Sorry for the delay, but here are the last two pages of Bedtime Story.
Thank you to all of you who came here and left an encouraging comment, it is very much appreciated.
A special giant thank you goes to
cycnus39 for her support and constructive criticism, and of course, for writing this inspiring story in the first place. All the hours I spent poring over its sentences have only made my admiration for the intricate composition, the powerful images and the precision of the language grow even more.
I hope my pictures can give you back half the joy and thrill I get from your stories, Cyc!
Pages 1 to 3 are
Pages 4 to 7 are
Pages 8 to 10 are
here. The original story by
cycnus39 can be found
Please note that the story as well as the pictures contain nudity, sexual acts and implied violence and are therefore rated Adult and NSFW.