Guy Flanagan

Oct 11, 2008 12:58

I'm currently trying to type this while fending off jhava's kitties so if it gets scrambled you know who to blame...

jhava and I went and saw Mimi and the Stalker last night Theatre503 in Clapham. It turned out Theatre503 is a tiny little place above a pub which suited the play very well as its a very intimate and powerful piece which would, I think have lost a lot of its impact if it had been in a larger venue. I was actually extremely surprised by how much I enjoyed the play, Guy plays two very different roles and was barely recognisable as the same person in each role. My opinion of his acting ability has risen exponentially. He's a wonderfully nuanced and powerful actor. The actress who played the role of Mimi was completely awesome as well and I shall be looking out for her in other roles as she has incredible stage presence.

After the show jhava and I went downstairs to have a drink in the bar. As I was bringing our drinks over to the table Guy came down the stairs and walked in front of me, so of course I just blurted 'Er Hi, you were really great'. He stopped and smiled and said 'thank you' and then I asked him if I could have his autograph at which point he looked very surprised and said 'yes, of course, just hang on I have to finish something'. He went over to the bar and I scuttled over to jhava with our pints. Needless to say she was grinning like a giant grinning thing at me. I honestly thought I'd blown it at that point so just sat down and mumbled about how he might come over and how I was an idiot *facepalm*

Much to my surprise Guy sauntered over shortly after and proceeded to charm the pants off both me and jhava. He signed my copy of the play, chatted about he had enjoyed doing the play, how much he wanted to do more theatre and tv work and about hiswork generally. We talked about the production and set up of the play and that fact that he was busy doing auditions for various things as he this play finished shortly. Infact he stood and chatted to us for quite some time which was hugely adorable of him.

He was very interested in where we had both come from and seemed hugely surprised that I would want his autograph. I apologised for jumping him so abruptly but I'd not expected him to just appear like that in front of me. He laughed and said that it didn't happen very often and he was as surprised as I was! I asked him if the series of 'Being Human' was going ahead and he said yes it was, infact it was being filmed at the moment. He smiled when he saw the look on mine and jhava's face when we realised what that meant.

Yeah that's right, they have re-cast the role of Mitchell and also of Annie. Russell Tovey as George is the only remaining original from the pilot. Words cannot express how much that annoys me. Guy was clearly not particularly happy about this but was extremely gracious about the whole situation. When he made to leave he took my hand and asked me my name. He's very tall and quite intense when he's looking straight at you. Beautiful eyes. jhava tells me that I held it together very well. Needless to say after he left I was a wibbling fangirl mess. Heh, he's vey lovely and even better looking in person.

So now I have a day at the lovely jhava's house and then we go see Zorro this evening in the West End. \o/ I am wondering what 'Being Human' is going to be like now since the interaction between the three original cast members was what made the pilot so memorable. We shall see. Either way Mr Flanagan has won himself another big fan and I know I shall be looking out for his next project with interest.
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