I'd been suffering from a bit of 'iconer's block' for well, a couple of months really, until the other day when I got going and couldn't really stop. I didn't mean for this entry to get so big. D: A bit of Buffy nostalgia is also to blame (that was really fun to icon, I don't know why I haven't done it more. I'd like to do Friends sometime too).
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Comments 67
You are definitely one of the best icon makers on LJ!
And 13 is definitely my favourite out of this batch. But I also love these icons:
40: The cropping is awesome *-*
102: I love the colours and the crop. I've never seen an icon of that Nathan cap cropped like this <3
127: I just can't help it, I LOVE icons like that. One/Two people and nature in a wide crop: Perfect!
141: Again, the above! And the texture on it = ♥
There's only one icon I don't like so much, because of the texture. It's 108. Without it, I believe, it would have been as pretty as the others.
+ I thought it would be better to tell people, what I like about particular icons, because then you know which go down well with the people and you can see that someone not just took a quick look, but took some time.
I think people comment on so many icon posts and don't always feel like writing a lot..
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