Opinions needed! And searching for a co-mod

Jan 27, 2008 13:56

Hi guys! I just need some opinions:)

First of all, I was thinking of having a comeback challenge for this round. It is a challenge where all eliminated/disqualified members get a second chance of entering an icon, and the winner of this gets back in the challenge.
We will have a comeback challenge for challenge 8.

Second of all, I was thinking that it maybe would be nice with some more variations for challenges. I've just randomly stumbled by a community, fixthisicon , and I thought it would be fun to have a similar challenge here too. Here is an example of a challenge that they had over there. Feel free to ask questions if there is anything that you didn't understand:)

Soo, please fill out the form, and I'll go with whatever the majority of you want.

Do you think we should have a comeback challenge?
Would you like to have a special "fix this icon" challenge for challenge 5?
Do you have any ideas for future special challenges, just for variations?
Anything else?

And third, I think it is time that I get a co-mod over here. I have had many times when I haven't been able to post because of school or other things, so it would be nice to be two! You don't have to be super experienced (I know I wasn't when I first started this community!), but it would be nice if you aren't super technically challenged either:P
If you are interested, please fill out this form:

Do you have any experiences running a community?
Do you know how to post challenges/votings/, how to tag etc.?
How long (roughly) have you been a member of evangeline_lims?
How often do you visit LJ and have the opportunity to post?
Anything else you think I should know?

Thanks in advance for taking the time!! Hope I didn't forget anyting:)


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