Title: In Broken Dreams - Part 2
evil_little_dogFandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist - 2003 Anime/Conqueror of Shamballa
H/C: Atonement
Rating: Teen
Warnings: 2nd Person POV. Nightmares. Gore. Mentions of character(s) death(s) (canon and O.C.). Heartbreak.
Summary: Al is the one who dreamed of returning to Risembool, but Ed goes home alone.
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Comments 2
Handlin's a great character, kudos for the 'plowed into the field' expression. XD
Winry and Al had a lot of time together, without Ed. And Ed didn't want to talk about alchemy, or Amestris, once they were away from it.
Handlin's a farmer; they're just salt of the earth (and salty) people. :D
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