[FIC] Gakuen Heaven: Surfacing: Realities

Feb 24, 2008 17:09

Surfacing: Realities

- a direct sequel to Possibilities

Authors: kagayachou and the_dw
Characters/Pairings: Shichijo/Saionji, Shichijo/Nakajima/Saionji
Rating: NC-17
Words: 7636
Summary: Omi and Kaoru finally consummate their relationship, and Hide joins them. Maybe. Did they miss anything?

Omi let Kaoru pull him down, brushing their lips together chastely before the other boy sought to deepen the kiss. It didn’t take much coaxing from Kaoru though. Omi closed his eyes and opened his mouth more, all the better to feel the way Kaoru practically took over him.

Kaoru smiled into the kiss, shifting a little until his arms are wrapped around Omi's neck. Slowly, he started to walk towards the bed, leading Omi with sure steps, not breaking the kiss. A hand dropped downwards, splaying against Omi's stomach for a moment before he unbuttoned the blazer's buttons.

A little farther away, Hide crossed his legs.

And Omi moaned quietly, almost reverently. He returned the favour by finding and unfastening the collar of Kaoru’s uniform. As he pulled down the zipper, he kissed along his lover’s neck to the hollow of his throat, an arm wrapped securely around Kaoru’s waist as he lowered himself onto Hide’s bed, lightly tugging the shorter boy onto his lap.

Kaoru gasped in pleasure, his head falling backwards to give Omi greater access to his throat. His hands weren't idle, pushing Omi's blazer off broad shoulders with one hand, the other impatiently unbuttoning his vest. God, why did Omi have so many clothes on? He nearly ripped Omi's shirt and vest's buttons from their threads as he licked along the shell of his lover's ear.

"You wear too much," he growled.

In response, Omi chuckled and divested himself of his own shirt and vest, the tie landing somewhere on the floor, on his blazer, probably next to his shoes. He didn’t check.

“Now you’re wearing too much,” he replied. To even the odds, he slid his fingers under Kaoru’s unzipped jacket and slowly slid it off, kissing his pale, smooth shoulders.

Kaoru moaned softly, shifting his position until he was seated fully in Omi's lap. With a mischievous smirk on his lips, he started to wiggle from side to side and back and forth, grinding his ass against Omi's crotch. A hand slid into Omi's hair, pulling his head up for a long, deep kiss. He was panting already, and they hadn't even started. Kaoru laughed into Omi's mouth to himself.

They should have done this a long time ago, he thought, fingers scrabbling as he unbuckled Omi's belt and slid a hand inside.

Hide loosened his tie and the first button of his shirt.

It was getting so hot; Omi found himself whispering his best friend’s name before he knew it with an urgent timbre in his voice. He leaned back, urging Kaoru over him, hands not idle but touching him tenderly.

“How do you want this?” he asked between kisses, and brushed Kaoru’s hair back so he could find his eyes.

Silence reigned for a few moments, broken only by their ragged breathing. Kaoru looked into those violet eyes, letting silver hair run through his fingers as he tried to get his mind back enough to process Omi's question and answer it.

"You," he breathed, pressing his forehead against Omi's. "I want you, Omi." He leaned in, pressing a close-mouth kiss on his lover's lips.

"Take me."

The words took Omi’s breath away. But as he thought about how he’d do it, he looked away. His eyes found Hide’s. “There’s...” he glanced quickly to the bedside drawer, “There’s lubrication?” He didn’t want to hurt Kaoru. Hell, he hadn’t wanted to hurt Hide as badly either, so asking now gave him a dull ache.

Oh, he promised he’d make it up to Hide. But first...

Hide would've thought that they had completely forgotten about him already. He chuckled softly. He would just tell Kaoru to get it, but it seemed that neither of them was willing to move any time soon. Besides, Kaoru looked too far gone to remember where the lube was anyway.

Rising from his chair, he moved over to the nightstand, Kaoru's eyes following his every movement. Without touching either of them, he placed the lube he carried in his pocket in Omi's hand, turning to walk away.

Kaoru smiled slightly. Hide sometimes could really be a boy scout. He hooked a finger around a belt loop, pulling Hide towards them for a moment. He met bemused blue eyes with his own green ones before leaning forward and slowly, teasingly, mouthed the erection he could see pressing through Hide's pants.

Just watching made Omi feel like his pants had suddenly gone a size too small. Putting the bottle onto the drawer beside them, he placed his hands upon Kaoru’s hips and lifted the boy off of him slightly, so he could get out from under him. Instead of moving away completely however, he moved behind Kaoru and reached around to undo Kaoru’s pants, murmuring soft, sweet words of encouragement; as far as Omi was concerned, Kaoru could do whatever he wanted. Omi was his. Omi was theirs.

Hide's breath hitched, his toes curling instinctively in his shoes at the sudden assault of Omi's obvious permission and Kaoru's breath on his neglected erection. But he placed a hand on Kaoru's shoulder, taking a step back and pushing the younger man away from him at the same time.

"Later," he managed, taking another step backwards. "It's your time now, ne?" A hand cupped Kaoru's cheek for a moment before he withdrew, walking back quickly to his chair before his resolve could crumble.

Kaoru smiled to himself. So 'later' was a definite; Hide couldn't back out of it now. He didn't think the older boy would want to, anyway. The lust and want into those blue eyes as he watched Omi and Kaoru both belied his words just now.

"Alright," he said, unable to completely keep that smug tone from his voice. He arched backwards, lifting his hips a little to let Omi push his pants down. Turning his head, he captured Omi's lips in an urgent kiss. He kicked his pants of the bed, shifting his body such that he was facing Omi fully without breaking the kiss. Wrapping his legs around Omi's legs, he pulled away slightly.

"Hurry up."

Omi nodded eagerly, looking from Hide to Kaoru with an appreciative smile, a breathless, “Yes,” escaping his lips as he pushed his own pants down to free his rather obviously straining erection. Pants and underwear were pushed to the floor. He peppered Kaoru’s neck and shoulders with kisses as he leaned over him to find the lube again, drawing his attention down Kaoru’s body when he found the small bottle.

Kaoru sighed in pleasure, spreading his legs a little more to allow Omi more ease of movement. He tilted his head back, eyes fluttering close at the small sparks of pleasure spreading all over his body from where Omi had touched and kissed him. Feeling a hand on his thigh, he obligingly raised his hips, a gasp escaping his throat as a finger pressed inside.

Hide's blazer, tie and vest dropped to the floor.

At the sound of shifting fabric, Omi looked over towards Hide for a brief moment, and then dipped down to wrap his lips around the head of Kaoru’s cock. Omi lapped at it slowly, savouring the moment. Part of him wanted Hide to know that he could do that for him, but a larger part of him simply basked in the sound of Kaoru’s voice, and the reactions his best friend would give him. Gradually, he took more of Kaoru into his mouth, and slid another finger into him as he did so...

Hide slapped his hand over his mouth, muffling a moan just in time. Kaoru's flushed cheeks contrasted sharply with his green eyes, darkened with lust and pleasure, his hair flying everywhere as he shook his head side to side, his hands clenching against the blankets. Omi's pink tongue darting out again and again, his eyes showing all the love he felt for Kaoru and his absolute concentration in pleasuring the smaller boy, the shallow, rapid movement of his chest showing that he wasn't as unaffected as he might look...

It was getting a little difficult to breathe in the room. Hide unbuttoned the first button of his pants.

Kaoru gasped aloud, hips bucking upwards involuntarily, seeking more of that hot, wet heat. His hand grasped Omi's hair in a grip that bordered on painfulness as he fell backwards against the mattress, fighting to breathe. The double assault was setting his body on fire, and the knowledge that it was Omi doing all of this to him, Omi whom he had loved since forever... he could come from just this, he thought, a moment before Omi's questing fingers found his prostate and all coherence fled.

"Aah! Omi!" His free hand came up to cover his face as his body trembled, caught between wanting to thrust upwards into Omi's mouth or downwards to those teasing fingers.

The pleasure was sharp and burning, and he felt helpless under its grasp, unable to do anything but gasp and moan under Omi's ministrations.

Three fingers. Scissoring, stretching... Despite how aroused he was, Omi didn’t want to hurt Kaoru any more than was necessary, so he prepared him thoroughly, one hand pressing down over Kaoru’s abdomen to keep him from jerking up too far or otherwise strain himself. He knew the heat and pressure from his palm would only add to the pleasure.

“Let me know when you’re ready, Kaoru...” He knew he could guess, but if Kaoru wanted to go over the edge first, that was fine. Oh, just fine...

At the invitation, Kaoru gritted his teeth, inhaling sharply as he tried to regain his control. He sat up slowly, propping himself up by an elbow. His hand in Omi's hair tightened as he tilted Omi's face towards him, barely holding on to his control.

"Yes, I'm ready," he spread his legs more, just to emphasize his point. "Just Zfuck me already, Omi." His hand slid downwards to caress Omi's face, his thumb tracing over the curve of a cheekbone.


“I love you,” Omi replied. Despite the slight pain registered by his protesting scalp, he had an honestly happy smile on his face. Seeing Kaoru like this, flushed with desire for him, was... more than just gratifying. It was incredible. “I love you so much, Kaoru.”

Omi removed himself, and kissed Kaoru on one knee as he slid a hand under it and lifted the other boy’s leg up slightly. Carefully, he pushed in.

Hide couldn't help the bitter smile from curving his lips when he heard Omi's words. He closed his eyes, turning away from the sight. Suddenly breathing wasn't difficult because of lust, but because it was as if there was a hand around his heart, slowly tightening.

It was obvious that they didn't need him.

Kaoru let out a long, low moan as Omi pressed inside him far too slowly and gently. But in a way the slow burn was good as well; he wanted this to last, wanted to feel Omi in this way for as long as possible. His breath hitched, and he forced his eyes open, wrapping his legs around Omi's hips. Using that as leverage, he lifted himself up, burying his hand in silver hair again as he kissed Omi deeply, trying to convey all of his emotions in that kiss.

"Omi... I love you too."

Whatever Omi replied, it was lost in their throats, and as he started to move in and out, Kaoru’s subsequent cries drowned Omi’s quiet words out. Omi was trying to go slow, but this was Kaoru, and Hide was watching. He felt his self-control fraying at the edges.

“And I love that... Nakajima - I mean, Hide,” Omi paused for air, and looked to his old rival. “I love that you’re right here, Hide. Keep your eyes on us, won’t you? I want to make love to you like this - nothing like before."

He redoubled his efforts, refocused on his first love to give him his all.

Kaoru threw his head back, literally clinging to Omi for balance as his body arched almost completely off the bed. He panted, Omi's words barely penetrating into his mind through the haze of pleasure. Hide... Hide was here. Hide was their third; the other person Omi loved; Kaoru's friend who he thought he could love.

He didn't turn around - he couldn't - but when his spoke, his voice was completely sincere. "Don't look away. We want you here; we want you with us, Hide, because you are precious to Omi and me both." And, he thought with a sudden, startling clarity, he meant everything he said.

Then Omi thrust inside him harder and faster, hitting his prostate with every stroke. His vision went white and his mind blanked as he felt the heat coiling in his groin reach an unbearable peak. He wrapped himself tighter around Omi until their chests were pressed together, kissing his lover with a desperate ferocity as he came shouting Omi's name.

“Yes, Kaoru, yes!”

It could have been agreement. It could have simply been bliss. When Kaoru came, it was as though he had given the ‘O.K.’ for Omi to fall off the edge right after him. Omi came so hard he felt as though his ears were ringing when the only sounds in the room were harsh breathing and... ah, the lovely way Kaoru called his name.

Hide bit down hard on the fleshy part of his palm when he watched them in rapture, kissing as if their lives depended on it, screaming each other's names. He was hard, unbearably so, his erection straining through his unbuttoned pants, and every nerve was screaming to be touched. But he didn't give in. He felt enough like a voyeur already.

But their words soothed him, nonetheless. The very fact that they still remembered him, remembered his presence when they were so caught up with each other surprised him. He would have thought that they would've forgotten all about him; it was only natural, after all.

'Precious', huh? He might just be able to believe that, after all.

Kaoru came down from his high slowly, his arms and legs falling from where they were wrapped around Omi's neck and hips to the mattress as he tried to catch his breath back.

Was this how sex with the man he loved felt like? If so, Omi and he would have a lot less idle time than usual. Kaoru smirked.

Omi almost collapsed on the slighter boy - except he couldn’t allow himself to squash Kaoru. He pressed his lips over Kaoru’s shoulder, sighed softly, and gently began to pull out. No blood this time, right? He glanced down, and sagged somewhat in relief.

Then, languidly, he kissed Kaoru’s smirking lips in thanks.

Kaoru kissed back just as leisurely, a hand cupping Omi's cheek. He knew what his lover was worried about - he didn't miss that glance - and though he thought it was silly, he could understand it. Pulling a little away, his smirk faded into a genuine, loving smile.

"I'm alright, Omi. You didn't hurt me."

Omi nodded and smiled back. After a while, he looked at Hide once more. “Do you think you can come to bed now?” His tone was almost challenging, but warmer. “Can you move?”

With a stretch, he moved back up, sat back on the bed and made to walk over.

Hide snorted derisively, unfolding his legs and pushing himself up from the chair, "Of course I can."

And to prove it, he started moved the bed, walking with short steps. He started removing his clothes as he walked, a button for every step. He was nearly there when he let his shirt slip from his shoulders, and it took only another step for his pants to drop to the ground. Stepping out of them, he climbed into the bed in his underwear, pressing two fingers under Omi's chin and leaning in for a kiss.

Although Omi moved back down when Hide started walking over, he leaned closer again to return the kiss, perhaps too gently. He knew Hide wasn’t delicate. He knew the guy didn’t break easily. With a sigh, he berated himself. And then pulled Hide against him more aggressively.

“What do you want?” He kissed him. “Just do what you want.”

Kaoru pushed himself up until he was sitting up, leaning over to brush his fingers over Hide's erection for a moment. Hide gasped into Omi's mouth, his body far too sensitized to not react to that mere touch, his hips bucking into Kaoru's hand. Kaoru smirked, pulling Hide's boxers down in one smooth motion.

"I have a suggestion," he said almost idly, darting his tongue out to lick along the line of Hide's neck. "Do you want to fuck me while Omi fucks you, Hide?"

Hide barely registered Kaoru's smirk, his head still swimming from that brief touch and Kaoru's tongue, when a sharp jolt of pleasure shot down his spine at that 'suggestion'. He felt overwhelmed for a moment, and it was no surprise: they were basically ganging up against him. But he didn't feel indignant about it, just the opposite. Chuckling softly, he turned his head to brush his lips across Kaoru's, then Omi's.

"That sounds just fine to me."

Omi smiled, beautifully, and cupped Kaoru’s cheek, kissing him for the lovely idea; he agreed.

Kaoru took the initiative, reaching out and pulling Hide's underwear off his hips in a smooth motion. Smirking at the surely painfully hard erection he saw, he let his hand drift back upwards, tracing a line along Hide's abdomen and chest. He tweaked the dusky nipples - first the left, then the right, savouring Hide's ragged gasps at the light touches.

Hide felt like he would come if either one of them just touched his cock. He was certainly painfully hard, hips bucking involuntarily upwards, aching for some sort of fiction. His hands were clenched so tight that his knuckles were white, his nails biting into the skin of his palms in an effort to keep control.

Fuck, but just watching them had aroused him so damn much already. So damn much that trying to clutch at his control was akin to trying to hold water in his hands.

Omi moved around Hide to give Kaoru more room to manoeuvre. Pulling the bespectacled boy flush against his chest, Omi let his hands wander, kissing Hide’s shoulder, nipping lightly, but never touching him anywhere too sensitive. It seemed Kaoru was a bigger tease than he was; why take his fun?

Kaoru leaned forward, licking a line from the hollow of Hide's throat to his Adam's apple. A hand drifted downwards, caressing the underside of Hide's knee with soft touches. His other hand wasn't idle either, splayed out against the plane of Hide's stomach, scraping lightly against the skin as it moved downwards. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, his tongue followed that trail, lavishing extra attention to the peaked nipples as he listened to Hide's breathing grow more and more ragged and laboured.

Hide could barely resist thrashing within the confines of Omi's arms. Arching his head back, he wrapped an arm around Omi's neck, turning his head to kiss the silver-haired boy. He was trembling all over, toes digging into the mattress as Kaoru went straight for his erogenous zones, sending great sparks of white pleasure bursting behind his eyes. The pleasure was too much and too little at the same time.

"Damnit, Kaoru, Omi," he panted against Omi's mouth, eyes squeezed shut. "Stop teasing me and do something! Anything! Please!"

Omi chuckled, “Kaoru, this guy can’t fuck you when he’s like this.” He leaned back, tugging Hide with him, practically laying him out for the redhead. “Won’t you give him a hand here?” He almost touched Hide’s erection. Almost.

Kaoru lifted his eyes and grinned mischievously at Omi before dropping his head down again, licking around Hide's navel, then dipping his tongue for just a brief moment. Hide gave a strangled cry through gritted teeth at the electric shock that sent shivers through his body. Unconsciously, his legs spread further - a silent plea.

However, Kaoru was merciless. He nibbled his way down Hide's right leg, lifting it upwards when he reached the knee. Pressing his tongue against the soft underside, he paid his most lavish attention on it, licking and sucking and biting lightly on the spot until he could feel the skin tremble underneath his fingers.

Hide's control broke: he found enough breath to shout. "Please!"

Only to have it half-muffled by Omi’s lips, the silver-haired boy cupping his cheek to kiss him deeply. The feel of Hide trembling in his arms was so arousing; he could feel his desiring stirring once more to life. Hell, Hide could probably feel it too, since they were almost spooned together.

Taking pity on Hide’s plight however, Omi reached down. Stroked him.

Hide's eyes snapped open and his breath caught in his throat. He meshed their lips together with greater force, expelling the remaining air in his lungs in a silent scream as his vision turned completely black. His body arched upwards, heels digging into the mattress as the pleasure crashed over him like a tidal wave. He clung hard to Omi as he rode out the storm, and didn't even notice Kaoru's hand on his cheek and soft lips descending on his.

Nor did he notice the names that he had yelled to the world.

“Omi! Kaoru!”

Hide was beautiful in release. Omi kissed his temple with smiling lips and just... admired the two loves of his life in lip lock. Gorgeous.

Reaching out, he fingered a stray lock of Kaoru’s hair and brought it to his own cheek.

“I love you both,” he said. It wasn’t something he could keep back anymore.

Kaoru smiled beautifully at Omi at the remark, pulling away from Hide to kiss him deeply. His right hand, however, was playing with the soft, short hairs at the base of Hide's neck. He hoped that the kiss was affirmative enough.

It definitely was. Hide watched a scene through the haze of afterglow, yet their love for each other was blindingly obvious. But Kaoru's hand on his neck and Omi's arm wrapped around his waist reminded him of his place here, that they were the ones who offered to share each other with him. He let his head drop back on Omi's shoulder, a genuinely pleased (and sated) smile curling his lips as he watched them.

Omi let his eyes shut as he kissed Kaoru. He looked back and swept a blue-black strand of hair out of Hide’s eyes, lips ghosting over his ex-rival’s as well. “Let’s take this slower now,” he smiled gently. They were all spent, and although he was feeling faintly aroused with Hide coming and in his arms, that was just it. He didn’t want to push him more than he could go, and that didn’t sound like something Hide needed to know either.

Although Kaoru probably understood.

Kaoru hadn't known Omi since childhood for nothing - he could read his best friend like a book during times like this, especially when those expressive eyes were pretty much screaming his emotions out to the world. He leaned forward and let his head drop onto Omi's other shoulder, inhaling in the scent of musk and sweat and sex.

"I agree," he said, voice slurred. His limbs felt weighted - not sluggish, but lazy. It was... peaceful, this silent lull.

Hide knew that Kaoru get like this after sex. The younger boy's stamina wasn't the best, and he had the tendency to get... lethargic after the first round of sex. He wasn't complaining about it, however - he needed the time to catch his breath after the mind-blowing orgasm he just had.

His hand seemed to have other ideas, however; it was now slowly crawling up Omi's thigh, tracing ridiculous shapes with his blunt nails and fingertips on the way.

Omi nuzzled Kaoru, and then Hide. He couldn’t believe his luck: two people he loved together with him, willingly, peacefully. With a happy little chuckle, he drew a finger along Hide’s shaft, and tilted his head a little to nibble Kaoru’s ear lobe.

Hide hummed softly in pleasure, darting his tongue out to lick Omi's Adam's apple lightly. His other hand splayed open against Kaoru's chest, his thumb rubbing a pink nipple idly even as he leaned forward to catch Omi's lips with his, kissing the other boy lazily.

Warm frissons of pleasure were spreading through Kaoru's body, and he exhaled noiselessly, his head tilting to the side towards Omi even as his back arched towards Hide. He felt almost torn between the two pleasure points, so he didn't move, choosing to sit back and watch Omi and Hide kiss. It was certainly a very pleasant sight.

He leaned forward and licked the hollow of Omi's collarbone languidly. Perhaps they were going too slow with this...

But meanwhile, Omi purred into Hide’s mouth, tilting his head slightly to let Kaoru do as he pleased. He was content to go at this pace. At least until the other two wanted to get a move on. He’d already come once anyway. He didn’t know about Kaoru, but Hide didn’t look like he was going to move out of his arms anytime soon.

Kaoru could feel the heat increasing as Hide's hand moved downwards, skimming through the planes of his stomach and thighs but avoiding his cock altogether. He returned the favour, tapping his fingers gently on the skin of Hide's thighs, circling around the older boy's cock. He hummed against Omi's neck, rocking against his lover insistently.

Hide chuckled, "Impatient as always, Kaoru." Kaoru was a huge tease, he thought, mouth quirking into an amused smile, but he couldn't stand it when someone teased him. Breaking the kiss with Omi, he leaned forward and licked the join between Kaoru's neck and shoulder, nibbling on the skin hard enough to turn the skin red, but not enough to leave marks. His hand on Omi's thigh moved northwards, circling Omi's cock with two fingers before pulling upwards with a short stroke.

Omi hissed in a breath and breathed out with a sigh. “Why am I in the middle here?” He had leaned back earlier, with Hide half on top of him, so Kaoru could tease to his heart’s content, and now Hide was still half on top of him, while Kaoru was on the other side. He looked at Hide. “You should be in the middle... unless you want to ride me while Kaoru rides you.” Somehow...

Hide chuckled, "I don't think that's even physically possible." Omi wasn't ridiculously fit like Niwa, and besides, they couldn't balance in such a position anyway. He leaned forward to lick the shell of Kaoru's ear. "We can deal with this later anyway. There's no hurry."

"We have all night," Kaoru chimed in, voice low and sultry. He shifted his position until he was half-reclining on Omi's chest and half-leaning on Hide, reaching over to kiss Omi deeply and thoroughly. His hand had joined Hide's in teasing Omi with slow strokes, his fingers moving downwards as Hide's move up. Whenever their fingers touch, Kaoru's other hand would get a little closer to Hide's cock.

Under such ministrations, Omi groaned and kissed back as much as deeply and thoroughly as Kaoru did. The silver-haired boy couldn’t decide if he’d prefer to stay between his two lovers or if he’d rather take a more active role. Hips bucking slightly at their touches, but generally held down by the two of them on top. Oh, he didn’t think his earlier suggestion was actually doable, but if he moved from under them now, he’d be getting away from them and that was the last thing he had in mind.

Hide took a sharp breath when he felt Kaoru's hand encircle him, jerking upwards slightly. That tease... he growled under his breath, leaning over Omi to suck lightly on the side of Kaoru's neck, moving slowly downwards to the collarbone and shoulder. His free arm had moved to wrap around Kaoru above the waist, reaching to tweak the younger boy's nipples. Shifting until he was kneeling on one knee on the bed and Kaoru was leaning against a shoulder, Hide stroked Omi's right calf and thigh with a foot, his fingers around the other boy's hardening length quickening.

Kaoru took a second to admire Hide's sense of balance before taking advantage of his new position. Pulling away from Omi, he slid further downwards towards the mattress until his mouth was level with Hide's elbow, darting his tongue out to lick lightly at the sensitive skin for a moment before latching on to it, sucking hard enough for a bruise to be formed.

He would like to see how Hide explain that one away, Kaoru smirked to himself as he dropped further downwards, his fingers linking with Hide's over Omi's cock as the pace increased.

"Mmm," he hummed against Hide's hip. "Should we move faster?"

As Hide’s hand slipped from Kaoru’s waist to Kaoru’s shoulder, his calf slid higher along Omi’s thigh. “Aah,” Omi barely nodded, noting the way Hide’s breath caught when Kaoru mouthed his elbow, so when the redhead moved on, he reached out, touching where Kaoru’s mouth had touched. Then he let his fingers run up Hide’s arm to his shoulder and down his chest to pinch and rub Hide’s nipples. At the same time, he kissed Hide soundly, and then let his hand join Kaoru’s around Hide’s cock.

Hide's head dropped forwards, eyes closed, as he gasped at the pleasure that sparked all over his body. He really was too sensitive for his own good. Moaning as Kaoru's hand squeezed the head of his erection teasing, he forced his eyes open and his mind back, hand dropping from Kaoru's shoulder to bunch around the sheets.

"Enough teasing," he said, giving Omi's cock one last stroke before raising both his hands to Kaoru's shoulders, using his own weight as momentum to pin the younger boy to the bed. He didn't waste any more time, leaning forward to capture full lips with his own, his left hand reaching for the tube of lubricant he knew was on the bed somewhere.

"Mmmph!" Kaoru's sound of near-protest was muffled in Hide's mouth - he didn't expect the sudden aggression. But he didn't mind, far from it, wrapping his arms around Hide's neck as his body arched up against the older boy. His eyes were open, holding Omi's gaze with his own.

Come on, and hurry up about it.

Omi found the lubrication first. It was quick, the shifting on the bed causing the bottle to bounce a little atop the mattress. He caught it, coating his fingers with a liberal amount of it, and then handed it to Hide with a sweet kiss upon his shoulder.

Kaoru was in Hide’s hands now, and they knew what to do with each other. He just... had to do better than he did before.

“Saa,” Omi said as his slicked fingers slide down the curve of Hide’s ass, “This isn’t teasing.”

Hide hummed low in his throat - a soft, pleased sound - as he felt Omi press a long finger inside him. He spread his legs a little wider as both an encouragement and to help himself balance better, arching his back towards Omi. Snapping open the cap of the lubricant with a hand, he poured it on his fingers quickly before tossing it aside. He didn't break his kiss with Kaoru all this while, and now he deepened it as he pressed two fingers inside Kaoru. It wasn't just because he was impatient; he figured that Kaoru could take it.

And Kaoru certainly could, especially after his bout with Omi just now. He buried a hand in Hide's hair, holding the older boy close while his other hand sought out Omi's left hand, tangling their fingers together on top of Hide's hip.

Omi brought Kaoru’s hand to his lips, pressing a kiss against his knuckles and the back of his palm. He prepped Hide thoroughly, deeply, adding another finger as he searched for the place that would make Hide blind with pleasure.

Hide's whole body stilled when he felt pleasure burst from the base of his spine; Omi had definitely found his sweet spot. He gasped soundlessly, thrusting backwards against Omi's fingers, wanting more. He had almost forgotten about Kaoru when the younger boy pulled him downward for another kiss, nipping on his bottom lip to draw Hide's attention back to him. Hide pulled back against the kiss, smiling apologetically before crooking the three fingers he had inside Kaoru, finding the younger boy's prostate with familiar ease.

Kaoru moaned into Hide's mouth, jerking upwards, his cock brushing against Hide's stomach. His free hand reached outwards, spreading out against Omi's chest, blunt nails scraping across a nipple, pinching it. Then, he rubbed against the small pink bud with the pad of his thumb, soothing the small hurt.

Omi gasped, “Kaoru...” He leaned over Hide more so he could reach Kaoru and kiss his cheek, find his lips. At the same time, he started thrusting the two fingers he had inside of Hide in firm, directed strokes. “Hide...” He licked the shell of Hide’s ear, whispering, “Ready?”

Hide's breath shuddered, his eyes sliding close even as he nodded. He turned his head to the side, pressing his lips against Omi's in a quick kiss. "As ready as you are," he whispered, smirking. Slowly, teasingly slowly, he withdrew his fingers from Kaoru's body, his free hand caressing a lock of red hair.

Kaoru reached up and took off Hide's glasses in one swift movement, smiling mischievously even as the older boy blinked at him. He reached over and dropped them on the nightstand before cupping Hide's cheek with a hand, his smile widening into a grin. "You really should've taken those off earlier," he kissed the corner of Hide's mouth, swinging his leg up to wrap around Hide's left hip. "Now fuck me already."

"Yes, your highness," Hide got used to the sudden change quickly, turning his head to kiss Kaoru's palm. He turned around and smiled at Omi even as he drew back, positioning himself at Kaoru's entrance and started to push inside.

Kaoru’s long, low moan of approval sent shivers down Omi’s spine. When he removed his fingers, Omi just watched for a moment, and held his hand tightly as Hide pushed.

‘Oh, wow.’

He couldn’t help it; they were so beautiful. Only when Hide stopped moving did Omi realize he’d been holding his breath. He shook his head, and positioned himself carefully, still holding Kaoru’s hand. Slowly, slowly...

Hide hissed softly; for once he was glad for Omi's seemingly endless patience and gentleness. The fingers were fine, but now... he was still just a little sore, that was all. Enough for him to appreciate the speed... or the lack of. He bit the inside of his lip, trying desperately not to show the slow-burning pain he felt as Omi pushed inside him.

Obviously he failed, for Kaoru cupped his cheek and kissed him softly, and he felt a hand rubbing his nipples in an almost soothing manner. Hide let out a breath in a gust, opening his eyes and meeting Kaoru's concerned ones.

"I'm okay," he said, and inserted as much confidence and reassurance as he could in that sentence. He arched a little back towards Omi, smirking at the silver-haired boy, "Go on."

Omi had said his apologies. They never really seemed enough to him. And he knew Hide didn’t want to hear it, so the words were just repeated in his head as he kissed Hide, kissed his neck, his shoulder, holding himself back from going faster. In fact, he slowed down, resting his forehead against Hide’s back, between the shoulder blades and just breathed out, “I love you... I love you both.”

Kaoru knew perfectly why Omi said that, and, in a way, he was glad that Omi decided to go for 'I love you' instead of 'sorry'. He knew Hide well enough that if Omi had said the latter, Hide would ask him to go faster just to prove himself correct and the whole vicious cycle would start again. Smiling gently, he reached up to stroke Omi's hair soothingly, "I love you too. We have forgiven you, na, Hide?"

"I haven't," Hide said, matter-of-factly, looking Omi straight in the eye when the silver-haired boy looked back at him. He was perfectly honest as he continued, "Because I have never blamed you in the first place, you idiot." The pain was abating now, fading into pleasure, aided by Kaoru's hand stroking his chest and nipples. He moans softly, leaning forward a little more to capture Omi's lips.

"Fuck me already, Omi. I'm not breakable."

Omi smiled back at Kaoru, thankful. But he knew Hide had been broken before: by that idiot savant who was the President of the Student Council. He promised Hide then and there (in his head) that he’d do well by him. Not just Kaoru. He pulled out slowly, not entirely, and pushed in again. Not as slow as before, but still cautious with Hide’s responses.

Kaoru didn't call Hide's bluff, simply reaching up and pulling Hide down to kiss him once more, deeply and slowly, savouring the taste of the other boy. He could feel Hide moaning in pleasure instead of pain now as Omi started to fuck him slowly. Kaoru was feeling a little impatient himself now that Hide seemed to be fine, so he bucked his hips up a little, clenching his inner muscles around Hide's erection.

Just a little hint.

A very clear message that Hide received. He smiled against Kaoru's mouth, dropping an elbow flat against the mattress to hold himself up while the other hand splayed on Kaoru's chest and stomach, slowly stroking the pale, smooth skin. As Omi pulled out of him, Hide withdrew out of Kaoru, following Omi's movements. He let the silver-haired boy set the pace, setting up a rhythm as the pleasure built and overwhelmed what little pain there was.

The pace started slow of course. With a head clear of blinding anger and frustrating denial, Omi was attentive. Hide looked a little too distracted to be repressing much pained reactions. Heck, he was pushing back against Omi for more when Omi himself withdrew. And Kaoru...

Omi let go of Kaoru’s hand to stroke his hair, his cheek, down his side to stroke along his thigh. Kaoru was so very... aggressive, urging them both with his eyes, his entire body, to be faster. ‘Get a move on.’

And Omi complied.

Hide moaned against Kaoru's shoulder as Omi's every thrust stroked against his prostate, causing his breathing to shudder to the point that it was a conscious effort to breathe again. And Kaoru was so tight, clenched around his cock, a velvet heat that was driving him to incoherence.

He lifted himself off Kaoru with a shaking arm, not wanting to crush the younger boy. Turning his head, he buried a hand in silver hair and kissed Omi hard on the mouth, His eyes were closed, but he didn't need sight to find Kaoru's erection, wrapping his fingers around it into a loose fist, pumping him slowly in tandem with Omi's strokes.

Kaoru gasped, his hips jerking up to meet Hide’s hand and thrusts, the other boy’s touch expert and familiar. He hooked his arms around their shoulders, and as Hide kissed Omi, Kaoru levered himself up, just slightly, enough to suck against Hide’s throat, moaning and groaning against the flesh for more.

On Omi’s end, it felt as though Kaoru was the one setting the place. Slowly, but surely he was taking over, driving Hide to thrust back, and what could Omi do but meet his demanding pace?

He could feel the edge of his vision fogging; feel the loosening clutch of his control as they fucked. Breathless. So breathless. The sound of their breathing, moaning, gasping, sighing filling the air until -

Hide let himself fall forward towards Kaoru, unable to hold himself up any more. Capturing the younger boy's lips in a harsh kiss, he muffled his shout as he came so hard that he blacked out for a moment. It was just too much - the dual sensations had overwhelmed him. He wasn't in control of the situation in any way, and it was as if he was a rag doll at some points, only held up by Omi's hand around his waist. He gasped for breath, grasping for control over himself. His hand increasing the pace on Kaoru's cock, squeezing the hard length even as he consciously clenched his inner muscles around Omi inside him.

At the very back of his mind, he registered the twinge of pain in his insides at the action, or rather, ever since Omi had picked up the pace. But he ignored it; the pain only sharpened the pleasure.

Kaoru moaned deeply into Hide’s throat when the other boy came inside of him. It was... amazing really, Hide coming first. Hide never let himself come first, as far as Kaoru knew. It was that realization, coupled with the squeezing, stroking and thrusting that pushed the redhead over the edge. He cried out loud, part of the sound, unintelligible, escaping from the corners of Hide’s lips.

Omi’s mind blanked at the sudden tightness and the telltale warmth that splattered against the hand he had around Hide’s waist. He climaxed with a soundless cry against Hide’s shoulder, holding on for dear life as the bliss of release washed over them.

Hide barely managed to hold himself up with an arm to avoid falling onto Kaoru as he fought to refill his lungs again. He could feel Omi breathing against his back, a solid, comforting weight that told Hide that he wasn't the only one so affected. He turned around and pressed a soft kiss to Omi's temple, then another to the side of Kaoru's lips, smiling genuinely at them both.

"Thank you."

The quiet words made Omi look at him with a lost expression in his eyes. “No,” he shook his head and whispered, “Thank you.” Because he didn’t want to just collapse on the other two, he carefully withdrew from Hide, only to glance down and catch sight of...


His breath caught. He squeezed his eyes shut and sat back.

Kaoru, initially smiling back, peered at Omi around Hide, and then nudged the latter without a word, nodding with a concerned look towards his best friend.

Hide gazed dispassionately at the small spots of blood on the sheets for a moment before turning his eyes up, taking in the lost, dazed look in Omi's eyes. He sighed inaudibly. Pulling out of Kaoru, he gave the slighter man an apologetic smile before turning fully to face Omi, kneeling in front of the other boy.

He cupped Omi's face with a hand, gently turning him to face Hide fully. "It's not your fault," he said firmly. "Listen to me, Omi: it's not your fault. You were being very gentle and careful with me, almost annoyingly so, in fact." He shrugged, smirking slightly. "Besides, it doesn't hurt at all, na?"

“Are you asking me or telling me that it doesn’t hurt?” Omi replied, voice dulled and doubtful. “Saa,” he smiled faintly and touched the hand Hide held against his cheek, “Wasn’t it just last month you said that I live to annoy you?”

Kaoru smiled in spite of his concern, adding, “And make tea for me. You both said that.”

"It doesn't hurt," Hide repeated, putting as much conviction into his tone as he could. "I'm telling you that as a fact."

In fact, it did hurt: a sharp stinging pain that originated from deep inside him. But it didn't matter - it wasn't painful enough to make a note of, and Hide didn't want to worry the two of them, much less worsen Omi's guilt complex.

"And anyway, my opinion has changed since then," he brushed his lips across Omi's, smiling a small smile. "But it still remains that you are annoying and make tea for Kaoru.... though it is far from who you are."

Omi... decided to drop the subject. He didn’t particularly like feeling like shit, and neither did Hide or Kaoru appreciate that, no doubt. He nodded and tilted his head slightly, looking towards Kaoru.

“Do you actually feel up for tea at the moment, Kaoru?”

‘Okay, now he’s just being deliberately obtusely cute to distract us,’ Kaoru thought, sitting up carefully.

“Unless someone feels up for a third round, I demand we sleep.”

"Yare, yare," Hide said, amused, turning to raise an eyebrow at Omi. "Not only does he commands us during sex, he orders us around normally too. I've never been demanded to go to sleep before. Is he always like this?" The last question was directed to Omi.

He was glad for the change of subject, really, but he couldn't help but tease Kaoru for it. Giving the younger boy a light peck on the lips, he let himself drop back onto the mattress, curling up on his side. He pulled Omi's hand forward, kissing the knuckles and palm gently.

"Stop brooding on it and sleep, ne?"

Omi looked at them: Kaoru relaxed on his back, Hide on his side right next to him. Gradually, he smiled again. He leaned down, and with doubt not quite lifting from his eyes, he closed them, and kissed Hide’s lips gently. And then Kaoru’s.

“Sweet dreams... Both of you.”


Continued in Surfacing: Interludes

fics, gakuheaven: shichijo/nakajima/saionji, gakuen heaven, fic: gakuheaven: surfacing

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