Dear Tipper Gore,
[and all other advocates/organizers of the Parental Advisory Explicit Content label]
Why, for the love of David Tennant's freckles, did your program label Thom Yorke's The Eraser' with your stupid scarring label?
Really. The only offending lyrics I can think of are the repeating refrain, "And it's fucked up, fucked up," in Black Swan, but it's freaking Thom Yorke saying it, and he's saying it with no anger at all; it's an admittance. And I've seen a LOT more F-bombs go by without notice. Like, say, on Pablo Honey.
Yes. Harrowdown Hill is about death, a possible murder, but it is in now way graphic, it is sad and beautiful and futile. And if you labeled every song about death as having Explicit Content, well, you'd have a lot more labels than actually exist.
I am on the verge of getting really angry here, because I absolutely can't understand any reasoning behind this.
And when I was a kid I didn't care about the Parental Advisory label, I thought it was something cool to sneak past my parents, I wore the label as a badge of bad-assity, but right now all I see it as is a badge of stupidity, and censorship.
There is no justifiable reason for this album's label. It's a scarring label, like I said above, and some people won't buy it because they will assume it's offensive. That is absolutely ridiculous.
Big old sneer in your direction,
I worked an 8 AM to Noon half shift today, which was all sorts of awesome because I got to grab a copy before opening and put it aside with a hold slip. I bought it as I was leaving, and now I get to chill out and watch more Doctor Who.
By the way, as of my last
post I was into The Long Game. Yesterday I watched Father's Day through The Parting of the Ways, The Christmas Invasion and the Children In Need special, and the first four episodes of season two. And only stopped because my copy of Rise of the Cybermen was broken. So, in less than twenty four hours I watched the last seven minutes of one episode [WWIII], 12 other episodes, an hour-long Christmas special, and a seven minute special. I think I get makeup points for the YEAR+ it's taken me to get through the first five episodes. I really think I broke my personal record for most episodes of a show consumed in 24 hours.
I *was* going to go to the beach today after work, but hey, apparently West Marin is all socked in with fog. What a surprise. < /sarcasm >