the way he says "love blossoms" with his little eye roll of sorts really leads me to believe that it is indeed Daryl that is getting the love attention this season. And I do believe that Carol would be in the running for that or the whole lead up in their relationship in Season 2 was a complete waste of time/energy. Don't you think? But I'm scared, too. I know this is a Zombie show and people die. And I know they will not kill Daryl Dixon because well, that's just a given, right? But Carol (Melissa McBride) is a secondary character that only gets guest star credits no matter how much air time she gets so...what's stopping them from killing her? I just hope that when/if the time comes, that it's worthy of her and it only creates character growth for Daryl when it happens. Because there is always fanfiction to keep her alive in for me!
I hope it means that Daryl and Carol do start a relationship together but i would be so gutted if they hooked up, fell in love and then they killed Carol off, it would be devastating
Comments 8
I hope Carol doesn't die but if she does I think that would open up a whole load of emotions in Daryl.
Surely they can't kill off everybody.
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