[FIC] FF7: Trust

Nov 18, 2005 16:23

Am I on an unrequited love kick or what?! Or maybe it's just too damn much angst for my own good. Jeez.

This didn't come out like I wanted it to. It sorted of took over my fingers and went down the 'depressing' lane when it's supposed to be a smutty fic. And it probably doesn't make any sense at all and be utter crap, but mehh... Maybe I shouldn't be writing this pairing or something. Argh.

Inspired partly by ponderosa121


Pairing: Rude/Reno
Rating: PG-13
Words: 702
Summary: “Ya expect me to hold still while you hold a fucking gun to my head?"

“Hold still.” Rude ordered, picking up the piercing gun with a hand and an alcohol swab with another.

Reno squirmed, linen sliding across the cotton of the sheets as he shifted. They were both still in their uniforms. Rude’s was as neat as even, and Reno was as unkempt as ever. It almost seemed as if they were on-duty, except for the fact that both Turks were sitting on Reno’s extremely messy bed.

“Ya expect me to hold still while you hold a fucking gun to my head?” Reno’s voice was incredulous.

“This was your idea, Reno.” Rude swiped the earlobe with the swab, and then placed the piercing gun near his partner’s ear. Reno flinched, shifting away. Sighing, the bigger man gripped Reno’s shoulders, turning him bodily to face him. Voice low, he asked,

“Do you trust me?”

Reno stopped fidgeting, and the silence stretched as he toed his boot against the floor. Outside, a car honked. Both ignored the noise. Rude kept his hands on Reno’s shoulders, eyes hidden by dark sunglasses.


A soft whisper that almost went unheard, but Rude heard it. He didn’t move, however, letting Reno continue. Then a decisive nod, and he repeated his words, louder this time,

“Yeah. Yeah, I trust you.”

Rude smiled faintly as Reno turned away, facing the wall as he levelled the gun against his earlobe. He felt honoured, of sorts, that Reno trusted him. He knew how hard it was to gain the redhead’s trust, and he could only hope that he would be able to keep it.

He swabbed the earlobe with alcohol again, then, quickly, placed the piercing gun at Reno’s ear and pulled the trigger. He hoped that the unexpected moved would take off some of the pain. It had worked marginally well with his own piercings.

Reno blinked as he heard a soft ‘pop’ before a hot searing pain exploded at his ear. Gasping, he hissed slightly, breathing through gritted teeth. The pain weren’t as bad as he had half-expected it to be, but it still hurt. He supposed that was as much a testament to Rude’s skill with the piercing gun than any.

Rude resisted a chuckle as he watched Reno touched the slightly reddened earlobe gingerly. For a Turk, his partner had a surprisingly low pain threshold. He reached towards his own ear and took off an earring, a loop of silver wires twisted together. He held it out towards the redhead silently, but Reno shook his head and turned, facing the wall with the newly pierced ear towards Rude. Taking the hint, the large man quickly dipped the jewellery in the alcohol before rinsing it in water and drying it. Opening the clasp, he slipped the silver loop into the earlobe. Then, backing up, he scrutinized his word and nodded to himself, satisfied.

He stood, getting up from the bed to pack up the various piercing equipments lying around haphazardly. Rude tossed back a question as he closed the drawer and locked it, “So why did you ask me for a piercing and an earring, all of the sudden?”

He heard Reno get up from the bed and turned, expecting an answer. Instead, his partner surprised him once more. Warm, plush lips pressed against his in a sudden, unexpected close-mouthed kiss.

Rude blinked, too shocked to respond. He remained as still as statue when his partner… was he only a partner?, stepped back, backing off. A hurt look appeared on the redhead’s eyes before he covered it up with his characteristic arrogant smirk. He shrugged, almost too casual and not casual enough, “Nah, just a whim, you know? Sorry ‘bout that. I really shouldn’t have done it. But you know me, right? When the hell have I done what I should?”

The laughter that had followed the statement sounded false. Reno shrugged again before turning towards the door, picking up his nightstick and hefting it over his shoulders. He strode out of the room at a pace that could almost be considered as running.

Rude remained standing, leaning against the wall to maintain his balance. He was staring after him long after the last flick of red had disappeared from the door.

Am still struggling with the third story, which is pretty much turning into unrequited love also. Or, at least, too much love on one side and too little on the other. I think I'll go bash my head in now.

fics, ff7, ff7: rude/reno

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