[FIC] PoT: Obsessive Control

Sep 10, 2006 02:13

My entry for the all_japan_comp. I didn't win, of course. And I totally forgot about this until TODAY. Ahahaha I fail.

So hey. More pr0n from me. I have no idea why. ♥

Obsessive Control

Characters/Pairing: Yagyuu/Niou
Rating: NC-17
Words: 3018
Summary: ‘Hiroshi,’ Niou thought, ‘is one obsessive-compulsive control freak.’ In which Niou and Yagyuu try something new, and found that they liked it very, very much. For All Japan Competition’s Category 1: Obsession.

‘Hiroshi,’ Niou thought, ‘is one obsessive-compulsive control freak.’

He supposed that was half of why he was in this situation right now. The other half was completely his own fault.

Niou tested his bonds, hands pulling against the cloth that held him to the bedpost. His feet weren’t tied, and he drew them up and spread them, feeling for the edges of the bed and the sheets.

They were probably in his room. Yagyuu’s bed wasn’t this wide; at least, Niou didn’t remember it being so. He really wished that he could see, or even ask Yagyuu where he was.

Unfortunately, the blindfold covering his eyes prevented that rather effectively, and the gag in his mouth stopped him from talking, or even breathing. He had to breathe through his nose.

And Yagyuu was nowhere to be found.

Masaharu sighed mentally, stretching his arms out even though he knew that it would be a useless manoeuvre. He wasn’t angry about the situation, far from it, but he really wished that Hiroshi would hurry up with whatever he was doing away from Niou. The cloth was really starting to chafe, and being naked wasn’t fun unless there was someone to appreciate the view.

He supposed it wasn’t surprising that his thoughts turned to what had caused this.

It was Yagyuu’s birthday party, celebrating his seventeenth year. Niou had, of course, planned almost everything (he left the technical details to Yanagi and Sanada. Who wants to deal with boring stuff like that?). He was the birthday boy’s boyfriend, and thus took it to be his duty to spike the punch.

Really, it was stupid of him to drink the punch after he had spiked it, but Yagyuu was distracting, and kept handing him the alcohol. He hadn’t really noticed how much he had actually drunk until he had start feeling light-headed, and it was already too late by then.

People wouldn't believe him if he said that Hiroshi was the more devious one of the two of them, but that was quite unfortunately very true.

Niou wouldn’t mind it so much if alcohol didn’t make him say very, very stupid things.

“Hey, Hiroshi, ‘m your boyfriend, right? Right! So my present has to be better than anyone else… you can ask me for anything. Anything! But not stuff like a car or a house or shit. Ask Sanada for stuff like that. He can get Atobe to buy those for you. But, really, Hiroshi, ask me for anything and I’ll give it to you. Promise.”

Yagyuu’s hands wrapped around his shoulders and Niou shivered slightly as Yagyuu purred right next to his ear, voice low and seductive.

“Really, Masaharu? Anything?”


Yagyuu laughed, sending shivers down Masaharu’s spine as his breath tickled the shell of his ear.

“Even if I ask for complete control, just for one night? Even if I ask to tie you up and blindfold you and fuck you into the mattress without letting you come?”

Niou moaned softly, eyes glazing over as both Yagyuu’s words and the alcohol took effect. He shivered.

“Sure, Hiroshi. Anything you want.”

And that was how he ended up like this. In short, everything was directly or indirectly Yagyuu’s fault, but Masaharu found that he didn’t exactly mind.

He wiggled slightly on the bed but didn’t manage to do anything other than shift the sheets. He was getting cold, and Hiroshi still wasn’t here. Niou was getting bored, and a bored Niou was to be avoided at all cost.

“Now, now, Masaharu. Don’t move.” Yagyuu’s voice suddenly came from the foot of the bed, and Niou had to make a conscious effort not to twitch. He hadn’t even heard Yagyuu’s footsteps before he had approached. He felt a hand trail his jaw, and heard a ‘click’ as the gag fell away. He took a deep breath.

“Hiroshi? Hiroshi, where are you? You’re slow and I am bored, Hiroshi. I can’t see you. Take this off me, please?”

He heard Yagyuu chuckle before he replied: “Of course not, Masaharu. You promised, remember?”

“Of course I remember. I was just testing you.” Niou tried to sound confident and in control, but he couldn’t help but shiver in anticipation and no little apprehension at Yagyuu’s words.

Hiroshi laughed again, and Niou felt his breath ghosted over the skin of his neck. He gasped involuntarily, arching up at the sudden heat. He didn’t notice how cold his skin was, but he supposed that it was only logical. He had been naked in that room for god-knows how long, after all.

Masaharu’s thoughts were abruptly jerked back to the present when he suddenly felt a calloused hand on his chest, stroking along the lines of his ribs. Yagyuu’s mouth was pressing onto his neck and was nipping the skin, not quite biting. Niou felt a nail scraping the skin around a nipple, and his mouth fell slack, trying to arch into the touch only to find Hiroshi’s hand on his hips, preventing him from moving an inch.

It wasn’t enough. The touches weren’t enough. It was too light, and Niou wanted more.

He supposed this was what having zero control felt like. Quite unsurprisingly, he realized that he liked this. He liked not being able to see Yagyuu, and just feeling the fleeting touches and hearing that voice.

Masaharu almost laughed when he realized that his newfound almost-fixation was the exact mirror of Yagyuu’s. They really were lucky, indeed.

“Am I tickling you, Masaharu? Is that what’s so funny?” Yagyuu’s mouth had detached itself from his throat, and Niou could just imagine Yagyuu’s eyes right now: a cold amusement and a challenge, almost as if daring Niou to laugh at him. His hand trailed down Niou’s body, teasing touches that set fire to his skin.

Masaharu shook his head, not daring to use his voice in fear that he choke or whimper.

He felt Yagyuu smile against his throat, and shivered involuntarily as he nibbled his way along the line of Niou’s jaw and up to his earlobe.

“Then what is, Masaharu?”

“Just…” he gasped, “just thinking how fucking lucky we are that…” Yagyuu licked the inner shell of his ear, and Niou’s words nearly stuck in his throat. “…that I like losing control almost as much as you obsess over having it, Hiroshi.”

“Oh?” Yagyuu’s breath slid over his slightly wet ear, like cold water down a parched throat. “We are really fortunate, aren’t we?”

“Yea… yeah…” Niou jerked as Yagyuu’s hand traced circles on his hips, pressing a thumb into the indentation even as fingers pressed into his navels. The hand was completely avoiding his cock, which Niou knew, even without having to look, was hard.

“Hi… Hiroshi…”

Hiroshi was kissing his way up and down Niou’s arms now, pressing soft kisses to the skin and paying special attention to the insides of the wrist and elbow. He knew that those were Masaharu’s erogenous spots. He chuckled, and Niou felt the barest hint of a tongue lick at his pulse point.

“What is it, Ma-sa-ha-ru?” Yagyuu’s voice was teasing, and Niou wanted badly to hit him. But hitting him meant removing his arm; removing his arm meant that Yagyuu would stop. Besides, it wasn’t as if he could move very much anyway. He was tied to the bedposts, after all.

“You… bastard… Stop teasing me, damnit…” The words were shaky and barely coherent, as Yagyuu had now turned his full attention to his nipples. Niou could feel them hardening, just as he could feel his erection hardening, under Yagyuu’s touch.

‘Must be the damn blindfold,' he thought, hazily, ‘lack of sight being compensated by hypersensitive hearing and touch. ‘s just like Hiroshi to remember stuff like that.’

Niou shouted, pulled forcefully from the pleasant haze he was in when Yagyuu suddenly bit down on a nipple suddenly.

“Ow! What the… mmph!” Yagyuu’s mouth suddenly covered his, and Masaharu felt his mouth being completely invaded by Hiroshi’s tongue. He tried kissing back, but Yagyuu’s hand had shifted to his hair, stroking the strands, and Niou leaned backwards and let Yagyuu have absolute control of the kiss. After a few breathless minutes, Yagyuu pulled back.

“You shouldn’t try to order me around like that, Masaharu. It’s not very polite to try to break a promise, please remember that.” Hiroshi murmured; he was soft enough that Niou had to strain to catch the words. However, Niou could still hear the steel and the hint of displeasure in the voice.

“Aah…” He nodded jerkily. “Sorry?”

He felt a hand smooth his hair back, and Yagyuu kissed him again. This time, however, the kiss was slow, Hiroshi’s mouth moving against his own without opening. Niou didn’t try to open his mouth even once. He could feel Yagyuu smiling against his mouth.

He closed his eyes, even though it was useless and he couldn’t see anything with his eyes open anyway, when Yagyuu started kissing his way down his neck again. But they snapped open again when Yagyuu’s mouth pressed onto the juncture between his neck and shoulder and started to suck, gently at first, but with increasing insistency. Masaharu gritted his teeth and inhaled sharply as pleasure crawled down his spine, slow and steady and burning him inside.

He was going to have a bruise there tomorrow, but he really couldn’t bring himself to care right now.

Hiroshi released him after what seemed to be a few minutes, although it was almost half an eternity to Niou, that pleasure wrapping around him so slowly, luring him in and withdrawing. Three steps forward, two steps back.

Yagyuu bypassed his chest this time round, and he couldn’t help but feel a mixture of relief and disappointment. He felt hands trail down his waist, light touches that had him shifting almost impatiently on the bed, wanting more. He was already hard, and the lack of any touch except for the rare breeze made him even more aware of that fact. Masaharu wanted to turn to his side and rub himself against the sheets, just for a little relief. However, he also knew that Yagyuu wouldn’t be very pleased if he tried that. He did promise to give his lover complete control, after all.

And he didn’t regret that drunken decision a single bit, even though he knew that Yagyuu had probably planned everything.

Hiroshi’s hands had reached his hips now and were travelling towards the insides of his thighs, pressing softly but firmly. Niou drew his legs up, parting them without Yagyuu having to ask. He knew his lover was smiling, with a tint of smugness, even if he couldn’t see said grin.

Niou could feel Yagyuu’s breath gliding on his thighs, warm and cool at the same time. His cock twitched, and he clenched his fists and spread his thighs even wider. Not being able to see had made him so much more sensitive to every touch Hiroshi had allowed.

He nearly screamed when he felt a tongue just above his entrance, licking its way up to the base of his erection. Instead, he moaned, squeezing his eyes shut and arching towards the touch even though he knew it was useless. Yagyuu had a hand on his hip, and he couldn’t move at all.

For some reason, that thought just aroused him even more.

Masaharu shivered convulsively as Yagyuu continued licking him just there. He could feel the smooth, plush feel of Hiroshi’s lips so clearly when he kissed him on that spot, could feel the rasp of his tongue against oversensitive skin. He dug his heels into the mattress, jaw slack. He panted harshly through his mouth and threw his head backwards and baring his throat. His hands strained uselessly against the bonds. His whole body was like a drawn bowstring, taut and tense and clearly ready to let go.

And Yagyuu hadn’t even touched him fully yet.

Niou bit his lip to prevent himself from whimpering when Yagyuu suddenly and pushed off him. He couldn’t hear footsteps, but Hiroshi was probably getting something… He gasped when a mouth pressed on his own without warning, but he got over the shock quickly and started kissing back. Yagyuu’s tongue flicked in and out of his mouth, pressing the roof of his mouth once, tracing the line of his teeth in another. Niou shuddered and moaned as a hand slid down his chest and toyed with his nipples.

“Hi… Hiroshi…”

He could feel Hiroshi smile as he felt him kiss his way down Niou’s jaw, nipping slightly at the skin. His warm breath slid over slightly-wet skin, sending sparks down Masaharu’s spine, straight down towards his cock.

Then Yagyuu lifted himself off him, until Niou couldn’t feel anything except stifling air. A soft, high whine escaped him involuntarily, and he heard a soft chuckle and a click of plastic in response.

His breath caught in anticipation, and he parted his legs again, inviting.

A hand gripped onto his thigh, and Masaharu felt rather than heard Hiroshi’s laugh, a breeze across his skin. A finger landed on the base of his erection, and Niou hissed through his teeth as it trailed down. It was cold, and slick with what he assumed to be the lube. He really couldn’t care what it was right now.

His whole body tensed as the finger entered him, slowly, to the knuckle. He exhaled slowly, relaxing, as the finger probed his insides, slicking the oil thoroughly. He felt Hiroshi kiss him on a thigh, a question and a half-apology in one, and he nodded, once.

A second finger now joined the first, scissoring as they stretched him. Behind the blindfold, Niou’s eyes were pressed shut, and he arched up to the fingers and the mouth on his thigh, sucking gently upwards, until he could feel Yagyuu’s tongue on the thin layer of skin covering where his hips joined with his leg.

Masaharu was almost whimpering, exhaling long, pleading sighs. Yagyuu’s fingers weren’t enough, and he wanted so much more. The pleasure had wrapped itself around him like a layer of warm silk coiling around his spine. He shivered as Yagyuu added a third finger, pushing them inside him and stretching him, but it still wasn’t enough.

“Please… Hiroshi… Please…”

Yagyuu’s mouth left him along with the fingers, slipping them out of him. Niou heard a quiet laugh as he furrowed his brows and almost pouted. That wasn’t what he was thinking of, damnit!

“What do you want, Masaharu?” Yagyuu’s fingers danced on his chest and throat, tracing circles and odd patterns on the skin. Niou wasn’t paying very much attention to them.

“Fuck me, Hiroshi. I want you to fuck me, please.” He gasped as a finger tweaked a nipple, pleasure spiking. He struggled against the bonds.

Hiroshi laughed again, and Niou almost wanted to strangle him out of pure frustration. “Of course, Masaharu. All you have to do is to ask.”

‘Beg, more like,’ he thought grumpily as Yagyuu moved off him. He could almost hear soft footsteps if he really strained his ears.

The mattress dipped as Hiroshi kneeled between his legs, and he could feel a hand on his hip, holding him down as something much larger than a finger pressed against him. He bit his lip as Hiroshi entered him, slowly. The stretch burned like it always did, bringing him to the edge of pain, but never over it.

Then Yagyuu stopped.

Niou nearly growled, wrapping his legs around Yagyuu’s waist and wanting to push him forward, inside, more, when he felt hands on his thighs, stopping him from moving.

“Such impatience, Masaharu… Tell me, what do you want me to do again?”

This time, Niou did growl. “I want you to fuck me, Hiroshi. Fuck me, please, Hiroshi. Please!”

He felt Yagyuu snapped his hips forward, and that was all the warning he had before Hiroshi was completely inside him, stretching his insides so much that he forgot to breathe.

“Aah… Hi… Hiroshi…”

He felt Yagyuu laughed, once, before withdrawing slowly, torturously slowly until he all but completely out of him. Niou held his breath, exhaling explosively when Hiroshi slammed into him again; one harsh thrust that sent stars spinning into his eyes.

The rhythm had started: a harsh thrust in and a slow pull out, driving him to the edge of orgasm and pulling him back, again and again until he was shouting incoherently, screaming Yagyuu’s name again and again as he fought to breathe. He almost couldn’t hear his lover’s voice whispering into his ears through his own voice.

“Do you want me to go faster, Masaharu?”

“Yes! Yes, please, yes! Faster, Hiroshi. Faster please! Please!”

Masaharu clenched his hands, pulling against the bonds that tied him to the bedposts as he arched up towards Hiroshi. His eyes were pressed shut, and his mouth open as he fought for breath and tried to scream Yagyuu’s name at the same time. The rhythm grew faster and faster, until all he could hear was the sound of skin meeting, and all he could feel was Yagyuu leaning down and kissing him, dominating the kiss as he fucked Niou into the mattress, faster and faster.

Niou could hear his own voice screaming and saw stars exploded behind his eyes as he came, shuddering convulsively. Yagyuu drove into him a few more times before hearing him gasp and feeling heat rush into his insides.

He fought to get his breath back, dazed and panting harshly as he flopped back down onto the bed. He sensed Yagyuu leaving him and the mattress sink as his lover laid down behind him. He tried to smile, but he could only manage to shudder slightly, beyond drained.

Niou felt a hand trace his jaw, moving upwards to the blindfold. He squinted as light filled his vision, searing eyes used to darkness as the blindfold was pulled over his head. He blinked rapidly as Yagyuu came into view, blurry.

Hiroshi smiled, and Masaharu saw his own face smirking back at him even as a hand stroked his own mussed brown hair.


fics, tenipuri, tenipuri: niou/yagyuu

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