Doctor Who Drabble: Game, Set & Match

Nov 08, 2010 22:40

Title:  Game, Set & Match
Author:  Evilawyer
Pairing:  Doctor/Master (probably Ten/Simm!Master, who I haven't written in a long while and thought I'd try again, but I actually couldn't focus on them as opposed to All Doctor/Master)
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer:  These characters belong to the BBC and they don't make any money for me.
Notes:  Written for the prompt set at tw_dw_slashfest .  Also, my first ever completed attempt at writing first person, though I find it a bit disturbing that I write it first person Doctor pov.

The way it is between us? It's always a battle, but it's always a game and it's something we could never, ever do without.

Once we parried and thrust, but we never drew blood. Now we drop and volley and, while we aim for each other's heads, we never hit. You score a point, I score two. Yet somehow the game always ends up at love, underneath all the sweat. We could settle for a tie and do away with the tiebreaker, but why? What would I get from that?

Game, set and match, Master. They'll always go to me.

drabble, doctor who fic, doctor/master

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