Movie Night
evil_little_dog Rating: Anyone can read.
Disclaimer: All hail Joss!
Summary: It's too short for one of those.
A.N.: Day Eleven of my Twelve Days of FicMas! Challenge.
A.N. 2: References to Ice Age. The movie, people. Oh, and this doesn't take place in any current Known Universe. Just FYI.
The end credits rolled, finally revealing poor Scrat, the prehistoric squirrel, frozen in a block of ice and washing up on the shore of a deserted island. The ice melted and Scrat managed to escape his prison, leaving his acorn behind to chase after a coconut.
"This isn't going to end well," Giles muttered, reaching for popcorn, making a face when he realized the bowl was empty.
Lacing his fingers behind his head, Xander announced, "He reminds me of Wile E. Coyote."
"Mm, mm!" Willow nodded in agreement.
"Who's Wile E. Coyote?" Connor wrinkled his nose, feeling his youth in this group.
"Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies; a masterful creation by the Warner Brothers' cartoon studio. Only in the mid-nineties did they come up with something even close to comparison and that was Tiny Toons, which was followed by The Animaniacs and Freakazoid." Xander had this...weird expression on his face, sort of like some of the professors at college got when they were really into their text.
Giles gestured at Dawn to pass the popcorn and she handed the bowl over. "That didn't explain anything about Wile E. Coyote, Xander." Dawn turned to Connor helpfully. "Wile E. Coyote is a genius who's always chasing after the Roadrunner."
Well, at least Dawn was cuter than Xander. A lot cuter. "Genius...and Scrat's a genius?"
"Wile E. is a super genius," Xander intoned solemnly, making Willow laugh. Dawn made some exasperated noise and Giles shook his head, saying he was going back into the kitchen for more popcorn before the next movie.
Yeah...there really was no understanding these Sunnydale people, Connor thought. He was really gonna yell at Dad for dumping him off here while he and Spike went out with Buffy to talk to someone named 'Willie' about something. Dawn's knee brushed against his and...okay, maybe it wasn't quite so bad. But he was sure he'd hear about it if he suggested dating Buffy's little sister.
"Potty break," Xander announced, getting to his feet and exiting the room, leaving Willow, Connor and Dawn behind.
Waiting to make sure Xander was out of earshot, Connor lowered his voice. "I did notice something about this movie."
"Really? What?" Dawn leaned closer to him. Well, that was distracting. Willow gave him a knowing look that Connor did his best to ignore.
"The three main characters?" He grinned, really enjoying this. "Manny, Diego and Sid? Don't they remind you of Angel, Spike and Xander?"