(Sastiel Mini Bang) The Start of Something by safiyabat (Sastiel)

Oct 03, 2014 18:43

For the sastiel_bigbang!

Thanks to safiyabat, for letting me illustrated her story, and thanks to the mods in the big bang for running this another year :D

The Start Of Something

Characters & Pairing(s): Sam/Cas. Sam, Castiel, Flagstaff, Hannah, Dean, various angels
Rating: T
Warning(s): Suicidal ideation, depression, graphic violence, Mark of Cain!Dean
Summary: When Dean's soul doesn't ascend to Heaven, Castiel realizes that the Mark had more of an effect on Dean than he'd hoped. He seeks out Sam, only to find him less than open to angelic assistance. Together they must work to find Dean and save his humanity. In doing so, Castiel finds that he's been overlooking something that's been right under (okay, over) his nose the whole time. Even realizing his affections for Sam, however, might not be enough to bring the pair together.





@art: comision, +fandom: supernatural rps, @art: sastielbb

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