[FICS] 101 Kisses: Salvation, Tears, Exploration

Sep 26, 2005 18:48

Three fics in a series, all not more than 500 words. Achievement number one. In three fics, there is only ONE time where I wrote the names. Achievement number two. Four fics in one day. Achievement number three.

I really should get off the computer more often. I write more then. It's official. I'm WEIRD.


Author: The Dream Whisperer, aka The_dw
Pairing: Treize/Wufei
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Theme: #58 - Sword dance
Rating: PG/K+
Words: 169
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing does not belong to me.

It was a dance of their bodies, a symphony of their breaths. Heated glances and flushed cheeks appeared as they danced the deadly dance, swords flashing, eyes gleaming. Steel glinted in the moonlight, a breeze tousled unbound hair.

The sword-tips touched, teasingly, almost like a kiss. Brief as a gentle caress, they withdrew, then clashed together in the music of singing steel. The world was forgotten in the heat of the duellists caught up in the battle.

They would never hurt each other. Sword may kiss tanned skin, but the silk were never broken. Warriors and lovers, they sparred with swords, with words and with bodies. A three-fold kiss that cause the world to fade completely, with the exception of each other.

Their relationship, for they dared not call it love, was a hopeless one. They knew that warriors with blood on their hands would be haunted forever. Stolen moments, heated kisses and brief sparks of joy are the only salvation in the darkness.

And they’re thankful for them.



Author: The Dream Whisperer, aka The_dw
Pairing: Treize/Wufei
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Theme: #56 - Crystal Tears
Rating: PG-13/T
Words: 415
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing does not belong to me.

Crystal tears of sorrow first fell from dark eyes as he held his wife in his arms, watching her life slip away from his grasp helplessly. Bright tears slid down bronzed cheeks as he called her name, voice breaking in sorrow and grief.

Tears of sorrow of a fierce dragon

Crystal tears of sorrow first fell from blue eyes as he held his mother in his grasp, watching her eyes close in acceptance of Death. Arms held her close to his heart, stealing the last warmth from her body as he whispered her name softly, brokenly.

Sorrowful tears of a charismatic knight

Crystal tears of rage filled dark eyes as he watch his home explode in a bright, searing light. Fire burnt through his veins and the roaring of his ears increased to a deafening pitch. Tears streaked down golden cheeks as he screamed in rage, lashing out in revenge at all and at none. Fire filled space in the dragon’s rage, fully displayed.

Vengeance of the dragon’s heart

Blue eyes narrowed as he glared at the stumbling man, crystal tears welling up in rage. A low growl of fury erupted as the knight took his sword. As he smiled at the gaping wound in the murderer’s chest, he smiled. The blood washed down the streets, staining them red.

As the knight took his revenge

The knight and the dragon cried crystal tears of joy together, tears mingling on silky cheeks as their tongues sparred. Soft kisses lapped up the fiery tears of the dragon, and icy tears disappeared beneath gentle fingers. They knew this was forbidden, that such enemies could not be together. For the moment, they did not care. For the moment, the briefest touches are their salvation.

Tears of joy as they found each other
The world disappears among their kisses
Knight and Dragon
Enemies and Lovers

Crystal tears of sorrow fell as their eyes met one last time. The dark-eyed dragon watched as his blue-eyed knight burst into flames, slain by his own hand. Soft sobs tore from his throat as tears fell, drowning him in a river of sorrow and pain.

The knight closed his eyes in silent apology as his world exploded into flames. The deed should be done, had been done, yet all he felt was infinite sorrow for causing his dragon pain.

“I’m sorry, Wufei. Forgive me, please.”

“Treize… I’m so sorry. Please forgive me…”

Knight and Dragon
Enemies and Lovers
Separated by death…
But not forever...



Author: The Dream Whisperer, aka The_dw
Pairing: Treize/Wufei
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Theme: #97 - Explore
Rating: PG-13/T
Words: 246
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing does not belong to me.

Soft kisses trailed down his body, silken lips tracing every contour, every curve. Smooth hands ran down his back, memorizing the lines of his lover’s body.

Every single word, every moan and each sigh was remembered, was treasured. Pale lips covered tanned ones, ginger-gold falling tousled over raven. Long fingers dug into dark hairs, pushing their heated bodies together, contours moulding together perfectly.

The smaller figure arched up to his touch, kissing his lover deeply. Desperation was their driving force as their fought to recognize the strange, yet familiar, emotions that drove them towards each other. They dared not call it love, for it had no place in war.

They knew that the joy was fleeting, a shooting star in the endless darkness of space. But as they moved together as one, exploring each other’s body and mind and heart, they realized that the brief joy was enough. Their hands were too tinged with blood for happiness to last forever.

General and terrorist, knight and dragon, enemies and lovers. They could only have soft touches and brief moments before the war that was of their own making separate them once more.

As the blue-eyed knight held his dark dragon close, he knew that this was both their salvation and their downfall. However, he knew that he would give up forever to be with his lover a moment more, in this peace and quiet joy.

His wish would never be granted, for he did not have forever.


Comments appreciated! I feed on them. Plus sugar and caffeine, that is.

fics, gw, gw: 13x5, 101 kisses

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