Leverage- The Maltese Falcon Job Tag (1/1)

Feb 19, 2012 16:54

Title: The Maltese Falcon Job Tag
Fandom: Leverage
Author: everybetty
Word Count: 4 k
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, h/c
Summary: Missing scene from the end of The Maltese Falcon Job.

Written for thefifthchevron for her generous donation to help_japan.

This is my first Leverage fic so concrit welcome. Thanks to my betasastridv and kristen999.

The Maltese Falcon Job Tag )

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Comments 16

astridv February 19 2012, 23:57:17 UTC
Yay, it's there! I've been looking forward to this.
Welcome to the fandom, I hope you'll write more!:)


everybetty February 27 2012, 04:47:27 UTC
Thank you again, for your insightful beta work and for reccing the story. It made my first swim in these new waters much easier!


errant_evermore February 20 2012, 00:43:28 UTC
Shoooot, I really hope you're planning on sticking around, because for a first fic that's pretty much as close to perfect as you can get! This is brilliant, and I love love love the family dynamic and the voice and everything. <3


everybetty February 27 2012, 04:48:29 UTC
Aw, thank you for such great praise! I really enjoyed it and have a new fic plotted put. Thanks for the great welcome!


scout_lover February 20 2012, 00:45:08 UTC
Oh, now this was lovely! I could very much see this happening.

Welcome to the fandom!


everybetty February 27 2012, 04:49:31 UTC
Your icon is lovely! Thanks for the kind words and welcome!


tassosss February 20 2012, 00:46:00 UTC
here via astridv

This was lovely! Just what the end of that ep needed.


everybetty February 27 2012, 04:50:15 UTC
Thank you! I do love a tag to an episode that cries out for one!


abvj February 20 2012, 02:01:29 UTC
This is just astounding. Truly wonderful. You've nailed the dynamics.


everybetty February 27 2012, 04:51:01 UTC
Thank you! The team dynamic is exactly what drew me to this show, so that's awesome to hear!


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