9 June 1989, Evening

Jun 09, 2010 22:33

Meg needed to be away, just for a little while.

But, things being what they are, she doesn't want to be far away. She needs to be where people can still find her if they need to. For whatever reason ( Read more... )

winchester, kim, luc, alain

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bannion_sight May 31 2010, 01:20:10 UTC
Between the time she'd received her mother's call and now, just over half a day has passed.

In that time, Kim had made several calls and arrangements of her own before taking the first flight back over the ocean.

Once she'd finally reached the hospital, her father had given her the update on Alain's condition. John had looked grave while doing it; it's a look she recognized.

In the silence that followed the news, Deirdre had told her where Meg was to be found.

Kim hesitates at the door of the chapel, but not for long. The door makes a soft hissing sound against the carpet as she pushes it open.


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 02:34:15 UTC
"Maybe it goes with the job. Heavenly insistence?"

She nods.

"Okay. That's good, at least."

A pause, and Kim adds, gently,

"Do you want to talk about it?"


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 02:39:59 UTC
"I don't really know what to say.

"I can't even think about it, except that I can't not think about it, either, and I hate making everyone worry, and I hate being worried myself and I feel like there's something in my chest squeezing my lungs, like I can't get enough air or something.

"And I have no idea what I'm going to do if he doesn't wake up."


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 02:57:05 UTC
"Oh, Meg," she says again, and squeezes her good shoulder lightly. "You're not making anyone do anything, I promise. It's not your fault that we're worried."

Kim bites her lip, and nods. She knows.

"There's still hope. And whatever happens... you won't be alone."


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 03:05:17 UTC
"I know," she says.

Except . . . except in some ways, she would.

But that's one of those things she's not thinking about.


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 03:10:21 UTC
Kim nods again, keeping her thoughts to herself.

"Want to sit back down?"


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 03:21:09 UTC
"Okay," Meg says.

"Or we can get you some coffee, if you need it?

"I know how you are about coffee."


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 03:26:21 UTC
"There has to be a cafeteria around here somewhere," Kim says.

"Why don't we get me some coffee, and you some tea, and go from there?"


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 03:31:50 UTC
Meg links her free arm through Kim's.

"It sounds like a very sensible pl--" she breaks off as the door to the chapel opens.

"Meg?" Luc asks. "Are you here-- ah, yes, you are. And this is your big sister, yes?"

Meg nods. "Kim, this is Luc. Alain's older brother."


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 03:35:31 UTC
"Hello," she says.

He looks a little like Alain, but it's their voices that are more similar than anything.

A sudden stillness forms deep within her, whispering into her inner ear; outwardly she stills as well, glancing back and forth between them once before her gaze settles on Luc, waiting.


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 03:43:20 UTC
Meg knows.

She knew the moment she saw him come into the room.

"He's awake?" she asks.

Luc's smile is wide and amused. "He's mad. And refusing to believe anyone that you are all right. It is probably good that the nurse does not seem to know French, given what he's calling her."

He looks over at Kim. "I need to borrow your sister, if I may."


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 03:52:29 UTC
Her breath rushes out of her in a relieved sigh, and Kim smiles at them both, then lets go of Meg's arm.

"Go see him," she says. "I'll tell Mom and Dad."


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 03:58:55 UTC
Meg hugs them both, Kim first, and then Luc.

"Okay," she says, turning towards the door Luc is holding open for her.

And then stops, and turns back to Kim. "Do I look okay?"


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 04:05:34 UTC
"Yes," Kim assures her.

A beat.

"Well, aside from the stylish sling you're sporting, and that cut on your cheek -- but you know what?" She's still smiling. "I don't think it's going to matter one bit."

Because really, it's the joy lighting Meg's face right now that makes all the difference in the world.

"You look wonderful, Meg. Go on."


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 04:12:19 UTC
Luc looks amused again, and a little impatient. "Your sister is right. Besides, my brother is not going to care about what you're wearing."

Which, Meg suspects, means the clothes are pretty ridiculous. Not that she doesn't know that.

It doesn't mean that Kim and Luc aren't right about the rest of it, right?

"Allons-y," Luc tells her, with a wave at the door he's holding open.

"Okay," Meg says. "I'll see you soon," she promises Kim, with a smile.

And then goes to assure Alain that she's fine.

(Because she is. Now.)


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