Let's teach Sarah Palin about the Supreme Court! Everyone's probably heard by now of Sarah Palin, the Republican candidate for Vice President. What you may not have heard yet is that she is, as of this moment, unable to name any Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade, as evidenced by Katie Couric. Seeing as how this woman could very well be our
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"In the history of California, the economy has been defined by real estate speculators. Until last week. When the whole thing went down the shitter." - Professor Kerwin Klein
* retrieve paycheck from bookstore * take paychecks (bookstore + ice cream) with tips, Warped leftovers to the bank * get haircut * pack up overnight bag (including things for Mom, twins' birthday fishies, jeans and work clothes to be washed) * buy flowers for Mom * drive home * ??? * profit
Warped Tour today with saintawesome! Phone is, uh, with me, but not on, seeing as how I forgot to charge it when I went to bed last night. Hey, I worked eight hours on five hours of sleep, I'm allowed some retardery.
I am so not enjoying the near constant construction going on next door, nor am I enjoying my new neighbors, who have a small child that likes to SHRIEK at all hours of the day. Especially while she and her father stand directly outside my bedroom window while I'm trying to nap. Yeah, that's a good one
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