X-Files Ficlets: "Starting Point" and "Untitled"

Jul 11, 2013 06:32

Title: Starting Point
Fandom: The X-Files
Characters/Pairings: Scully
Author: evil_little_dog
Words: 100
Rating: Teen (language)
Summary: Scully’s going somewhere.
Warnings: N/A
Disclaimer: Chris Carter owns all. Except, you know, the other series mentioned.
Prompt: X-Files/any, Scully/any, starting over by allwasnew.


She knew one thing for certain - she wasn’t going back to Maine. Lobsters aside, she’d had enough of evil pretending to be china dolls.

But where did that leave her? Not Florida. No. Definitely, not Florida.

Dana Scully considered, and decided to be absolutely scientific about this. (Except she was pretty sure closing her eyes and twirling her finger over a map of the United States wasn’t terribly scientific - not that anyone would know. She certainly wasn’t sharing the information.) Dropping her finger onto the map, Dana opened her eyes.

“Eerie, Indiana? Are you kidding me?”

No way in hell.


And, an untitled ficlet for the prompt of: The Lone Gunmen, any, fundraising:

"We need money, fast," Frohike said. "Byers, empty your pockets."

"Me? Why me?"

"Because you're the only one who looks like he has any money," Langley said, rolling his eyes.


x-files, fan fic

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