[FIC] Beat of Destiny Drabble: Heartbeat

Aug 30, 2005 19:04

Sappy 13x5, slight Wufei angst. I think I may have caught the Gundam Wing writing bug... Or maybe just the writing bug.


Theme: #1 - Beat, #34 - Troubled Thoughts
Genres: Romance/Introspective
Pairing/Claim: Treize/Wufei
Rating: PG13/T(Rating ships!)
Words: 565
Warnings: Sap, yaoi, and the slightest bit of angst
Summary: “The strong, steady beat of his lover’s heart was a gentle lullaby, but he could not sleep.” Wufei contemplated, Treize comforts.

Wufei laid in bed, listening to the soft, rhythmic breathing and the gentle rise and fall of the chest. The strong, steady beat of his lover’s heart was a gentle lullaby, but he could not sleep. Not while so many thoughts were swimming dizzyingly around his mind.

Shifting a little so that his head rested on Treize’s chest, Wufei pondered. What would, he mused, the other pilots, or even Marquise, do if they knew about Treize and him? Shock? Disgust? Wufei tried to tell himself that it didn’t matter, that their opinions meant nothing to him, but at the same time, he knew the opposite was true. While he knew the other pilots only as acquaintances, yes, but he respected them as warriors just the same.

Wufei sighed, a small, warm gust of air whooshing out. He cared about their opinions, but, nevertheless, he would not change to suit their needs if they disapprove. It seemed rather selfish to him, but wasn’t everyone selfish at least once in their life? Then, by ancestor, this would be his chance.

His ancestors… Wufei’s thoughts turned to Meiran. What would she think if she knows about this? He tried, unsuccessfully, to tell himself that it did not matter, for if she were alive, he would not be here at all. The Elders, Master Long in particular, would be aghast if they were told. But it did not matter now, for they’re all dead, weren’t they?

Treize stirred in his sleep, wrapping an arm around Wufei and pulling him even closer to himself. Wufei smiled, for even asleep, Treize wanted to claim Wufei as his. Wufei’s smile dropped at the sobering thought that, in the battlefield, they have to be enemies, even though they are anything but outside it. Wufei sent a single prayer to his ancestors, praying that he would never have the need to kill Treize.

Treize stirred again, opening sleep-fogged blue eyes, focusing on Wufei. He knew Wufei was awake and thinking hard, due to the serious expression on his face. He leaned down, whispering in the outer shell of Wufei’s ear,

“What are you thinking about, Dragon?”

Wufei shivered slightly as the hot breath ghosted over the sensitive flesh, nerves set on fire with the teasing touch. It took a few moments for his mind to realize what Treize had asked, and he replied, raising an eyebrow,

“What makes you think that I’m thinking of something?”

Treize shook his head slightly, then smirked,

“Well then, what were you thinking of?”

Wufei smiled slightly, unsurprised that his older lover knew him so well. However, he truly did not want to tell Treize of his melancholy thoughts. He settled for a distraction.

Treize was slightly astonished, but not unhappy, as a pair of warm lips covered his own in a gentle kiss. He knew that his Dragon was trying to distract him, but he knew better then to push. Treize believed that if Wufei wanted him to know, he would tell him without being pushed to.

Wufei pulled away, hoping that his distraction had worked. When Treize did not push, his head laid down on the broad chest again. As Treize slowly ran his hand through his unbound hair, all previous melancholic thoughts disappeared.

The strong, steady beat of his lover’s heart was a gentle lullaby, and this time, Wufei yielded to the strong pull of sleep.


Constructive Criticism appreciated!

Cross-posted to beat_of_destiny

beat of destiny, fics, gw, gw: 13x5

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