Title: Received and Understood
Pairing: Doctor/Master overall (specifically Ten/Simm!Master), as seen by Martha
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The BBC and/or persons affiliated therewith owns the characters in this ficlet. The writer of this drabble intends no violation of any copyrights or trademarks held or protected under US, international or common law with this drabble. No financial profit is realized from the writing of this drabble.
Notes: 100 word drabble written for the prompt
message at
tw_dw_slashfest. Set during Last of the Time Lords, while Martha's watching the Master's TV show with Tom and the Professor.
The message Martha received was clear.
“Gandalf”, the Master had mockingly called the wizened husk he hovered over, but Martha saw the mad obsession in his eyes as he said it. “There is no hope,” his words said while his every movement and gesture screamed “There is always hope and there is always love but hope and love get twisted into despair and hate and this, Martha Jones, is what's left to you.”
And the Doctor, who needed only three words to tell her how to save the world, never gave her any sign that the Master's message wasn't true.