nnngh-worthy stuff and personality types

Oct 26, 2012 15:50

Hitting burnout and reaching a point where I annoy the fuck out of myself when a tinny little voice in my head goes "no one likes meeeee I suckkkkkkk and I will always suckkkkk please give me validationnnnnn". It's fucking annoying, let me tell you. It has a lot to do with my attempts to not kill myself with overwork and changing "write 6000 words ( Read more... )

dream is an emotard ok, dream is an enormous dork

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Comments 48

noalinnea October 26 2012, 08:23:26 UTC
I like you! In what form should the validation be? :)


evocates October 26 2012, 12:39:30 UTC
HAHAHAHA YOU. NO, YOU SPOIL ME ENOUGH ALREADY /SHAKES YOU HARD. No more egostroking; I might not be able to deal with it. /faints dead away


noalinnea October 26 2012, 20:15:07 UTC
Oh, but I am open-minded. I can fling random insults your way if required. Just name it ;) (and the right amount of ego-stroking never is a bad thing)


evocates October 27 2012, 05:10:23 UTC
:3 :3 :3 Too much of it is bad in my case. I CAN ONLY WORK IF I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!!! No, not really, but that's funny to say. :3

/drapes onto. Did you take the test?


lathaina October 26 2012, 08:59:37 UTC
Are you sure only 2% are ITNJ's? I did the quiz and got it as well.

Oddly enough, I'm currently doing science at A level (it's a UK exam) and absolutely refuse to do it at uni level because it's incredibly dull. And irritating.


evocates October 26 2012, 12:38:57 UTC
Hi! I've never seen you here before. Are you a random visitor? 8D?

Apparently only 1.5% of the population and 0.5% of women are INTJs, odd, right? It doesn't mean that there's something wrong with the statistics if we both have the same results. It just means we're equally awesome. 8D


lathaina October 26 2012, 13:56:01 UTC
I'm just one of the random people on your "friend of" list.

0.5%? goodness, that's rather small.


evocates October 27 2012, 05:12:00 UTC
It's miniscule in the grand scale of things, but it's still like 35 million women in the world. Kind of depressing to think about, honestly.

... Hah, that's odd. Where did we meet, do you remember? @_@


bluegerl October 26 2012, 09:30:07 UTC
That was so interesting. And the ISFP and INFJ do so FIT!!!! (I'm an INFJ.. well, I would be! with my life past) But Viggo's is unbelieveable and whooee.. fans self. And the Bean.. yes. Yes, as I see him too. That's one reason why he has such sad eyes sometimes... the spiritual bit about love. Yup!

But it was odd that I hesitated a lot over some questions, as one bit of me wanted to hit a Viggo button and the other said..no - the other button! (from life-training!) But I wish I could have been the ISFP one I think I might have been meant to be! odd. Nurture over Nature!!!!

Do you have a decent break over the Halloween? I just want to hide my head and dip out of all that crap. I shall measure furniture, sort out my books and write!!! You make sure you have time for YOU...even if it is editing a friend's thesis, if that makes you happy?

At least my 62% feeling allows me to say - LOVE YOU...cos I do. Loving old Looloo.


evocates October 26 2012, 12:44:29 UTC
omg so many people are INFJs around these parts. I think I have collected a small group of rare birds. :3 You, Galadriel, and Ruby, HAHA. (I am an unrepentant T. The questions about how I make decisions is honestly the easiest one to answer.)

Ooh, why do you think you're meant to be an ISFP? S/N are one of the most sharply defining traits of a person, because that's basically how you gain knowledge. For example, I'm very very much an N person (which is somewhat irritating given that I am also a T), which means that I generally just know things instead of going out and exploring it. I'm not saying that you're wrong; I'm just curious about it.

No Halloween breaks for me here. But I have a Halloween party to go to tomorrow. I have my suit ready. As in, men's wear. I'm dressing up as a cowboy dressing up as a movie star. >_> Also, I like feeling useful, so yes, editing my friend's thesis makes me happy. 8D

/squishes you in arms like a teddy bear


bluegerl October 26 2012, 15:46:01 UTC
THAT is the best POSSIBLE way of being squished!!!! oh loovely.

I wanted to be an ISFP cos I do somehow KNOW what it would be like to be a Viggotype. I am sooo like him in my original form. before LIFE got at me. Nurture beat the shit out of Nature's gifts. and now.. all I can feel is the pain of wishing to walk in his ways. Like the Little Mermaid I spose. I have to be this.. INFJ. Infinitely nonsensical foolish joker!!! hahahaha

Oh HEY Cowboy... a WHITE stetson... and oh ivory-handled pistols slung on those yummy flappy chaps. GOD and wear a neckerchief tied with bow under the ear and the shirt open to cleavage..aaaah Bloody Hell. HiHo Trigger, pass me my geeetah! And can you sling a shot of whisky along the bar without spilling it? And TINKLEY spurs!!!! oh GOD... I'm in love!!! Bless you and have a ball at the ball!!!
Hugs like my pillow in the mornings.


evocates October 27 2012, 05:14:38 UTC
More like a waistcoat, leather pants, black shirt (I can't wear white, my breast binder is black), and a black fedora with sunglasses. And leather boots. 8D It's in a few hours, so I have to actually start dressing soon.

(Yes, I can sling a shot of whiskey without spilling a drop. >_>)


j_flattermann October 26 2012, 10:53:52 UTC
I didn't take the questionnaire but from reading through all the options I found that the ENTJ was the one that I could identify myself as a young adult most. However it doesn't quite fit to me as I am now.
Actually not one of them really fit me as I am now as I found that there were some of all represented in the way I work, think and act.
But that might be because I have come to a certain age now where I had the chance to experience the positives and negatives of so many actions that I adapted.
The way you see the two boys made me smile. It would be interesting to see them doing the test for real and see what the outcome would be and if it matches.


evocates October 26 2012, 12:51:10 UTC
Possibly! It's a little ridiculous that the entire world can fit into six personality types, but what I like about the test is that there are percentages - that you might swing from one end, to the other. Or you might have 50/50 for one trait and be an amalgation 8D.

For example, a couple of years back, I was an INTP. Now I'm an INTJ. Things change through time and you don't have to keep to one personality type always, I think.


j_flattermann October 26 2012, 13:26:25 UTC
Yep, that's what they said as well that you are changing adding traits and stuff as you get older.

Just took the questionnaire. You never guess what was the result!!!

Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(62%) iNtuitive Thinking(1%) Judging(33%)
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
You have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (62%)
You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%)
You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)


evocates October 27 2012, 05:16:16 UTC
... HAHA omg there are so many people on my f-list who are INTJs. Like attracts like, apparently. 8d@

(Also, your 1% of T over F is absolutely fascinating. I can't imagining working like that.)


caras_galadhon October 26 2012, 12:28:55 UTC
Ahahahahahh! Man, you have Sean down for the personality type I'm forever coming up with in those free online versions of the test. (And I did again in the test you linked to. Sometimes I get ISFJ, but usually it shakes out as INFJ.) Hee. That's interesting.


evocates October 26 2012, 12:37:22 UTC
You're the rarest of the rare, darling! /pretends to be grey bear and twirls white-bear!you 8D The tests are an interesting way to waste time, to say the least. >_> I need to talk to you more to know, but N/S is usually one of the things that's easiest to figure out about a person. You might just be an INEFJ, though - that is, you're right smack in the middle of S and N, which is even rarer. 8D

(Also, apparently J people are very organised. Are you organised?)


caras_galadhon October 26 2012, 12:53:07 UTC
*snicker* WHEEEEEEEE! ^_~

I need to talk to you more to know, but N/S is usually one of the things that's easiest to figure out about a person.
Sure, ok. I'm always game for these sorts of things, anyway. (In Junior High, as a class we used to beg the school counsellor to let us take one of the DSM tests because we wanted to see if anyone came out as a sociopath. *snort* Poor woman. We harrassed her about that so much.)

Uh, it depends what you mean by organized, because if organized = tidy, then no. If you mean do I plan things and then execute those plans, then yes. I'm not very spontaneous. It unsettles me, even when it's a pleasant activity.


evocates October 26 2012, 12:57:11 UTC
If I get to see your in Florida, I will peer at you like you're under my microscope. That is a problem. Because I mistyped: I can't tell N/S by talking to people, but by watching them 8D. (Oh God, we didn't have DSM tests. We used to have IQ tests in school, though, and apparently it's possible to fail an IQ test. I got a 57 once, and everyone was very puzzled because that would mean I'm mentally retarded. Like, literally.)

No, that's basically organisation. I'm not tidy at all but I plan out each day very, very meticulously and execute those damn plans. Spontaneous people scare me. Even when I'm spontaneous I always have to plan out that spontaneity, which possibly entirely defeats its point.


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