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Comments 4

myers1978 March 29 2011, 17:59:08 UTC
You got two the same as James =D


eviljellybean88 March 29 2011, 23:29:52 UTC
that makes sense as i do have high cheekbones although you can't really see that here as i'm not smiling

poor james, i can just imagine himtaking this with the other boys then pouting when he gets mostly girls XD


myers1978 March 30 2011, 06:57:04 UTC
Yeah but he knows he is the pretty one, everyone tells him, so he should actually be honored to have gotten some of Hollywoods most beautiful women. His features are feminine, it's just the way they are put together that make it more manly, but that generator picks apart features and applies them to celebrities. He has soft pouty lips, large sweet eyes, high cheekbones, a sot face and complexion and from the side a small nose, so apart they would be very feminine.


eviljellybean88 March 30 2011, 07:04:42 UTC
yes, james' facial structure always slightly confounds me b/c i don't see how such feminine features can end up looking so masculine lol


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