Title: from me 2 u
Fandom: RPS
Story: Highway: Victoria Station 7.2
Characters: Alan Davies and Robert Sean Leonard
michelleann68 +
evila_elf =
10_per_genre 09 Playful (fluff)
Word Count: 534
Rating: PG
Summary: Alan is bored on set, so he tries to contact Robert.
Authors’ Notes:
Where it all began:
Big table of prompts is here:
Order of the story is here:
Previous story:
Post Its Alan sat back in the chair and wanted to claw his eyes out; yet another day where his male co-star had forgotten his lines. The only reason his co-star was in this movie was that he was currently sucking the director's dick, and Alan was quite tired of watching. This whole production had been a disaster, more so than his last project, which involved a life-threatening accident. He closed his eyes and pinched his nose, smiling when he realized that that was one of Robert’s frustrated moves when he does not want to deal with something. He looked at his watch and was giddy when he realized that he didn’t need to calculate the time zone change; Robert was only a few hours away by train.
He opened his cell and decided to see if he could get his technophobe of a boyfriend into a text conversation. “Hi, Robert how RU?” he typed, then waited for a full five minutes before his phone vibrated in his pocket.
“hi, fine, busy?”
Alan smiled. Success! “No, bored, and stuck, what R U wearing?” He stuffed the phone back in his pocket and tried to focus on the drama unfolding in front of him as he waited for a reply, but his mind was firmly thinking of ways to undress Robert when he would finally had the chance. The familiar low vibration shook Alan from his fantasy and he read the newest installment:
“can u call? this is hard”
Alan had to stifle a laugh, thinking of Robert hard, in any way shape or form. He typed up the very sad news. “filming, need to stay on set, but we can txt” Alan figured that ought to keep Robert busy for a while. He tried not to think of the ways he was going to keep Robert occupied when he could finally run his fingers across quivering shoulder blades, taste his skin, the whining and forgetful co-star doing nothing to prevent his mind from wandering and his body from reacting. The vibration of the phone was appreciated for several reasons and Alan stood up to walk around a bit as he opened the phone to read the newest message:
“heading to the1ther, practic2 is 2nite. it is fun, I am tired”
Alan had to read the message three or four times before he understood it. He definitely needed to give Robert some texting lessons.
“I'll show you the meaning of tired when I am done here, get lots of rest, will see soon” Alan heard his name called and he quickly sent the message and set down the phone, not wanting the director to catch him with it again. He hurried to his mark, thinking of Robert. It might be a while till he could get back to his phone.
Finally done for the night, Alan walked over and picked up his phone, pleased to see that there were three messages from Robert:
“Looking 4ward to that”
“busy now?”
“I miss u call”
Alan looked at his watch and laughed as he read the messages. He called Robert and waited for him to pick up, still smiling. Robert was better at flirting over the phone anyway.
07.03 Opening Night