Title: Tragic Lives; Part III Author/Artist: Evergrn. Series: Ouran High School Host Club Pairing(s): Kyouya/Haruhi Rating: PG? Warning(s): Spoilers for Episode 8, Chapters 8-9? A/U like woah. OOC. Disclaimer: I no own, you no sue.
It intrigues me that you call this set "Tragic Lives," since it feels more like triumph to me. A daring escape. They both break away from their plans and their lies and the almost inevitable tragedy of lost love just in time to find each other. I don't see what's tragic about this story at all. That said, I did enjoy it very much. Kyouya/Haruhi has always been my favorite pairing, but it is by far the hardest pairing to find a legitimate way of bringing about. For me, anyway. ...one other thing. I would really, really love to see how they convinced Ohtori Yoshio that it was a good idea for them to get married. I'm all for showing the passage of time with broad, sweeping brush strokes... but sheesh, I think that's the kind of thing you need to see to believe.
Comments 4
ohh, she passed away. T_T
And she was hella old. :)
It's sweet, but pretty much only at the end, lol..
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ponders on how their children look..
That said, I did enjoy it very much. Kyouya/Haruhi has always been my favorite pairing, but it is by far the hardest pairing to find a legitimate way of bringing about. For me, anyway.
...one other thing. I would really, really love to see how they convinced Ohtori Yoshio that it was a good idea for them to get married. I'm all for showing the passage of time with broad, sweeping brush strokes... but sheesh, I think that's the kind of thing you need to see to believe.
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