[FIC] FF7: 1sentence, Rufus/Reno

Dec 12, 2005 11:51

Well I finished it last night, but was too out of it to post. Here it is anyway.

Fandom: Final Fantasy VII

Pairing: Rufus/Reno
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: NC-17

#01 - Comfort:
When the tremors came, pain slicing through his body and black ichor ran down his skin, Reno held him, uncaring that the putrid liquid soak through the cloth of his suit and stuck on his skin, offering silent comfort even when Rufus didn’t ask for it.

#02 - Kiss:
Rufus’s kisses are domineering, demanding, harsh and never gentle, leaving Reno’s lips red and swollen like a whore’s, but Reno did not care, for his own kisses were the same.

#03 - Soft:
Reno wasn’t soft, hands calloused by the use of guns and his nightstick, skin scarred by various injuries, his hair jagged; however, amongst a lush bed and soft, genteel lighting, Rufus decided he preferred Reno’s harsh edges of reality.

#04 - Pain:
The light glinted off the jewelled hilt of the knife, nearly blinding Reno even as pain, sharp and stinging, set fire to every single nerve, burning him even as he saw Rufus’s smirk and the thin line of blood on his chest.

#05 - Potatoes:
Rufus was convinced that Reno was doing it on purpose, slowly sucking the French fry, licking off every bit of salt and ketchup until the potato was soft and limp, still held between his lips; when he saw the glint of lust in Reno’s eyes, he knew he was right.

#06 - Rain:
Anyone who said that Midgar’s rains were pure was a damn liar, Reno thought as he was pushed against the wall and viciously kissed while burning drops landed on his arms; he would have acid burns tomorrow, but now he couldn’t care less as he kissed Rufus back, hands digging into golden hair, almost but not quite pulling the strands.

#07 - Chocolate:
Reno had never liked chocolate, deeming it “prissy” and “too damn high class”, but as he watched Rufus slowly dripped the chocolate onto his whole body before licking it off slowly, smirking all the while, he decided that he liked chocolate after all.

#08 - Happiness:
Happiness was, Reno mused, having good booze on the table, a steady job that he enjoyed and, of course, a good fuck with his President every now and then.

#09 - Telephone:
Reno seemed to have an insatiable lust and a fetish for his PHS, calling him during missions just before important meetings just to have little ‘talks’ with him.

#10 - Ears:
Once, when Reno asked why Rufus never wore rings, Rufus brushed his hair back and revealed the scar on his left ear, a mark left by the large diamond of the old man’s ring.

#11 - Name:
Shinra was a name that carried history, a surname with a reputation and a legacy for Rufus to live up to; Reno never had a last name, and he never cared to have one, thus he never understood the responsibilities of being Shinra Inc.’s President; he never wanted to.

#12 - Sensual:
Rufus had always reluctantly admired Reno’s abilities to be sensual, a single flick of red hair and a twirl of a nightstick that always forced him to put down his work.

#13 - Death:
Dying was part of the job, just something that came with the duty of being a Turk; nobody had ever told him that he ever had to watch Rufus die.

#14 - Sex:
Reno was adventurous with sex, always finding new ways and new positions; Rufus did not mind, for it was a resourcefulness that had many uses.

#15 - Touch:
Rufus’s touch was always careful, deliberate, calculated to tease Reno even as the redhead begged him with his eyes.

#16 - Weakness:
The Ancient had said once: “nobody had ever seen him bleed or cry”, but as Reno held Rufus as he screamed against the pain of Geostigma, he found it to be a lie; no matter how invincible he seemed on the outside, even Rufus Shinra had weaknesses.

#17 - Tears:
Crying was never something Reno did, not when his mother was killed in front of him, not when he was practically sold, not when he was first initiated as a Turk; but when he picked Rufus’s broken body from the rubbles, he tasted salt on his lips and smiled in relief.

#18 - Speed:
Reno put a great emphasis on speed, almost as much as he put on size, and Rufus, gripping the leather of his seat tightly, wondered on the wisdom of letting Reno drive.

#19 - Wind:
On rare nights where Reno had no missions and Rufus had finished his work, they would stand outside on the balcony, enjoying the silence as the wind brush through them.

#20 - Freedom:
Rude had told him that he was free now that Shinra was gone, that Rufus was dead; Reno shook his head, silent, thinking that if this was freedom, he would rather be caged.

#21 - Life:
He knew that he placed his life under Rufus’s hands whenever he allowed himself to be tied up, to be helpless; but he had never tried to stop these games, for he trusted Rufus with his life, worthless though it may be.

#22 - Jealousy:
Reno had always, for some reason for another, gotten a strange, twisting feeling in his gut whenever Rufus praised the other Turks; he refused to admit that the feeling was, in truth, jealousy.

#23 - Hands:
Their hands were both covered in blood, for though it was Reno who pulled the trigger; it was Rufus who gave the order.

#24 - Taste:
Reno, Rufus found, tasted of cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and, strangely, peppermints.

#25 - Devotion:
People had once asked Reno why he was so devoted to the Vice President, but he don’t have one then; now, even as he watched Weapon approach Midgar with a sinking feeling, he knew: “Love makes dogs loyal.”

#26 - Forever:
Forever was an alien concept, something to scoff at over a shot of booze in a bar or spoken of in disdain over coffee in an office.

#27 - Blood:
Reno had never felt more pride than when he saw blood splattered on a white suit and a long shotgun, a triumphant smirk on Rufus’s face and corpses surrounding his Vice President.

#28 - Sickness:
He was delirious for days, under the control of a fever, but he still could feel the touch of a cool hand and hear the soft, reassuring murmurs and see the flashes of red hair.

#29 - Melody:
Reno always loved to listen to Rufus play on the piano, his melodies dark and clashing, chaotic to others but beautiful and real to Reno’s ears.

#30 - Star:
“Ever wished on a shooting star?” He asked impulsively, “No, they’re just comets anyway,” the other replied, “if you want your dreams to come true, it’s better to do it on your own.”

#31 - Home:
Reno’s home was by Rufus’s side, as his Turk and his lover both.

#32 - Confusion:
Rufus was confused when Reno first showed him the gun, smooth and sleek and black and cold against his hand; but when Reno lifted it and shot, the power of the bullet sinking into the straw puppet, Rufus smiled.

#33 - Fear:
The first thing that Rufus had learn to feared was not his father, however hard the old man tried, but Reno, with his blood-smeared face and vicious grin and smoking gun when he had finished a mission.

#34 - Lightning/Thunder
Reno was like lightning, quick and fast, distracting with a loud voice even when he struck.

#35 - Bonds:
Reno pulled at the handcuffs chaining him to the wall, eyes desperately seeking for light to see by before golden hair and blue eyes filled his vision, placing a restraining hand on his even as he stopped fighting.

#36 - Market:
Tseng had found him in Wall Market, dirty inside and out even as he tried to rob and proposition the Turk at the same time; at times, when Rufus shouted at him or when he was tied to the bedpost, he had no idea whether to thank the man for the fact or to kill him.

#37 - Technology:
Shinra Corps was built on technology, on Mako reactors and weapon manufacture; New Age President Shinra’s reputation was built on his Turks, armed with Mako and weapons.

#38 - Gift:
Rufus stared at the small box with an innocuous wrapping paper, before tearing it off and staring at the pink, fluffy handcuffs before lifting his head to stare incredulously at the laughing Reno.

#39 - Smile:
When Rufus smiled, truly smile and not a smirk, Reno felt as if he was hit by the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

#40 - Innocence:
As Rufus marvelled over the various sights of the Golden Saucer, looking like his sixteen years instead of the adult he pretended to be, Reno stood behind him and smiled at the rare innocence.

#41 - Completion:
He hurried through his work, though he still seemed leisurely, wanting to complete them as quickly as he could for Reno was looking at him under half-lidded eyes, smirking in an obvious challenge.

#42 - Clouds:
“That cloud looks like your old man, the big nose and small eyes and all,” Reno pointed out lazily even as Rufus lifted his head, “No, the cloud looks better.”

#43 - Sky:
Rufus’s eyes were not like the sky; the sky was Rufus’s eyes.

#44 - Heaven:
Heaven was watching Rufus’s eyes open after the Weapon’s attack.

#45 - Hell:
Hell was watching, helplessly, as Rufus tossed and turned, captured in his nightmares even when in coma.

#46 - Sun:
Reno grumbled silently whenever the sun came through the window and hit Rufus’s hair, waking the Turk and blinding him with a golden glow.

#47 - Moon:
Sometimes, when he was feeling uncharacteristically poetic and sentimental, Reno would play with Rufus’s hair and compare it to the moon.

#48 - Waves:
Reno sat at the beach, legs kicking in the water as he breathed in the smell of the sea and the lapping of waves and thought of Rufus.

#49 - Hair:
Rufus had always wondered if Reno’s hair was dyed, for such bright red could never be natural, but as he slowly pulled off Reno’s pants, he realized that he was wrong.

#50 - Supernova:
Reno swore that Rufus’s hair was like a supernova, bright and blinding in the mornings just when the light hits their bed.


fics, 1sentence, ff7, ff7: rufus/reno

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