So today

May 13, 2009 19:50

I mowed Mom's lawn, came home, planted four petunias. Yesterday I planted flowers at Mom's, came home, planted flowers and tomatoes here and mowed my back yard.


Since leni_ba's doing it, and artemisrae's doing it and salomesensei is doing it, I'd better hop on the bandwagon.

Alphabet drabbles: First you pick a letter and a corresponding word or expression. Then you pick a fandom I can write and a character or pairing. An example: "A is for Apple, X-Files, Mulder/Scully".

A is for "Antipathy"; FMA, Winry (ArtemisRae) Isn't Worth the Trouble Of
B is for "Bathtub/Bar"; FMA, Ed/Winry (Ishte)
D is for "Drinking Games"; Dresden Files, Harry/Murphy (Lyra) I Never
E is for "Egyptian"; BtVS, Giles (COM) Masks
G is for "Gate"; XMM, Remy (Leni) Escape
H is for "Heat"; The Dukes of Hazzard, Daisy/? (THL) Turn It Up This is a crossover that...probably shouldn't have happened. People who've read "D is for Drinking Games" may want to take a peek.
K is for "Knit"; BtVS, Willow/Tara (A2ZMom) Binding
L is for "Leverage"; X-Men, Logan/Rogue (THL) Help Me Up
N is for "Narcisstic"; FMA, Al/Mei (Dzioo) Too Many Words
O is for "Old Times"; FMA, Hoho/Pinako (Enemy to Sleep)
Q is for "Queen"; FMA, Riza/Roy (COM) Royalty
R is for "Regret"; FMA, Roy introspective? (Salome) The Weight of the World
S is for "Siblings"; Aang/Katara, Sokka (Marlex)
T is for "Terminate"; FMA, Riza, Havoc (ArtemisRae) Following Orders
U is for "Undercover"; FMA, Maes & Roy spy on Ed/Winry (Enemy to Sleep) Spying, Part 1
V is for "Voicemail"; Dresden Files, Thomas/Justine (Lyra) Leave A Message
W is for "Windchimes"; FMA, Ed/Winry; Al (Jules) Ring Out
X is for "X-Files"; BtVS, Buffy/Angel (Leni) Left Turn at Albuquerque
Z is for "Zoo"; Labyrinth, Jareth (Leni) Cacophony

Ya'll know what I write, right? And who? *grins*


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