(no subject)

Jan 24, 2008 16:44

I'd like to make an announcement to all of you that whiterthensnow will be joining me in the moderating of this community. I hope you will all welcome him. I'm very excited to be working with him in the future.

Cap Submmissions: 03
Hush Submmissions: 01

This week's challenge is in memory of the late actor, Heath Ledger

Weekly Capture Challenge: Heath Ledger

Rules of the Capture Challenge:

* You may use only the pictures found above.
* No blending with outside pictures.
* Text is allowed.
* You may submit up to 2 icons.

Hush Challenge: Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams

Rules of the Hush Challenge:

* You may use either the pictures above or one of your own, but it must feature heath ledger and michelle williams.
* Words are not allowed (no tiny text, either).
* Animation is allowed.
* You may submit up to 2 icons.

Hunt Challenge:

The Hunt Challenge has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

Rules of the House:

* All icons must be 100x100 and under 40k in gif, jpg or png format.
* Remember to include the URL and the SRC when posting.
* Submit in a comment.
* 2 icons per challenge.
* Try to keep all your challenge icons under ONE post, labeling which ones go to each contest.
* Do not show your icons to anyone else until after the contest is over.
* DEADLINE: Wednesday, February 6 at 3 pm, pacific time zone.
** See time zone here.

Submission Template:

Capture Challenge:
URL:(your icon link)

URL:(your icon link)

Hush Challenge:
URL:(your icon link)

URL:(your icon link)

hitz_girl will be taking care of banners this challenge.