Title: Back to Chicago
clair-de-luneCharacters: Michael, Lincoln, Sara, LJ (Michael/Sara, LJ/OFC)
Categories: Gen, het
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: “Do you at least remember why you’ve fallen out with each other?” (Post-series)
Author’s Note: This is the translation of a story I wrote ages ago: anything
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Comments 2
See even though this would have been an emotional and "sad" ending to the show...it would have been a lot better then Michael just dieing!!!!
*nods* They are stubborn, which sometimes can be a good thing but in other occasions...
You don't need to kill one of your main characters to have a bittersweet ending, right? There is a whole range of options between 'dramatic' and 'all happy and fluffy'.
I'm happy you liked it. Thanks for commenting :)
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