[FIC] Gakuen Heaven: Surfacing: Lessons

Dec 20, 2007 02:53

Let it be known that my first OTP for this series is Niwa/Nakajima, and that will never change. I will always love Nakajima Hideaki. I blame kagayachou for that due to the endless RPing we do and how I keep falling for him. =D

That said, I kinda hate myself for writing this, but I hate you more for requesting it, you enabler brat you. Blackmail me with manga again, brat, and you will pay instead of me. >.<

Surfacing: Lessons

Characters/Pairings: Nakajima/Niwa, Niwa/Keita
Rating: NC-17
Words: 3011
Summary: Niwa was an inexperienced seme. Nakajima taught him how to do it right by the best way possible: demonstration. If only things were so simple.
Spoilers: For the first manga, which is this basically set after. Not much background knowledge needed, what is needed is found under the cut.

Warnings: Explicit sex, with rimming, anal, and a view of Nakajima that you might not agree with.
Background Knowledge: Niwa and Keita got together in the first manga and had sex on the beach. Niwa is basically an idiot and took Keita without prep and Keita said he felt as if 'he was being split apart'. Also, Nakajima... was quite obviously jealous of Keita.

“You are an idiot, Niwa,” Hide said the very thing that Niwa didn’t want to hear, leaning back against his chair. His arms were crossed, and he was looking at Niwa steadily, almost condescendingly, a small smirk curving his lips.

Niwa opened his mouth, ready to protest, but Hide held up a hand and cut him off before he could even start.

“Listen, Niwa. Itou was a virgin. And you, like the impatient ass you are, didn’t even prepare him beforehand,” he rolled his eyes. “Of course he would be in pain.”

“But, you-“

“Itou is not me, and thank god for large mercies. Niwa, I wasn’t a virgin when you fucked me the first time. You were. In fact, I did most of the work. I still do,” Hide steamrolled on mercilessly, pretending not to hear him speak.

Niwa opened his mouth, incensed, but Hide sighed deeply, shaking his head, “You really have no idea what to do, do you.” It wasn’t a question.

Niwa had stood up and was pacing to and fro across the Student Council office, clenching his fists sporadically, as Hide had continued. At that, he turned around sharply, throwing his hands up in sheer frustration.

“Of course I don’t! Damnit, Hide, I’ve never had any guy except you and Keita! How the hell would I know what to do! I love him,” Hide winced, but Niwa was too fired up to notice by then. “I want to show him that I love him, but I’m hurting him when I do that. He bled, Hide!”

Hide stood up and, with his customary abruptness, strode over and pushed Niwa onto his own desk, flat on his back and scattering paper everywhere. He smirked, then, looming over the older boy.

“You have no technique, Niwa. I have been too good to you, and now you have no idea what to do with someone else,” his smirk widened.

Niwa was struck dumb, plainly gaping at his best friend. Hide leaned his weight on an elbow, running a hand through Niwa’s hair in an oddly gentle manner before he clenched down on the strands, pulling Niwa’s head upwards to crash their lips together.

Niwa tried to flail, to move away, his hands moving to Hide’s shoulder to try to push him away. But then Hide’s tongue pushed inside his mouth, licking the roof of it in the way that turned his body into a nerveless puddle. Damn Hide and how well he knows him (or rather, his body)… Almost unconsciously, his fingers tightened against Hide’s blazer, pulling his best friend closer instead of pushing him away like he had wanted to.

Hide smirked into the kiss - Niwa can feel it - before pulling away and straightening. He cupped Niwa’s chin with a hand, tracing the curve of his cheekbone with his thumb. There was a strange, soft light in Hide’s eyes as he looked at Niwa, but Hide straightened again, light flashing across his glasses and Niwa dismissed it as his imagination.

“Let me show you how to do it right, na?” He smirked.

Dazed, Niwa could only reply, “Here?”

Hide chuckled, “Unless you want Itou to see us, no. My room.” And with that, he turned on his heel, walking away and leaving Niwa to stare after him for a moment before his body caught up with his mind and he was nearly running after him.

They reached Hide’s room in record time.

Niwa pressed Hide against the door the moment they stepped into the room, kissing him hard and hungry and slamming the door close with their combined weight. Hide buried his hand in Niwa’s hand, kissing him back but not trying to dominate the kiss. His other hand moved to Niwa’s waist, slowly steering him away from the door and towards the bed, their lips still join, mouths trying to devour each other.

Niwa gasped, tilting his head back for a moment as the back of his knees hit the bed. He fell backwards hard and was nearly swallowed by the bed as Hide crawled on top of him, kissing him hard and nipping gently at his lips.

It’s all a little too much, too suddenly, and Niwa felt himself being overwhelmed by sensations when he felt his Vice President’s hands on his clothes, unbuttoning the shirt and pulling the tie off. Not for the first time, Niwa was glad that he wore so little, and curses the fact that Hide wore so damn much and his fingers were trembling, unsteady as he tried to return the favor. Hide batted his hands away gently, cool blue eyes looking at him in amusement as he pushed Niwa’s shirt open.

“Lesson one: the body is one great erogenous zone, but there are some spots there are more sensitive than others. Like this one,” Niwa gasped, arching up as Hide licked first one nipple, then the other. “Everyone’s erogenous zones are different,” the cool, detached voice continued, and Niwa struggled to pay attention, “so you have to be very attentive to find his.”

Hide was licking his way upwards, and was now tonguing the hollow of his collarbone. Niwa could feel his glasses digging into his neck and growled impatiently, reaching up to take them off. But before he could even move his hand, Hide’s glasses was already removed and on the nightstand. Niwa blinked.

“Lesson two,” Hide continued, calm as always even though Niwa could feel the beginning of an erection against his thigh. “Be sensitive to what your lover wants. Don’t wait for him to ask for it, because usually he doesn’t know what he wants either.” Hide licked a line from hollow of Niwa’s throat down his chest, “You like to do this when we fuck. People tend to do to other people what they want to be done to them. Pay close attention, Niwa.”

Niwa was trying. He was trying really, really hard but it’s very difficult to concentrate on Hide’s voice when Hide’s tongue was doing things on his chest. God, he’s hard as a rock and he hadn’t even been touched there yet! Niwa groaned, panting as he arched upwards, desperate for some sort of contact, any contact.

Hide chuckled, moving down, away from his nipples and Niwa could feel his muscles tremble like butterfly wings under Hide’s fingers and mouth. He never knew sex could be this good, this overwhelming, and all of the sudden Niwa could understand his best friend’s reputation as the school sex god. He had always been too impatient, too much in a hurry to get off. This… was completely different.

His pants and boxers were pulled off him and kicked away without Hide even pausing in his ministrations, and Niwa moaned like a street whore when he felt that teasing mouth on his inner thigh, sucking and licking, so close to his erection that he could feel Hide’s breath, but not enough.

“Hide, you… you fucking tease…” It was a miracle that he was still coherent.

“Lesson three: if he doesn’t expect it, it’s always better to be safe,” Hide’s tone was still clinical, even though Niwa could detect just a little hitch in it. It made him feel vindicated, that Hide was affected by this, that he was turned on just like Niwa was.

Okay, not exactly like Niwa was, but close enough.

The sudden, cold touch on his ass made him yelp and buck upwards away from the chill. His eyes snapped downwards when he felt a hand on his hip, holding him down as the cold went a little inside his ass. Now that’s just… Niwa glared at Hide as his best friend tossed the alcohol wipes away, “The hell is that for?”

“Hygiene. I didn’t warn you before this. It’s better to clean up, especially considering what I planned to do to you later,” Hide smirked and, before Niwa could demand what he meant, swooped down and took Niwa’s considerable erection into his mouth.

Niwa turned his scream into a shout just in time, his hips thrusting up uncontrollably into that hot suction that had suddenly surrounded his cock. Hide drew back slightly, one hand coming to press Niwa’s hips against the bed, holding him down, but not much. Niwa took a second to admire Hide’s complete lack of a gag reflex before his eyes rolled to the back of his head as Hide licked and sucked at his cock like it was a lollipop, nibbling on the edges of the vein as he moved down then up again. Niwa barely noticed an oiled finger slipping inside him, and when he did, he simply spread his legs wider, head tilted back in sheer pleasure.

Oh god. Hide had a really, really talented mouth.

And just as abruptly as it had started, Hide’s mouth drew back with a final, teasing lick at the head. When Hide spoke again, his voice was just a little hoarse, just a little raspy, “Lesson four: Make sure that he’s fully relaxed before you even think of fucking him. Nervousness makes for tense muscles, which is difficult for even fingers to enter,” it was only then that Niwa fully registered Hide’s finger in him even as it was withdrawn. “Itou’s a virgin, Niwa. Even worse than one now that he realized that bottoming can hurt like a bitch, so you must… loosen him up a little. Also, this is why I cleaned you up just now.”

That was all the warning Niwa got before he felt that hot, wet mouth again, but not on his cock, this time. That tongue was on his ass, licking around his entrance and oh god, it shouldn’t be so hot but somehow it was. He was moaning incoherently now, gasping and whimpering for breath as Hide licked at his hole. It couldn’t get any better than this, he thought as his vision started to tinge black and stars started to appear, when Hide’s tongue dove inside him, caressing him inside. It was just… too much.

Niwa’s whole body bucked upwards, an incoherent cry escaping his lips as he came all over his stomach. He felt a hand on his thigh, stroking it gently, almost soothingly as he fell back onto the bed, gasping for his breath. He barely had time to recover when he felt that tongue on the flat planes of his stomach, licking off his come. Niwa shivered at the sensation on his oversensitive skin and, unbelievably, felt himself growing hard again.

He could feel Hide pressing two fingers inside him now, scissoring. Presumably to stretch him, he supposed. Niwa let out a shuddering breath as Hide finished cleaning him up, that wicked tongue dipping into his navel and sending fresh sparks of pleasure down his spine, causing his cock to harden even further.

“Lesson five: stretch him before you fuck him, no matter how impatient you might be. Lesson six: this is called the prostate,” Hide’s voice was lower, laced with arousal and amusement, and Niwa only had a moment to wonder what ‘this’ was when Hide crooked his fingers inside him and brushed against a spot.

Niwa’s vision went white for a second. He cried out so loudly that he was sure that someone must have heard, and that his voice was going to be hoarse later or even tomorrow. But he didn’t care right now, not when Hide’s goddamn fingers were making him feel almost good enough to come hard for the second time.

Almost, but not quite.

“God, Hide!” Niwa panted, tossing his head back and forth on the bed as he tried to catch his breath. “Stop… being such a fucking tease!”

“What do you want, Niwa?” Hide’s voice, almost dispassionate and cool, the teasing edge to it almost drove Niwa insane.

He forced opened his eyes, and gasped - not in pleasure, not entirely, but in surprise as well - but he realized that Hide was still completely dressed, vest and blazer all buttoned up despite the erection he could see pressing against Hide’s usually pristine pants. Niwa narrowed his eyes, reaching a hand up to grab Hide by the tie, pulling him forward and kissing him hard and chastely. He knew where that mouth had been and he didn’t care.

“Lesson two, Hide. Be sensitive to what your lover wants. You know what I fucking want right now, so give it to me, damnit!”

It was one of the rare times when Niwa saw surprise in Hide’s eyes, and the smirk that curved those full lips next were not mocking, but appreciative, amused and, somehow, proud.

“As your Majesty commands,” Hide said, in a tone that could be a mockery of Shichijo if Niwa had enough of a presence of a mind to think. But he didn’t, because Hide was withdrawing his fingers and the sensation was unfamiliar but good. And Hide was finally taking his clothes off, tossing his blazer, vest, tie, shirt, pants and boxers in a crumpled mess on the floor when before he would have taken the time to fold them properly. Looking down, Niwa could tell that Hide was just as aroused as he was, if not more, but Hide hadn’t shown it at all.

Niwa spread his legs automatically as Hide moved closer, letting his best friend kneel between them and place a pillow under his hips. He closed his eyes as Hide’s next words wash over him.

“Lesson seven: when you truly love someone, like you claim to love Itou, then their pleasure comes first before yours. Your own pleasure is secondary, because there is a certain… satisfaction,” Niwa gasped as Hide lifted his legs slightly, pressing himself in, “in watching him lose control under your hands.”

There was a slight burn, from the stretch, because no matter how carefully Hide had stretched him, Niwa was still a virgin from that end, and Hide’s cock was definitely larger than those long fingers of his. He released a shuddering breath as Hide’s hand wrap around his cock, stroking languidly as he felt himself relax and Hide slipped inside him fully.

“Lesson… ah… eight:” Hide’s breath hitched, and Niwa could feel his arms trembling from holding back as Niwa adjusted to the feel of Hide inside him, “fucking is not just about animal thrusting. There is… a certain technique to it.”

Hide pulled out slowly until only the very tip was still inside before pushing back in, just as slowly. Niwa just tried to breathe; Hide’s hand on his erection helped to alleviate the burn, which completely disappeared when Hide pressed in again and ground his hips against his, brushing against that spot inside that made Niwa’s vision go white.

“Ah! Fuck!” Niwa swore, throwing his head backwards as Hide thrust in again, hitting that spot. It wasn’t long before he understood what Hide had said - there was a certain technique in it alright, and that technique, that rhythm, was slowly driving Niwa insane. Hide pulled out slowly before thrusting back in so quickly that it almost burned, then ground his hips against Niwa’s, stimulating his prostate until Niwa was flailing and near begging and then the whole cycle repeat itself.

He decided to not just lie there and be a rag doll any more. He was supposed to be learning, right? Niwa growled under his breath and hooked his legs behind Hide’s knees, pulling his best friend closer towards him for another hard kiss, their teeth clacking together. His eyes were wild, almost feral as he bucked up against Hide.

“Harder, faster, damnit! Stop teasing me already, Hide. Applying lesson one,” Niwa leaned forward and licked Hide’s collarbone, delighting in the gasp and the shiver that he got for his efforts.

Hide propped himself up on an elbow on the bed, looking straight into Niwa’s eyes clearly despite the lack of glasses because they were so close. He smirked, and that was all the warning Niwa got before Hide started to really move.

Niwa threw his head back and threw modesty and caution to the wind as he shouted and groaned and gasped and moaned at the top of his voice as Hide began to truly fuck him, thrusting into him hard and with unerring accuracy, hitting his prostate with every thrust until Niwa’s vision became permanently white, graying at the corner as he felt his climax getting closer.

Hide had buried his face into Niwa’s shoulder, and was making those breathy little gasps that were the only things that told Niwa that his best friend wasn’t as unaffected as he might seem. But then Hide’s hand around his cock started to stroke in earnest, pumping him in the ways that he had always liked and, just like that, he went over the edge.

“KEITA! AAH! KEITA!” He came shouting his lover’s name loud enough to wake the whole building, and he felt Hide still completely on top of him before he pulled out. Niwa wrenched open his eyes just in time to see Hide come all over his own sheets, eyes closed and gasping a name that he could barely hear.


Niwa let his eyes close again and just breathed. It was normal, right? Niwa had been thinking about Keita the whole time, because Hide was teaching him this so he could be a better lover to Keita. And it’s perfectly normal that Hide would call out his name since he was fucking him. Right.

“If you truly love Itou as you have said and shown, Niwa…” Hide’s voice was cold and composed again, sounding far away. Niwa couldn’t feel his warmth on the bed any more, so he opened his eyes and was faced with Hide’s back against him, posture ramrod-straight. “Then just do to him what I have taught you today. Have fun.”

Before Niwa could get his wits together enough to respond or even get up, Hide had already dressed, immaculate as always, the few wrinkles on his clothes smoothed down by a hand.

He left the room without looking back.

Niwa didn’t try to stop him.


Continued in: Surfacing: Hypothetically

fics, gakuen heaven, fic: gakuheaven: surfacing, gakuheaven: niwa/nakajima

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