[FIC] FF7: Spar

Nov 02, 2005 16:38

... I hate my muses so much sometimes. I'm supposed to work on NaNo, damnit!


Pairing: Sephiroth/Vincent
Rating: NC-17/MA
Warnings: Yaoi, lemon
Summary: AU. Sephiroth and Vincent decided to have a spar, which have… interesting results.
Notes: AU in which they’re teachers in an all-boys school. Inspired by an RP, and the beginning is lifted from said RP, because I am a lazyass.

Upon arriving in the gym Sephiroth lightly cracked his knuckles, and directed a smirk at Vincent. "What are the rules for our spar?" He didn't want it to get too bloody. Killing somebody, no matter the situation, was illegal, after all.

Locking the door behind him, Vincent walked towards a corner of the gym and withdrew two pairs of black leather gloves. Throwing a pair to Sephiroth, he shrugged nonchalantly, "No idea. I suppose that we can't hit vital areas, and the first who gets a hit wins." He turned towards the silver-haired man, "Any objections?"

"Not particularly. But I'm afraid you won't need those gloves, for you won't even get a hit in." He dropped the pair that Vincent had tossed to him as well, he didn't need such things to soften the blows he would inflict upon his opponent. He grinned and raised an eyebrow, "After you…" He would allow his opponent to attack first to get a feel for his skills.

Smirking slightly, Vincent tossed the gloves back towards the direction in which he had taken them from. He, too, raised an eyebrow, "So confident? Overconfidence is a fighter's downfall, you do realize?" Without waiting for a reply, he took the invitation and began the spar. Striking out with his right arm, he aimed for the abdomen of his opponent. It was, of course, the biggest opening and the greatest weakness.

Sephiroth stepped sideways from the blow at the last second and leaned in towards the back of Vincent's head. "My, I thought you might be faster than that" a sneer curled his lips and his eyes shined with amusement. His hands were still in his pockets, he could have won the match but he wanted to continue to spar.

Vincent recognized the tactic Sephiroth was trying to use. 'Trying to get me to lose my temper, hm? I'm afraid that it won’t be this easy, Sephiroth...' At the thought, he twisted out of the silver-haired man's grip, then, hooking a leg around the other's, he pulled it towards him, unbalancing his opponent. Using his left arm, he reached behind Sephiroth's head and gripped a handful of hair, holding him up in mid-air just as he delivered a punch towards his chest.

Sephiroth barely had time to remove his hands to react to being thrown off balance. He had been too cocky. Feeling his hair being pulled, he narrowed his eyes, growling, "You bastard!” No one touched his hair…he didn't even see the punch being delivered but he threw his own, directed at the other man's gut.

Hazarding a wild guess at Sephiroth's sudden irritation, Vincent smirked slightly as he dodged the blow, aborting his own in the process, "If you don't wish for anyone to touch your hair, don't grow it so damn long in the first place. Basic common sense." Nonetheless, he released the tight, no doubt painful, grip he had on the other's hair. Ducking below the still-flailing arms, he struck, aiming for the unprotected abdomen of his opponent.

Sephiroth was blindly striking out in rage, none of his blows were connecting and Vincent's sarcastic remarks were only serving to irritate him more. He felt the blow connect to his abdomen and he forcefully pulled back Vincent's head by the hair. He couldn't lose; he refused to lose so easily...

Vincent shook his head mentally. Losing one's temper in a spar was never an advantage, as one would lose control of oneself, such as Sephiroth was doing now. He visibly smirked as he felt his blow connect, but, before he could speak, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his scalp as his hair was pulled back. "I won, Sephiroth. The fight is over."

"Oh? I disagree." Sephiroth's hand shook slightly and tightened its grip on Vincent's hair. The whole situation was absurd. It wasn’t possible for him to lose. "If you are going to fight dirty, I will as well" he said with a smirk, leaning in to kiss Vincent on the lips deeply, almost roughly. Then suddenly he released the grip on Vincent's hair and delivered a vicious blow to Vincent's abdomen.

Shocked as he was as Sephiroth kissed him, Vincent wasn't able to guard himself so as to prevent the blow to his stomach. Hissing as pain exploded in his abdomen, he let loose a feral growl as he pulled the silver-haired man towards him by his collar. Looking deep into jade-green eyes, Vincent narrowed his own crimson ones, "You damn bastard. Fighting dirty? I don't think you have seen me really fight dirty yet." Pulling the other man even closer, he crushed their lips together in a deep, bruising kiss.

The kiss was a duel, as much of a battle of dominance as the spar had been. Tongues duelled as both refused to give up control completely, but that simply intensified the kiss. However, Sephiroth did not forget the spar itself, and, bracing his arms against the other man’s chest, he shoved him down towards the floor roughly. Pinning him down with his arms, Sephiroth smirked before speaking,

“Give up?”

Vincent shook his head before reaching out and grabbed Sephiroth’s collar, pulling him down into a deep kiss. He had no intention of giving up dominance this easily. If Sephiroth wanted him to give up, he would have to work for it. Releasing his grip on the collar, he busied himself with removing the buttoned white shirt. It was a testament of his skill that he did not break the kiss.

Pulling himself off Vincent with slight difficulty, Sephiroth shrugged off his shirt. The spar all but forgotten, he leaned down and began to nibble on Vincent’s neck, leaving tiny teeth mark along the path. Possessiveness was always one of his weaknesses.

Vincent growled as he felt Sephiroth marked him. He narrowed his eyes and pushed the other man away from him. Gripping his shoulders, he turned the tables around and straddled the silver-haired man, pinning him onto the gym floor. He leaned down and began to suckle on a single nipple, teasing it until it was fully puckered. His hands weren’t idle either; they were busy stroking the other nipple, so that it would not be neglected. Vincent was always a fair man.

Smirking as Sephiroth moaned lowly, Vincent tugged on the black dress pants that the other man wore. Hooking a finger in the waistband, he pulled it off completely and kicked it to the side to join the shirt. He was delighted, but not surprised, when he discovered that Sephiroth didn’t wear any underwear. His smirk widened at the flushed erection rising proudly from a nest of silver curls.

‘The curtains do match the drapes, after all.’ He thought idly as he licked his lips. He smiled widely from ear to ear, the expression more suited to a predator than anything else, before engulfing it completely in one fell swoop.

Sephiroth’s iron control snapped at the move. He arched up, groaning deep in his throat as he felt a warm, wet heat engulf him. One thing he could say about Vincent Valentine: he was very talented with his mouth. Moaning slightly as he felt fingers stroking the soft skin covering his balls, he cracked an eye open, looking at the other man… who seemed to still have his clothes on. That would not do.

He dug fingers into raven-black hair, a silent signal to stop. Crimson eyes met his, silently questioning as Vincent pulled away. He mourned slightly for the loss, Sephiroth looked pointedly at his clothes. When the other man seemed to hesitate, he grew impatient. In a swift move, Sephiroth pounced on the other man, pinning Vincent underneath him again, although it was gentler this time round.

Sephiroth pulled off the black dress shirt, and began to unbutton the jeans when he saw the white, jagged scar that circled Vincent’s left arm, just above the elbow. He tentatively stroked the scar, feeling the texture of the skin change below it. It was, without a doubt, a prosthetic. He lifted an eyebrow questioningly, but it seemed that the other man was avoiding his gaze, turning his head away to stare at a random spot in the gym. He shrugged; it wasn’t really his business to pry.

Vincent felt relieved, as Sephiroth seemed to forget the matter of the scar. It wasn’t a subject that he wanted to think about, especially not now; not with someone that was still quite the stranger to him…

Sephiroth jerked down the jeans almost roughly, about to throw them towards the pile of clothes when he felt a familiar shape in the left pocket. Pulling it out, he stared at the small bottle of lube and turned, staring incredulously at the raven-haired man. Vincent smirked, voice husky as he answered the unvoiced question,

“I was a Boy Scout. Our motto was: Be Prepared.”

A wave of lust shot through him and his mouth ran dry. He opened the cap with almost hurriedly, pouring a liberal amount onto his hands, rubbing them to warm the oil. He leaned down and kissed Vincent hard, surprising the other man as he stroked the hidden pucker, pushing a finger in. His other hand was busy as well, trailing a finger through the underside of the raven-hair man’s erection.

Vincent arched up as he felt the finger entered him, but it was not enough. Arching up, his moans heightened in intensity as another finger penetrate him and began scissoring, stretching him. Opening his eyes, which seemed to have closed somehow, he narrowed his eyes and thrust back against the fingers. Patience was never his strong point, especially not during times like this.

Sephiroth trailed kisses down Vincent’s chest, distracting him as he removed the fingers. Toying with a nipple, he coated his own erection before throwing the bottle towards the direction of their clothes. As the raven-haired man narrowed his eyes in impatience, he growled slightly and pushed in completely in one stroke

A harsh, primal growl tore its way out of his throat at the tight, pulsing heat surrounding his shaft. He paused slightly, waiting for the other man to get used to this, but it was taking all of his control just not to move.

Vincent had other ideas, however, and hooked his legs around Sephiroth’s hips and rocked against him, signalling the want, the need for him to move, now. The silver-haired man complied, pulling out almost completely before burying himself in one swift, hard stroke. He changed angles with every stroke, trying to find Vincent’s prostate. As he brushed against a slight nub, he smirked. There it was…

Vincent closed his eyes, moaning wantonly in pleasure shot throughout his body at the single touch. He clenched his fists, shaking his head frantically as if to regain his lost control. Sephiroth smirked; it was a beautiful sight, made even better by the fact that he was the instigator of it.

He bent down; silver hair spilling onto midnight-black as he kissed him again, tongues sparring. He began to thrust harder and faster, feeling his climax approach. He would not, however, be the first one to come. Closing a hand around the other man’s erection, he started to pump him along time with the thrusts, eliciting more moans from the raven-haired man.

Vincent gasped as Sephiroth closed a hand around his neglected shaft, pumping him in time with his thrusts. The pressure on his groin was building and spreading towards his own body, burning him from inside while he shivered almost uncontrollably. A rough, primal growl tore from his throat as he felt his climax approaching. He had no qualms about being first. As Sephiroth thrust into him again, he threw his head back, closing his eyes as he climaxed, a harsh, incoherent scream tearing out of his throat. His body arched up until only his head and feet were touching the floor as he released his grip on Sephiroth’s hips, heels digging in as he fought to regain his control in the sea of pleasure.

Sephiroth gasped as Vincent’s inner muscles clenched around him, almost seeming to milk him. The erotic sight of the raven-haired man giving up control completely broke him. With one last, hard thrust, he gave into his release, emptying himself as he shouted, words incomprehensible.

Panting, Sephiroth collapsed on top of the other man, rolling away so as not to crush him. Silence reigned for a while, broken only by the harsh pants of both men as they tried to recover their lost control. Vincent was the first to speak, voice low,

“… We have to clean up.”

Sephiroth shrugged, “I don’t really care right now. It’s the Halloween Dance right now, and I doubt anyone would be here. And you did lock the door, didn’t you?”

Vincent nodded, turning towards the silver-haired man, “You do have a shower have, right?”

“Two, actually. We really do need to clean up. What brought that on, by the way?” Sephiroth stood, gathering his clothes and throwing Vincent his.

“You were the one who kissed me.”

“True, that…” He shrugged, “It seemed like a good idea. Shower’s this way.”

Vincent caught his clothes, following the silver-haired man towards the gym showers. Upon reaching the shower stalls, he opened the door, turning towards Sephiroth,

“I won, by the way.”

Sephiroth chuckled lightly as he, too, disappeared into a stall, “You wish, Valentine. It was a tie.”

“We must spar again to determine the winner, then?” Vincent’s smirk was almost audible.

“Of course…” Sephiroth almost laughed out loud at the suggestion. Yes, they really should spar again soon.


fics, ff7: sephiroth/vincent, ff7

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