Fic: Holiday In The Sun - Day One

Jan 01, 2007 23:22

There are six parts of this PWP series altogether. It was already posted over at worlds_finest a few weeks ago. I'm going to re-post all six parts in my journal now. So stop me if you've heard this one...

I should warn you, this is straight-up porn. You've been warned/promised.

Title: Holiday In The Sun: Day One
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Disclaimer: If only I owned these guys...
Notes: For the worlds_finest "In Heat" Challenge. Filthy PWP.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Superman gets all hot and bothered after a trip to the Sun. Bruce takes the heat.
Word Count: 1244

"Batman, it's Oracle. Are you there?"

"Batman here. Did you get anything off of that disc I gave you?"

"Eventually. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about not being able to crack it yourself. The programming is ingenious."

Bruce stood half-dressed in the cave, preparing to go out for the night. Where he would go depended largely on what Oracle found on that disc.


"I think you should probably see it for yourself."

"I'll be there shortly." As he said it, Bruce felt strong arms wrap around him from behind, and hot breath on his ear.

"Tell her you'll be a little late," said an unusually seductive voice.

Bruce moaned as warm lips pressed hard against his neck, sucking under his jawbone.

Oracle's concerned voice came through the earpiece. "Batman, are you alright? Where are you?"

"Tell her you're in good hands," Superman breathed as he moved one hand down Bruce's bare chest, another up his thigh.

"I'm fine," he said as evenly as possible, "Batman out."

Superman spun him around and took his mouth as soon as the comm link was broken. The kiss was hard and possessive, and Bruce's cock responded immediately. This was a new side of Superman. Usually Clark was tender, hesitant, even nervous during their encounters. Now it was like Bruce was being kissed by pure fire, dangerous and unyielding.

Suddenly it clicked.

"You've been to the Sun," he managed to gasp before Clark could attack his mouth again.

"Mmmm...good guess," Clark murmured, holding Bruce's head in his hands. His blue eyes, almost florescent, were eying Bruce as if he were dessert. "I've got a lot of excess energy that I need to burn off."

Bruce wanted to say that now wasn't a good time, but his cock was telling him that now was a great time, and it was hard to ignore logic like that.

"You know," Clark said in a low voice, moving his hands slowly down Bruce's sides, "We've never fucked in the Batcave."

Bruce was hearing things. There was no way Superman just said "fuck." As a verb. In his ear. In the Batcave.

"I didn't know you knew that word, Clark," he said, his voice hitching as Clark's tongue ran across a nipple.

"I'm going to show you how well I know that word, Bruce," Clark's voice was low and commanding, and was making Bruce absolutely fucking crazy.

"In here?" Bruce asked, closing his eyes and feeling all sense leave him. He relaxed his body and let Clark do whatever he wanted with it.

"Oh yes," Clark said, grabbing Bruce by both hands, "I've been thinking about this the whole way back from the Sun. And that's a long trip, even for me. I know exactly what we're going to do."

He pushed him onto the hood of the Batmobile, placing Bruce's outstretched arms on the windshield above his head.

"Keep them there," he ordered as he slid his hands down to Bruce's waistband. With one fluid motion Bruce's tights were removed, leaving him naked on the hood of his car.

"Even better than I imagined," Clark whispered as he stood above Bruce, running his eyes over him. Bruce saw Clark's tongue poke out and wet his lips. Bruce shivered against the cold metal of the car, but more from anticipation than temperature.

Clark removed his own cape, and slowly removed the rest of his costume, dropping each piece on the floor behind him. He never took his eyes off Bruce. Just stared at him with an intensity that came close to making Bruce uncomfortable. At this point Bruce was so aroused it would take Clark suddenly growing horns and a tail to make him uncomfortable. And even then...

Clark was completely naked, his skin almost glowing. Bruce reached out a hand to touch him, but found his arm back above his head before he barely moved it.

"I said," Clark spoke slowly, "Keep them there." His voice was teasing, but had an edge that made Bruce decide that he wouldn't try moving his arms again.

"Bruce, you should see yourself right now," Clark said, still looming over him, "I've never seen anything more beautiful in my whole life." He smirked, "I suppose you will be able to see yourself later. There's no shortage of surveillance cameras in here. Now you'll have something interesting to watch."

Bruce made a squeaking noise that would have been embarrassing, but he was far beyond that now. He needed Clark to touch him, if he wasn't allowed to touch Clark. He needed contact. He needed release. He feared for what was left of his sanity.

Clark's mouth collided with his own. He felt a hand slam against the car next to his shoulder. That would be a dent. Not that he cared. About anything. Other than the long fingers that were finally wrapping around his aching cock.

"I'm going to fuck you, Bruce. Right here on the hood of your car, in the Batcave. Is that alright with you?"

"Please," Bruce gasped, "Yes."

"You've thought about this too, haven't you Bruce?"

"Yes," Bruce grunted, although maybe in his fantasies Clark was the one spread out on the car. He had never even considered their positions reversed, with Clark taking control and making Bruce beg for it. Bruce was upset with his imagination for holding out on him.

Suddenly there was lubrication from somewhere. Didn't matter where. Lord knows Clark probably brought it with him. Always prepared. Bruce felt slick fingers press against him, press inside him. His mouth fell open, letting out a noise between laughter and pain. One long finger hit a spot inside him that made his cock jerk and his teeth clench. He needed more.

"Clark, please. I'm ready. I need you..."

Clark pushed slowly inside him, filling him. As Clark started moving, Bruce knew he wasn't going to last long. It was just too much, this lecherous version of Superman, over-charged on pure sunlight, kissing Bruce and fucking Bruce like everything in the world depended on it. Bruce's mind was gone. The whole world could crumble away and die, leaving nothing but Clark fucking him on this car, and that would be fine.

He shuddered at his own dark thoughts. Clark pushed harder, deeper, his eyes fixed on Bruce's own.

"I want to touch you," Bruce said.

Clark nodded silently, his eyes closing as he gave permission. Bruce grabbed handfuls of Clark's hair and pulled their mouths together.

"Fuck, Bruce," Clark said, "This is so perfect. You're so perfect."

Bruce cried out as he came, his voice echoing off the walls of the cave.

Strong hands held Bruce's hips as Clark's back arched. He felt the heat of Clark coming inside him as Clark yelled Bruce's name.

Clark collapsed on top of Bruce, kissing him feverishly again and again.

"So beautiful, Bruce," he murmured between kisses, "Love you."

Bruce wrapped his arms around the Man of Steel. They stayed like that for a few silent minutes, just breathing.

"I have to get out there," Bruce said finally.

"I know," Clark sighed, pushing himself off of Bruce, standing.

"Do you plan on visiting the Sun again anytime soon?" Bruce asked, his mouth twitching upwards, as he sat up.

Clark smiled as he pulled his suit on, "It was an extra long visit this time. I still feel like I have some energy to burn off."

Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"God help me."

On to Day Two!

superman/batman, challenge, fic

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