women love fest day six: a tribute to bitchy!Elena

Sep 15, 2011 11:47

okay, so I was capping all of my favourite bitchy!Elena moments FOR FUN TIMES, and then… Well, this pretty much turned into a tribute to Those Moments Elena Out-Bitched Damon And It Was Fucking Awesome. I… felt it required a tribute. /i do what i want



What the hell? I don't know what game you're trying to play with Stefan here, but I don't want to be part of it. And I don't know what happened in the past, but let's get one thing straight... I am not Katherine.

How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?

DAMON: Does it get tiring being so righteous?
ELENA: It flares up in the presence of psychopaths.

DAMON: Elena... Would you like to dance?
ELENA: I would love to. (To Stefan) May I have this dance?

DAMON: You're ignoring me
ELENA: The 6 missed calls? Sorry. My phone's dead.

Yeah, no dialogue is even necessary. NO REGRETS, JUST AWE.

Right. I forgot that I was speaking to a psychotic mind who snaps and kills people impulsively.

OK, I capped this scene already, but the bitch!face is IN ITS PRIME here, so. ::hearts 'n' flowers::

DAMON: Where’s John?
ELENA: He’s not here, he left. I don’t know where he went. He just blew in, announced to Jenna that he’s my dad and then took off.
DAMON: It’s public knowledge now?
ELENA: Apparently.
ELENA: You know, Stefan thinks that he’s telling the truth about wanting to help me
DAMON: Do you believe him?
ELENA: No. I don’t believe him for a second
DAMON: Me neither.
ELENA: What are we gonna do?
DAMON: Kill him.
ELENA: Damon…
DAMON: I’m joking. Okay, I’m a little serious.

OK, this episode is more about Damon and Elena directing their bitchitude towards another bitch, but still. MARVELLOUS.

JOHN: You’re not leaving this restaurant
ELENA: You can’t tell me what to do
JOHN: Yes I can. You want to know why? Because I’m here to make sure you stay safe
ELENA: I’ve got that covered
JOHN: Are you talking about the deal that you made with Elijah?
Do you really think he’s gonna keep this promise to you? Putting your faith in him was a dumb move.
ELENA: Are you saying I should put my faith in you? After everything that you’ve done to Damon and Stefan?
JOHN: We had our difference and I’ve made mistakes but you and I , we’re family
ELENA: You don’t get to use that word. That word is off limits to you!
JOHN: Fine, but it doesn’t change the facts
ELENA: You’re right. Facts are facts so listen up:
you may be my father but I’m never going to be your daughter, you got that?

Awwww, Elena being rude to her dad like a quintessential teenager. *sniff*

ELENA: Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?
STEFAN: I would love to. Thank you.
(He enters. Elena looks at Damon.)
DAMON: What are we, 12?
ELENA: One of us is.

Heh, the best part of this is probably Elena grinning at Damon's back after letting him in. You play that bitch, gurl.

KLAUS: Thank you, Elena
ELENA: Go to hell.

Elena's months of good practice bitching out jerkass vampires truly pays off here! I'm so proud.



all the fictional women you hate, i stan therefore i am, ■ the vampire diaries, photoshop how does it work

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