editing screenshots the [new] eversims way

Jun 29, 2012 15:15



    1. "Holy Colours, Batman!" : the main action, consisting of layers that brighten and add vibrancy to the image.
    2. HCB - selective colouring : actions that adjust certain colours depending on which you choose.

    LARGER VERSION & UNEDITED S2                //                LARGER VERSION & UNEDITED S3
    • This set does not include cropping, resizing or sharpening as part of the actions. Ideally one would crop the image, add the action(s), then add an unsharp mask layer (filter > sharpen > unsharp mask), resize the image and add a sharpening layer.
    • Also not included is the radial (grey - two shades) gradient layer that I add after using the HCB action. If you're curious, I simply drag the gradient layer over the image and set to overlay, 80-100%. E.T.A: I accidentally did include this as part of the download, but it's still not quite right, so I would suggest skipping over/deleting HBC - part 2.
    • If you find your image is a little too bright, go to edit > step backward and it will undo the flattening, thus allowing you to adjust the opacity of the curves layer.
    • Have fun with these! Pick them apart, use them all the time or sporadically, leave them in a folder to gather virtual computer dust -- whatever you like. Just let me know if there are any problems and enjoy! :)

    • Use a screenshot program - such as Fraps or Gadwin - rather than the in-game camera to take your screenshots.
    • Always edit your image before resizing.
      1. Duplicate the background layer
      2. Set to screen, 30% opacity
      3. Add a new layer (#1)
      4. Colour fill/Bucket fill layer #1 with #bbbbbb
      5. Set layer #1 to soft light or overlay, 50% opacity
      6. Add a new layer (#2)
      7. Colour fill/Bucket fill layer #2 with #d1d1d1
      8. Set layer #2 to soft light, 10-15% opacity
      9. Flatten the image
      10. Add a curves (lighter r-g-b) layer, adjusting somewhere between 80-100% opacity, depending on how bright you want your image; here's an image of the settings / roughly where the 'dot' should be
      11. Flatten image once again
      12. Add a layer of vibrance, amount 100 in Photoshop. Replicate with saturation, 20-30% (or thereabouts). Leave on normal
      OPTIONAL (post saturation):
      1. Add a new layer
      2. Select gradiant (black/grey/white colouring) and change the shape to radial
      3. Drag over image so that the lightest part of the gradiant is in the middle, or alternatively where the light source of your image is. Preferably have the two colours of you gradient being two different shades of grey
      4. Proceed with step #1

      ++ The wonderful ohbehave007 made "Holy Colours, Batman!" into a PSP script!
      How cool is that? You can download it here. :D **

      * These steps may need to be further adapted to certain programs that you may use to edit. I tested it quickly in GIMP and it seemed to work much the same as the main "Holy Colours, Batman!" action. Fiddling around should do the trick, but feel free to send me a message if something seems not quite right. :)
      ** In relation to the PSP script: just in case the curves doesn't hold the "curve" the settings are Output: 125 Input: 103

      ☂ editing

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