Doctor Who Drabble: "Tie"

Sep 16, 2010 19:29

Title:  Tie
Author:  Evilawyer
Rating:  PG
Pairing:  Eleven/Simm!Master
Genre:  Drabble
Disclaimer:  These characters are owned by the BBC and/or other persons or entities who are not the author of this drabble.  No infringement of copyright or trademark protected under US or international law is intended and no monetary profit is made from this drabble.
Notes:  Written for the prompt " tie" at tw_dw_slashfest .  100 words.

“This is our big reunion. This is where we fight like the worst of friends and the best of enemies. What are you staring at?”

“You. And your bow tie.”

“Bow ties are cool.”

“You tragically lack style this time around.”

“You can always turn your back. Besides, you're one to talk. Are you ever going to wash that hoodie? Or those jeans? They're a bit whiffy.”

“I'll tell you what. Since it's our reunion, I'll let you help me take them off.”

“The jeans or the hoodie?”


“You're on.”

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eleven, drabble, doctor who fic, simm!master

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