bed, brushing long, wet blond hair away from his neck.

“Ready?” he asked, voice lowered to a whisper. Kristoph nodded.

He started with the neck, pressing his fingers gently against the skin, massaging the muscles underneath in small, rhythmic circles until he felt the muscles untensing and loosening under his hands.

Smiling to himself, Klavier moved to the shoulders, kneading them with light pressure. He hummed tunelessly under his breath as he slowly increased the pressure and strength used as he slowly travelled down his brother’s back.

Kristoph’s eyes were closed, and he had utterly relaxed look on his face.

Klavier rarely had the chance to see his brother so at ease, much less being vulnerable., Kristoph usually held such tight control over himself and all of his surroundings, so much that he always seemed to be on guard for an attack of some sort. To have such control being willingly handed over to him, to know that he was trusted so much... he was honoured.

Slowly, Klavier traced his hands down Kristoph’s sides. He hooked his fingers under the towel that was still wrapped around his brother’s waist, pulling it away and dropping it over the side of the bed. He kept his movements within the rhythm and the humming that he had set, and Kristoph didn’t protest, only shifting slightly as if he was processing the change.

He continued with the massage, not breaking skin contact or the rhythm as he poured more oil onto his palms. The room was silent except for the sounds of their breathing, his humming and Kristoph’s infrequent pleased sighs as he relaxed under Klavier’s hands. His breaths came deep and slow, and he seemed to have nearly fallen asleep.

Gently, almost teasingly, Klavier let his fingers trail down his brother’s buttocks. He pressed against the muscled flesh with only the tips of his fingers, following the curves of them as he continued on downwards.

Kristoph shifted on the bed, an eye opening to give him a look that was, Klavier was sure, meant to be malevolent. The younger blond chuckled, reaching up to placed a small kiss on the nape of his brother’s neck.

The older blond sighed half in resignation and half in pleasure, his eyes sliding shut again.

Klavier loved that his massages could turn his brother into almost literally a puddle like this. Who else had that effect, after all? He hid a smile.

Using his thumbs and the tips of his fingers, he continued massaging Kristoph’s thighs. He stroked two lines down from the thigh to the calf down to the ankle using both of his hands, following the lines of the muscles and the tendons under the skin. He repeated the motions until he could almost literally feel the tension draining out of them.

“Kris,” he whispered, “Kris, turn around, ja?”

Kristoph sighed contentedly, opening his eyes half-mast. It took a few seconds for Klavier’s words to sink into his mind through the haze of pleasure and relaxation.

“Why?” he half-slurred in reply, looking rather grumpy at the prospect of having to move.

“I can’t massage your stomach without your turning around, Kris,” this time, Klavier didn’t bother to hide the smile.

After a few moments, Kristoph hummed an affirmative, turning around to lie flat on his back on the bed, his eyes closed again.

Pouring a little more oil onto my hands, Klavier kissed his brother on the lips chastely again. He pulled away, rubbing his hands together to warm the oil before splaying them on Kristoph’s stomach. Using only his thumbs, he began to rub half-moon shapes downwards, barely pass the navel, before moving up again.

Slowly, keeping within the rhythm and pace, he moved down one leg, skimming past the hips and down to the feet. He picked up one foot and pressed both thumbs against the arch, stroking upwards. A devilish smile curled his lips for a moment before he leaned forward and, still humming and keeping to the pace he had set, took the smallest toe into his mouth and sucked.

Kristoph’s breath hitched, and he writhed a little on the bed. He didn’t open his eyes.

Klavier let go of that toe, drawing the big toe next into his mouth and sucking hard on it.

Kristoph’s gasp filled the silent, still air.

His brother grinned, crawling back upwards to kiss him. They shared a slow, lazy kiss, tongues slow-dancing with each other as Klavier thoroughly re-explored and ravished Kristoph’s mouth.

They eventually pulled away reluctantly, Kristoph’s hands falling back to the bed from Klavier’s hair where they had buried themselves during the kiss. Klavier smiled, licking his own lips, then his brother’s before sitting up and getting out of the bed.

He padded over to the small basin that he kept on the floor for just this purpose. He quickly washed his hands clean of the massage, his movements rushed and jerky.

Kristoph welcomed him back to the bed with a lazy half-smile, drawing him into a kiss again. Klavier responded in kind, his now clean hands running all over his brother’s chest, rubbing against the nipples. He still kept the movements within the rhythm, slow and gentle until Kristoph was moaning softly under him.

Klavier broke the kiss, moving down to lavish licks and sucks and kisses on Kristoph’s jawline, throat and chest, his hands running up and down his brother’s sides. He flicked his tongue over one nipple, teasing it into pebble-hardness as he listened to Kristoph’s unrestrained moans and gasps and sighs.

It was pure music to his ears.

Klavier kissed past the navel to caress the jutting hipbones, licking around their curves before he moved inwards. His fingers skimmed past his brother’s hardening erection to trace the puckered entrance underneath.

Kristoph’s eyes snapped open, and he tried to sit up. “Klavier-”

The younger blond pressed two fingers against his lips. “Shh... Kris, let me take care of you this time, ja? Since you always took such good care of me... let me try that this time...”

Kristoph darted his tongue out to lick at those fingers briefly. Capturing Klavier’s eyes and attentions immediately, he didn’t break eye contact as he drew the two fingers into his mouth slowly, sucking on them like it was a favourite sweet. He drew back, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive tips. Smirking, he gave them a final, long lick from the base knuckle to the fingertip.

“Alright,” if you can resist me for that long.

Klavier barely heard the word over the sudden roaring in his eyes. He felt himself grow impossibly hard as he watched the little show that his brother was giving in. And the sensations of Kristoph’s mouth on his fingers, caressing his skin so obscenely... his mouth had gone dust-dry, and he was so hard that it almost hurt.

Swallowing, he took a breath, letting it out slowly so he could regain some control over himself. He wanted so badly to push Kristoph back down and fuck him senseless into the mattress. But that’s not what he really wanted to do...


Klavier reached forward and cupped his older brother’s cheek with one hand. He brushed his thumb over a cheekbone before leaning in and capturing those wicked lips. His other hand fumbled slightly on the bed as he tried to find the bottle of oil.

He broke the kiss when he found it, his fingers suddenly becoming thick and clumsy in his haste. He poured a little too much into his hands and nearly dropped it on the sheets when it was opened. Biting his lip, he calmed himself down enough to twist the bottle clue again.

Kristoph chuckled throatily at the sight, but the laughter changed into a muffled gasp when Klavier kissed him again, pressing an oiled finger inside him at the same time.

Klavier smirked into the kiss, moving his finger in and out of his brother’s body, letting the older blond get used to the feeling.

Soon, Kristoph was thrust back against the finger, nibbling on Klavier’s lips rather sharply. The younger brother laughed.

“So impatient, Bruder?” he murmured against Kristoph’s lips, his tone teasing.

Kristoph broke the kiss, throwing his head back and leaning on his hands. Looking at Klavier through his mussed hair, he raised an eyebrow, somehow managing to look remarkably composed despised his dishevelled and debauched appearance and the high, dark flush on his cheeks.

“You were the one who was eager to ‘take care of me’, Klavier,” he drawled, a hint of the harsh German accent creeping into his voice.

Klavier’s eyes widened for a moment before he shook his head, chuckling. His brother was already fully recovered, it seemed.

“Your wish is my command, Kris,” he said as he withdrew the finger to press two inside. He crooked them, trying to find that spot that Kristoph always seemed to be able to find in Klavier himself...

Kristoph inhaled sharply, his fingers clenching around the silk sheets. Klavier smirked, recognizing the reaction for what it was, and rubbed against that spot inside insistently.

Kristoph fell back onto the bed, gasping at the pleasure spreading throughout his body from the lower half. He moaned, unconsciously spreading his legs a little wider.

“Klavier,” he slurred, voice thickened by pleasure and lust.

“Yes, Bruder?” Klavier asked, his tone both teasing and innocent at once. Almost perversely, he started to move his fingers in and out, finger-fucking his brother, making sure that he stroked the prostate with every thrust.

Kristoph let out a string of incoherent German. He sat up, pulling Klavier forward by the hair. “For god’s sake, Klavier. Fuck me!”

But Klavier shook his head, “No, Kris. I don’t want to fuck you.” He took a deep breath. “I wanna make love to you.”

He buried his hand in the older blond’s hair, pulling him forward for a kiss. “For today,” he whispered huskily, “let me take care of you, ja?”

Kristoph’s eyes softened. He leaned his forehead against Klavier’s, blue eyes boring into blue.

“Alright then,” he conceded. “Just... this once.”

Klavier smiled.

He pressed another finger inside, stretching his brother slowly. Reaching forward, he kissed and licked and sucked on the long expanse of Kristoph’s throat while his fingers danced up and down Kristoph’s chest and sides.

When he felt that Kristoph was ready enough, he withdrew his fingers. He didn’t miss the soft whine of protest.

Kristoph laid back down slowly on the bed, looking up at Klavier throughout his lashes. He smirked, spreading his legs.

Well, Klavier knew when to take such a blatant hint.

He grabbed the bottle of oil again, pouring the rest of it in his hand and slicking himself up quickly. Lifting Kristoph’s legs up to his shoulders, he turned and nuzzled against a thigh.

Slowly, he guided himself inside.

Mein Gott...

Their harsh breathing melded together as Klavier fell forward. He captured Kristoph’s lips with his own, panting slightly into the kiss.

God, Kristoph was so tight around him that he wanted to give in to his urges and just pound him into the mattress right then.

But he promised - and dearly wanted to - make love to Kristoph. And he will fulfil his promise.

Klavier reached forward and kissed Kristoph as he pulled out until only the head of his cock remained inside before pressing in slowly again. The pain was agonizingly slow.

“Kris,” Klavier gasped. “I love you... I love you...”

Kristoph moaned his name, his fingers digging into Klavier’s shoulders as he bucked his hips up to meet each thrust.

“You’re the only one who... matters to me,” Kristoph breathed out. “The only one who has any... any value in my world. The only one who will never... never betray me.”

At those words, Klavier felt himself thrusting harder involuntarily. He kissed Kristoph hard and messily, burying his hand into the elder’s hair and burying his face into Kristoph’s shoulder. He chanted his brother’s name over and over as his climax built.

Kristoph clung to him like a lifeline, his head thrown back as he gasped for breath. Choked, stuttering moans escaped his lips - the only sounds he was willing to make.

He was close. They both were.

Klavier reached downwards and wrapped his fingers around Kristoph’s erection, stroking it in accordance to the rhythm in his mind. Kristoph’s eyes snapped wide open.

“Kla-Klavier!” The older blond cried out. “Gott- ah! Aah!”

The clenching of Kristoph’s internal muscles around his cock whited out Klavier’s vision. He moaned Kristoph’s name as he came, fingers digging into the sheets and the mattress as he fought to keep his balance.

After a few earth-shattering moments, he collapsed back on the bed, taking care not to crush Kristoph with his weight (even though his older brother wouldn’t be crushed anyway.)

Moments passed while they just listened to each other breathe.

“Kris...” Klavier began.

“Klavier...” Kristoph started.

They looked at each other for a second before breaking into a grin and a smile respectively.

Kristoph reached over to cup his little brother’s cheeks as he kissed him.

“I meant what I said just now,” he said, his voice a little hoarse. “Don’t ever betray me. Please.” I don’t think I could take it if you do.

Klavier smiled back at him warmly, leaning their foreheads together as he looked into his brother’s eyes.

“I won’t,” he declared. “I love you, Kris. I won’t ever betray you.”

Kristoph seemed to relax completely at that statement, brushing his lips against Klavier’s.

“Thank you. I know I can always trust you, Klavier.”


fics, ace attorney, ace attorney: klavier/kristoph

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